Here are some data from Siiri Rootsi, Chiara Magri, Toomas Kivisild et al., "Phylogeography of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup I Reveals Distinct Domains of Prehistoric Gene Flow in Europe,"
American Journal of Human Genetics 75:128–137 (2004).
Italian (northern Italy):
5/194 = 2.6% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
2/194 = 1.0% I2a-P37(xI2a1-M26)
2/194 = 1.0% I2b1-M223
9/194 = 4.6% I-M170 total
Italian (central Italy):
2/196 = 1.0% I-M170(xI1-M253, I2a-P37, I2b1-M223)
4/196 = 2.0% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
2/196 = 1.0% I2a1-M26
6/196 = 3.1% I2b1-M223
14/196 = 7.1% I-M170 total
Italian (Calabria):
3/148 = 2.0% I-M170(xI1-M253, I2a-P37, I2b1-M223)
1/148 = 0.7% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
1/148 = 0.7% I2a-P37(xI2a1-M26)
1/148 = 0.7% I2a1-M26
2/148 = 1.4% I2b1-M223
8/148 = 5.4% I-M170 total
Italian (Albanese[
sic] origin):
1/78 = 1.3% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
1/78 = 1.3% I2a-P37(xI2a1-M26)
3/78 = 3.8% I2b1-M223
5/78 = 6.4% I-M170 total
Italian (Apulia):
1/78 = 1.3% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
1/78 = 1.3% I2a-P37(xI2a1-M26)
2/78 = 2.6% I-M170 total
Italian (Sicily):
4/51 = 7.8% I-M170(xM26?) total
Italian (Sardinia):
58/142 = 40.8% I2a1-M26
2/142 = 1.4% I2b1-M223
60/142 = 42.3% I-M170 total
Italian(xSardinia, Sicily, Arbëreshë) total:
5/616 = 0.8% I-M170(xI1-M253, I2a-P37, I2b1-M223)
11/616 = 1.8% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
4/616 = 0.6% I2a-P37(xI2a1-M26)
3/616 = 0.5% I2a1-M26
10/616 = 1.6% I2b1-M223
33/616 = 5.4% I-M170 total
It seems that the density of the distribution of haplogroup I in Italy is among the lowest in Europe. It is also interesting that the Arbëreshë seem to have a much lower frequency of haplogroup I than their ethnic brethren who have remained in Albania during the centuries of Ottoman rule, mostly due to the rarity of I2a-P37(xI2a1-M26) among the ethnic
Albanians in Italy. Perhaps the spread of I2a2-Dinaric among populations in the Balkans might have been facilitated by the territorial expanse of the Ottoman Empire.
For comparison:
Albanian (Rootsi et al. 2004)
3/106 = 2.8% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
18/106 = 17.0% I2a-P37(xI2a1-M26)
4/106 = 3.8% I2b1-M223
25/106 = 23.6% I-M170 total
Albanians (Battaglia et al. 2008)
2/55 = 3.6% I1-M253(xM21, M227, M507)
8/55 = 14.5% I2a2-M423(xM359)
2/55 = 3.6% I2b1-M223
12/55 = 21.8% I-M170 total
Albanians (Battaglia et al. 2008)
3/64 = 4.7% I1-M253(xM21, M227, M507)
1/64 = 1.6% I2a-P37.2(xI2a1-M26, I2a2-M423)
6/64 = 9.4% I2a2-M423(xM359)
1/64 = 1.6% I2a1-M26
11/64 = 17.2% I-M170 total
Balkan Albanian total (Rootsi et al. 2004 + Battaglia et al. 2008)
8/225 = 3.6% I1-M253(xI1b-M227)
33/225 = 14.7% I2a-P37.2(xI2a1-M26)
[Compare with 1/78 = 1.3% I2a-P37.2(xI2a1-M26) in the "Italian (Albanese origin)" sample of Rootsi et al. 2004]
1/225 = 0.4% I2a1-M26
6/225 = 2.7% I2b1-M223
48/225 = 21.3% I-M170 total
It seems that
Albanians in the Balkans have average European levels of haplogroup I-M170, mostly due to the fact that about 15% of them belong to haplogroup I2a, whereas
Albanians in Italy, like the Italian population in general, exhibit a very low frequency of haplogroup I-M170. Now it needs to be determined whether haplogroup I has become rare among the Arbëreshë due to mixing with Italians in their new homeland (mainly Calabria and Sicily in southern Italy), or whether haplogroup I has become common among
Albanians in the Balkans due to mixing with other subjects of the Ottoman Empire. At first glance, the Ottoman hypothesis seems more plausible to me, but I need data on the composition of the rest of the Y-DNA pool of the Arbëreshë.
ЈА! На читај офцо!
Треба да ти е јасно, дека овде не се сите глупави како тебе и не сите имаат скромно познавање...
Тебе ти се сака, да не се албанците автохтони, тебе ти се сака Пелазгите да се Белазги, тебе ти се сака само Македонците се стари на овие простори... ТЕБЕ ТИ СЕ САКА, тебе ти се овозможува тоа во МАКЕДОНИЈА, надвор од неа, никој не ти тура слама, оти ги пратам сите генетски форуми, сите генетски истражувања, и за жал ништо не се совпаѓа со твоите есктатични, имагинативни, желни и волеви доживувања...
As far as I can gather (as a non-archaeologist), the archaeological picture is remarkably clear for the Balkans. Edwin E. Jacques,
The Albanians: An ethnic history from prehistoric times to the present (1995) can be partly read online, thanks to Google. Page 11 is the crucial bit, describing the influx of Indo-Europeans into the Balkans in the Early Bronze Age which is apparent in the archaeology. I have added that reference to the article.
Mallory (my first reference re the Balkans) says that archaeologists of Albania and (the former) Yugoslavia and their colleagues in linguistics make a careful distinction between the Indo-European-speaking incomers and the later Illyrians, whom they see as a product of the IE incomers mixing with the local Neolithic population, to produce the people and languages known as Illyrian.
I see what you are asking though. Who contributed most to the genetic make-up of the various peoples speaking Indo-European languages at the dawn of history?
The incomers or the Neolithic natives in the various places settled by those incomers? I think we are some way off being able to answer that with any precision. David Anthony talks in terms of small incoming bands, but language change usually comes about through weight of numbers, and it looks to me like the genetics points that way (as I say in the article.) What else can I say? We need more aDNA studies I think.
Иситите генетичаро-историчари гледаат на овоа
Perhaps I should have put in more dates. The move up the Danube is well-attested in the archaeology, but not labelled Celtic at this point. These people would have been speaking a dialect of PIE. This is long before the Celts or the Illyrians emerge into history. The Illyrians spoke another Indo-European language, but it is unclear exactly where it fits into the family. (David Anthony simply leaves it out.)
Presumably Illyrian sprang from the same Yamnaya incursion up the Danube that eventually led to both to the Celtic and Italic languages. Yugoslav and
Albanian archaeologists trace the Illyrian culture back to the beginnings of the Early Bronze Age, when tumulus burials appear, connected to the Yamnaya steppe pastoralists. The
archaeology of Maliq,
Albania, is particularly interesting. There is an abrupt cultural break, with a new culture appearing in the Early Bronze Age (Maliq level IIIa). [I will add a quick word on this.]
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Еве магазинот, кој се занимава со ГЕНЕТИКА...
Таму некаде е и трудот на Steven C. Bird, човек кој многу добро ја разработи темата за која напишав нешто погоре..
И по логиката на нашиот лажен генетичар на форумов, и за РИМ се бореле РОМИ, и ден денес во Англија живеат Роми!
Еве еден разговор, дебата, на двајца Италијанци во врска со Албанците и Албанците во Италија(Arbereshite)...
И двата дискутанти се генетичари...
The catholic
albanians in Italy..
A rich heritage of South Italy.
They are the
Albanians fled from Turkish rule in 1450 c. .
Their language is the ancient Albanian without many Turkish words.
That is why their language is Arberesh while Albanian is the modern Sqiptar ..
The two languages are among them understandable ..
I remember that an Albanian (man from Molise) Arberesh spoke to the
Albanians and their understand.
However genetically there are differences between the
Albanians in Albania and Italy.
That is why you should always know the village of origin before making comparisons between the ancient people and the current ones.
Southern Italy was depopulated by continuous wars and raids by pirates Muslims.
That is why some areas were colonized by
Albanians especially in the mountains of Calabria .. Etc. ..
Ancient dances Italo
A moving commentary from a albanian man.. :
Arberesh music is pure albanian. Happy, joy and civilised,just how Albania was before turkish darkness. Who is saying that it looks like italian, he/she doesn'y know anything about albanian folk.We would have been dance like them, if we wouldn't have been occupied by Turks. Thank you arberesh brothers and sisters, for preserving those treasures of Albania. God bless you!First chance I have,I am going to visit arberesh villages.
Giuseppe, I think that the genetic impact of
Albanians in Italy is very low. I know many "Arberesh" and they have above all Italian surnames. During the centuries they married with people of the neighbouring places and, please, don't make of the "Arberesh" the new Wandering Jew ( re this, read Shlomo Sand,
Matai ve'ech humtza ha'am hayehudi ).
Ec ma t'enZon.
Surely the Arberesh it will be mixed with the italian people nearby.
But some areas were heavily colonized by
There would never have been able to maintain their own language if they had not been mostly
Albanians and also for centuries in isolated mountain villages.
Whether they speak the ancient Albanian is true ..
I have known several Arberesh from Calabria and Abruzzo and I confirmed that the Sqiptars generally understand their dialect.
From the Albanian scholars the arberesh language is considered the residue featured ancient Albanian language before the Turkish conquest.
I visit Albania and also arberesh village in Calabria...... The Arberesh visage etc.. and their appearance is not dissimilar to that of the
Albanians of Albania.
Family names
Albanians in Italy were italianized in very recent times ..
I remember that one who calls Kapizzan. Was Italianized in Capizzano in the thirties.
This absolutely does not want Arberesh say that the Italians are not the same way as the Valdostans or Friulian ..
I think we are able to recognize the Albanian surnames, also Italianized: Belluscio is of Albanian Extraction, but my friends Panella, Scalzi, and infinite others not.
Non vorrei che, ora che hanno smesso di vedere negli Italiani i Fenici, gli Ebrei, gli Arabi e anche gli Spagnoli dello svanito rifugio Franco-Cantabrico, tu tirassi fuori qualche altro popolo strano. Gli Albanesi, poi, sono stati per cinque secoli "Romani", e la loro lingua è piena di parole latine. Forse tu non vedi in "mbret" e in "shpi" i latini "imperatorem" e "hospitium", ma io sì, che sono glottologo di origine.