Што и да мислевте,еве ви го објаснението ама на англиски....јас го разбрав и ќе го разберат и повеќето.А тие што не знаат Англиски нека прашат некој да им преведе дека мене дефинитивно ме мрзи
Okay, well now this says that there is one extra space, but why is there a hole? This is simply because the two shapes, while forming a rectangle of area 15 in the first triangle, still have a combined area of 15 in the second. Why? The way the shapes were separated allows them to be combined so as to look like a 8 x 2 rectangle, but, since you can't create extra area that didn't exist before, the shapes naturally have a "hole
The reason it works is because in neither arrangement is the resulting shape a triangle. The shape is nearly a triangle, but the 'hypotenuse' is not a straight line, so it is actually a quadrilateral.
The angle at the bottom left of each coloured triangle, theta can be worked out by taking the inverse tan of the (height of the triangle / base).
The small triangle has a base length of five and a height of two => theta = inv tan (0.4) = 21.8deg
The larger triangle has a base of eight and a height of three =>
theta = inv tan (0.375) = 20.6deg
So, when the little triangle is top right of the large 'triangle', its 'hypotenuse' is concave. When the big triangle is on top, the 'hypotenuse' is actually convex.