Новата држава Европска Унија

Член од
4 март 2007
Поени од реакции
Gledam,citam se raduvam....... EU -drzava, unitarna .....
Ama toa ne moze da bide......
Kako da veruvam koga nekni,eve sega pred oci uste mi stoi Merkel fino rece deka se protiv Superdrzava Evropa,dovolno im zadirala Evropa vo nacionalnite interesi,mnogu pari davale......
Kako ova ke pomine vo zemjata-motor najgolem izvoznik vo svetot,ciisto gradjani edvaj cekaa da se pojavi partija sto ke ja vrati markata kako edinstveno platezno sredstvo.
Kako ke pomine ova doma?
Ke ispadne kako Milosevic rabota,cim prespie so Mira i se cue so popot -
pu pu ne vazi??

p.s. Slusam Polska i Anglija izdejtvuvale izemanje od nekoi propisi?
Spomna nekoj Holandija?
Член од
17 март 2005
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Sevo ova e kulminacija na Shumanovata Deklaracija od 1950 godina koga se formira tnr. "European Coal and Steel Community" za da se federalizira Evropa.

Samo Irska ima svoj nezavisen stav sprema ovaa fantastichno centralizirana nova drzhava bidejkji eden golem Irec i drzhavnik, Raymond Crotty, prethodno pokrena akcija vo Vrhovniot Sud za da gi sprechi irskite politichari da go ratifikuvaat prethodniot dogovor - Single European Act - kako protivustaven.

Inaku edinstvena funkcija koja novata drzhava nema da mozhe da sprovede zadolzhitelno e odenje vo vojna; chlenkite imaat pravo "konstruktivno da apstiniraat".

Ako zememe realno, sporedeno soi SAD, Kanada, Germanija, Avstralija i ostanatite "klasichni" federacii, EU graba vlast mnogu po efikasno i po brgu vremenski -- 60 godini -- otkolku tie drzhavi. EU vekje podolgo vreme ima zname i drzhavni praznici.

No sepak problemot so legitimnosta ostanuva: vo novata drzhava nema "Evropski narod" t.e. nema "demos", sem statistichki. Reshenieto e postaveno odgore-nadole, namesto obratno, so golema centralizacija na vlasta.
Член од
22 мај 2006
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E duri sega ke pocne glavnata dupacka vo furom. :3:
Koj jazik ke go zboruvaat vasite vnuci, pravnuci itn...?
Vie ne ste sloveni neli.
Civi pravnuci od clenovite na forumov
ke se tepaat protiv civi pravnuci?

Ko ne slusa pijesmu
slusace oluju

Bada Bing!

Член од
14 јули 2006
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Европска Унија е лејм име за нешто така големо.

Еуронија. Е тоа звучи ветувачки.


Gradimo Europenis...
Europenis gradi nas!
Ke go jadat katolickiot...(po glava)
Porano ili pokasno.
Ili sto bi rekol dedo mi:
Samo poleka...ke im se skrsi i na niv kolata.:toe: :pos2:
Член од
13 јули 2006
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Постовиве се како да ги слушам некој баби на порта излезни и си разговараат за фудбалските напревари од лига на шампиони, никој појма нема што зборува!
Член од
17 март 2005
Поени од реакции
Или јас сепак би ја задржал можноста Welcome to USE
Od Washington Times denes:

Back in the 'EUSSR'

By Paul Belien
December 19, 2007

Last Thursday, the heads of government of the 27 member states of the European Union convened in the Portuguese capital Lisbon to sign the EU Reform Treaty. That "Treaty of Lisbon" is almost identical to the European Constitutional Treaty, the so-called EU Constitution, which was rejected two years ago in referendums in major EU member states.

The EU rules stipulate that treaties only become effective when they have been ratified in all 27 member states. The "no" votes in the 2005 referendums killed the constitution, which would have transformed the EU from a supranational organization of 27 sovereign member states into a genuine single European federal state with 27 provinces. It was clear from the outset, however, that the peoples of the various European states were not willing to renounce their national sovereignty for a "United States of Europe."

Nevertheless, the European leaders are determined, no matter what their electorates say, to transform the EU into a USE. As Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg, said prior to the referendums: "If the vote is yes, we will say: We go ahead. If it is no, we will say: We continue." Or as the former president of France, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, the chairman of the so-called convention, which drew up the constitution, said: "The rejection of the constitution [by the voters in referendums] was a mistake which will have to be corrected."

In order to correct the voters' mistake the reform treaty was drafted. This treaty is a copy of the constitution, with the articles in a somewhat different order, with many additions to deliberately complicate the text and without references to a national flag or anthem. As Mr. Giscard explained in June to the Paris leftist paper Le Monde: "Public opinion will be led to adopt, without knowing it, the proposals that we dare not present to them directly... All the earlier proposals will be in the new text, but will be hidden and disguised in some way."

Or as Guiliano Amato, the foreign minister of Italy and the former vice chairman of the convention, said about the document that the European leaders signed last week: "They decided that the document should be unreadable. If it is unreadable, it is not constitutional, that was the sort of perception."

The EU leaders agreed that none of the member states (apart from Ireland, which is obliged to do so under its own constitution) will hold a referendum about the new treaty. Instead, the national parliaments will ratify the treaty. "There is a cleavage between people and governments," admitted French President Nicolas Sarkozy. "A referendum now would bring Europe into danger. There will be no treaty if we had a referendum in France."

Once the Lisbon Treaty is ratified in all member states, the legal nature of the EU will change into that of a state. The national constitutions and the national parliaments will be subordinate to the EU, which will be enabled to unilaterally increase its own powers.

Europe's politicians are very eager to sell out their national sovereignty to the EU because the Brussels-based EU governing bodies are either unelected (the commission) or unaccountable (the council). Moreover, the European Parliament is not a real parliament. It cannot reject the so-called EU directives, which the national parliaments are obliged to incorporate into their national legislation. Even today, up to 70 percent of the legislation in the various 27 EU member states emanates from Brussels.

Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky has coined the term "EUSSR" to refer to the EU. He claims Europe is on its way to developing into a totalitarian state. In the early 1990s Mr. Bukovsky was given permission to research the secret documents of the Soviet leadership. To his amazement he found a transcript there of a conversation held during a visit in January 1989 of Mr. Giscard to then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. In this conversation the former declared to the latter that "within 15 years Europe is going to be a federal state." The USE project was delayed a bit by the 2005 referendums, but European politicians have managed to get it back on track in Lisbon. "Today's situation is really grim. Major political parties have been completely taken in by the new EU project. None of them really opposes it. They have become very corrupt. Who is going to defend our freedoms?" Mr. Bukovsky asks.

In America, the supporters of Rep. Ron Paul, the maverick Republican presidential candidate, claim that there is a growing rift between the political leadership and the people. Hence, they say, it is time for a second American Revolution.

Considering the far greater rift between the people and the governments in Europe, the need for a revolution is more urgent on the old continent than in Washington. If the EU reform treaty is ratified, ancient nations such as England, France, Denmark and Hungary will lose their sovereignty. They will be absorbed by a United States of Europe — a USE which a former Soviet dissident can only describe as an EUSSR.

Член од
14 јули 2007
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И со овој договор и без овој договор, ЕУ ќе пропадне.
Некој ќе каже, па зошто тогаш толку сме запнале за во ЕУ, па ние не запнуваме, политичарите форсираат реформи преку кои добро се краде, ништо повеќе.

Се што не е монолитно е пишано на пропаст.

Ќе биде ова вака се додека течат пари, прва голема криза и се отиде у П.М.

Македонија не е моќна, но препорачувам народов да си го чува етносот, без разлика што ќе му се наметне.
Член од
5 декември 2007
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Koga Makedonija ke stane del od novata Evropa koja se gradi so Lisabonskiot dogovor, duri togas ke se resi Makedonskoto prashanje. Makedonija pak ke bide edna geografska, ekonomska, etnicka i kulturna celina.
Член од
17 јули 2006
Поени од реакции
И со овој договор и без овој договор, ЕУ ќе пропадне.
Некој ќе каже, па зошто тогаш толку сме запнале за во ЕУ, па ние не запнуваме, политичарите форсираат реформи преку кои добро се краде, ништо повеќе.

Се што не е монолитно е пишано на пропаст.

Ќе биде ова вака се додека течат пари, прва голема криза и се отиде у П.М.

Македонија не е моќна, но препорачувам народов да си го чува етносот, без разлика што ќе му се наметне.
tokmu taka potpolno se slozuva. potrebno e mnogu povece od zacuvuvanje na etnosot. tuka bi navel tradicijata , kulturata ,i se pridruzno okolu toa.I MISLAM BRENDOT MAKEDNIJA E MNOGU POGOLEM OD EVROPA:):smir: NIE SME VO PREDNOST.
Член од
13 јули 2006
Поени од реакции
tokmu taka potpolno se slozuva. potrebno e mnogu povece od zacuvuvanje na etnosot. tuka bi navel tradicijata , kulturata ,i se pridruzno okolu toa.I MISLAM BRENDOT MAKEDNIJA E MNOGU POGOLEM OD EVROPA:):smir: NIE SME VO PREDNOST.
Па затоа на Грција толку и смета да влеземе во ЕУ и НАТО како Македонија.
Член од
4 март 2007
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Bidejki nema tema so naslov "Evropski novosti", koja e daleku od potrebna za edukacija na mladite sto se slucuva vo Evropa i kade se dvizi taa, ke ja iskoristam ovaa tema da vi prezentiram nekoi evropski vesti:

1. Od utre se prosiruva Sengenskiot prostor za novi 9 drzavi i toa Malta,Slovacka ,Ceska ,Slovenija,Polska,Ungarija,Estonija,Letonija i Litvanija.
Toa e dobar znak za Makedoncite, bidejki procedurata vo nekoi od ovie ambasadi e daleku polesna od segasnnite stari evropski zemji za dobivanje viza.

1a) Svajcarija koja ne pripadja na EU,naskoro ke vleze vo Sengenskiot dogovor. (Dokaz deka ne treba da se bide clen na EU za da se koristat nejzinite blagodeti)

2. Vcera se otvoreni uste 2 novi od vkupno 35 poglavja vo pregovorite Turcija-EU. Osum ostanuvaat blokirani dodeka ne se resi sporot so Kipar.

3. Vcera Italija isprati otvorena zakana do Hrvatska protiv aktiviranje na ZEPR(zastitna ekoloska zona za ribolov) deka ke gi blokira pregovorite vo 6 poglavja so EU. Slovenija se prikluci na zakanata.

4. Moldavija protera dva romanski diplomati,odkako Romanija odbi da go potpise medjugranicniot dogovor i premierot na Romanija izjavi deka Moldavcite se Romanci i mu ponudi na Mildavskiot premier Romansko drzavjanstvo.

5. Germanija gi odbi merkite na EU za sprecuvanje na efektot staklena
gradina, so koj se predviduvase namaluvanje na izduvnite gasovi na vozilata. Koj proizveduvac ne se pridrzuva na novite regulativi trebase da plakja visoki kazni.

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