The «ARTIFICIAL» constructed problem with the name the neighbor ... statements Bakoyiannis ... the peponoflouda of Greek political ... realistic suggestions ...
Florina / Lerin - 27 March 2009
It is known that for years operated on «smooth» cooperation between two countries both bilaterally and in international environment with «descriptive» name «ex
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia »according to the decisions of the UN in early 1991 raised the issue Greece since the independence of the neighboring country.
In principle there is no provision for using an abbreviation the «Name», FYROM or internationally or in «Intermediate Agreement »between the two countries. It is not
providing temporary use of the abbreviation «Macedonia» in Greek, or «FYROM» in English for «former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia », but provides for
full use of «descriptive» name and not «Symbols» and in bilateral and international
environment associated with the UN to settle the «problem».
But Greece «pushing» systematically beginning at different Forum, International Associations, Federations as Sport Culture, time and at international level, the Greek
abbreviation F.Y.R.O.M. FYROM or avoiding the use of «Descriptive name», as in «descriptive» The use of the word «Macedonia», (orally and writing) as the «devil Lebanese». In Greek SMEs easily see the use of Macedonia or FYROM, even geloioterou term «Fyrom», proof of the above quotation. Internationally
environment out our country and even international Unions «fishermen» or «Hunters». Representatives of the Greek state, following instructions from the Foreign Ministry and creating upsets administrations bodies, requiring a first
level or to use a second level «Descriptive name», xeftelizontas the country's image
The «-turning revelation» political blackmail of Greece against the Republic of Macedonia. It is clear that it is signed by our country (Interim Agreement), the basis of which Greece has right to prevent the entry of a neighboring country
international organizations with a descriptive name «ex Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia », like refers to the Interim Agreement. It is known that some
before «veto» NATO summit in Bucharest, used and respected by Greece in the heavily «Descriptive name» of the neighboring country (or the abbreviation abused), many years after «Finite» power limit of the Agreement in 2002. So has in accordance with Greek practice «prolonged» effect Interim Agreement informally by the «end» of power from the 2002 to present. If support or support by the Greek side (after the Hague Tribunal brought by neighbors after inhibition of entry into NATO) that has
binding agreement, because it has a finite time seven years after 1995, is untenable.
Why not respected-blocked by Greece's entry neighboring country to NATO; Why is this action reveals behind-the hidden «thinking» and «wishes» for dissolution of the neighboring country. Continuing obstruction the neighboring country on the path to participation Republic of Macedonia in EU and international agencies trying to destabilize unabated. The Greece considers «good» for the Greek policy to achieve
in order to remain outside NATO or EU neighboring country, outside of these two major political strong. The «Samaras» investing time hope «dissolve» the neighboring country, making also «prayer» of international tension-conflict (Albanian-Macedonian) for internal destabilization of Republic of Macedonia. This policy is
nationalist, manufacturing enemy, which implements the «dark Member »Greece the last two decades.
The denial of the use of constitutional name neighboring country, the Foreign Ministry supports the international environment, among others as a pretext «arguments», on «Irredentism». «Powdering policy» with arguments «Succession» on culture ancient world. Above positions are constantly in the country
for «people who eat koutochorto», chortasmenous decades from «myths» nationalistic ideology. When you dare to Greek diplomats abroad to repeat similar
«Historical» arguments receive many times, at least ironic smile. There is the shift
Foreign Ministry in recent years by the «historical argument », highlighting the alleged political «Alytrotikis» political neighbors.
Political acrobatics ...
Greece claims the last time that we should geographical intention is in front of the word «Macedonia» of the neighboring country as regards the so-called problem with
the question of Greece on the use of constitutional name the neighboring country as a «good» for «solution». Constantly at the international level that is the first «step conciliation», «megalothymi» downturn original position «no name Macedonia», where waiting from the «other». The Greek foreign policy Supports-argue that the use of the name «Macedonia» from the neighbor behind alytrotikes aspirations against Greece because «monopolize» condition «Macedonia» using the constitutional name of state. The position of the country is hypocrisy, contradiction, and danger to peace in the future for the following reasons.
Specifically, the debate proposal supposedly «retreat» of Greek policy determinations as geographical for Northern or Upper Macedonia reasonably create the association that no South or Lower Macedonia «divided». Further automatically any non-ypopsiasmenos, reasonable person, thought-would ask: Why the North and South
Macedonia is divided? Is like Vietnam or Korea; Should be «united»; It is no coincidence that irredentism in our country on the North Ipiros dreams «association» with the continent with the «Mother home », Greece. In the «Upper Macedonia» is
why the Greek nationalist ideology of the Greek ancient Macedonia, where in the Macedonian kingdom is the region Upper Macedonia today South of the country, the Republic of Macedonia. Each Greek nationalist association will do that today;
ancient southern zone of the country not «freed» against 1912-13 Balkan wars. Food nationalists to dream-acquisition integration of «Upper Macedonia» in any future proposal «solution» of localization. Of course not excluded geographical prefix to rise in the brain graphic nationalists in the neighboring country over time. I think
«Graphic» slogan-ideology by any person whatever policy is expressed in a small, poor, weak country that can not apply any megaloideatiki policy.
The name of the country «Democracy of Macedonia» is now «neutral», realistic name for the neighboring country when we speak of «technical solutions». The political
prefix «Republic of», describes state policy - entity. The international use «Republic of». It is the Ideally, it describes in very public and political entity of an independent country that has no policy areas in relation to neighboring countries, because is very simple geographical «Macedonia» (Bulgaria, Albania), the administrative - geographical areas (Greece). Not policies are state-like entities eg Federations or autonomous regions, with the same name either in Greece or Bulgaria or Albania.
In our country is simply Administrative Regions describe precisely the administrative division in northern Greece with a political-geographical prefix as the «Region
Western Macedonia »,« Central Macedonia », «Region of Eastern Macedonia», which separates the government entity in our neighborhood. Clearly not A better solution is like right now.
«Click peponoflouda» also the statements of Mrs Bakoyannis to visit U.S. on divided Macedonia. Wrong on divided Macedonia error rates even in the geographical division area of Macedonia as defined in the last century boundaries of the region.
Statements Bakogianni a similar question: Nobody ... wants to change name to anyone ... I would like to say ... Macedonia is a large geographical area. 51%
belongs to Greece, 38% belongs to Bulgaria ... I do not know exactly ... I think 27% to Fyrom and 1% in Albania ...
Sample lack knowledge of the subject-embarrassed, perhaps in mathematics, because 100% is 127%; *
General statement and the arguments Bakogianni Y.P.E.X. stability in the region, on conviction «Macedonian irredentism» conditional use geographic prefix for the neighbor is absolute contradiction Bakogianni and «Consulting».
Eventually when Mrs Bakoyannis and any stated Divisions in the separated-region, especially such debate on the Macedonian side, akrovatikes solutions classification exercises, pouring water into the mill nationalists «across». In picturesque «across» there serious and «across» here. Feed the Balkan nationalism for decades.
There is still a constant rhetoric and policy Devising enemy, political mud-against small weak, poor country. Typical political and expression of the Samaras and «Samaras». Besides revealing - statements in the newspaper Kathimerini, and channel state NET * which inter alia supports the «obstruction» of neighboring country to NATO EU with hope and investment in time, that will dissolve the Republic of
Macedonia. In this context, is not excluded except geographical terms to play with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs «new» conditions as «News» on the neighboring country by proposing a similar prefix. Quintessence selection controversy identity than the one demanding «new» identity and «new» in the language neighbors than the other in safeguarding the ancient Greece Macedonian people. Foreign Ministry wants «to a two smparo turtle-doves ». Classical archaioplikti nationalist politics. Proof of lack of modern Greek skavontas continuously in the ancient past.
Finally, the general denial of the right neighbour to use the constitutional name in bilateral or international level, and the insistence on geographical or other
«Young» definitions aimed at «rid» of neighboring country with the direct and indirect challenge to the identity of the people of the Republic of Macedonia. Is
the key issue and the quintessence of the Greek nationalist policy from 1991 to today. Refusal State recognition of their own identity and language longitudinal force applied by all political Ministers and governments today. We accept the Greece the right to self each people. No only attack against the people of the neighboring country but substantial cause no mutual among peoples, nations, states. Constitute a priori hostile policy of Greece, non-productive for the region of Balkans in general for Europe, adverse mortgage standards in our country in terms of new generations of
our fellow citizens.