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dsadadaНашиве почнаа и меѓу себе да се крадат... Или двајцата автори краделе од исто место?
Можда искористиле семпл од музиката кај Боби
In music, sampling is the act of taking a portion, or sample, of one sound recording and reusing it as an instrument or a sound recording in a different song or piece. Sampling was originally developed by experimental musicians working with musique concrète and electroacoustic music, who physically manipulated tape loops or vinyl records on a phonograph. In the late 1960s, the use of tape loop sampling influenced the development of minimalist music and the production of psychedelic rock and jazz fusion. In the 1970s, DJs who experimented with manipulating vinyl on two turntables gave birth to hip hop music, the first popular music genre based originally around the art of sampling.Often "samples" consist of one part of a song, such as a rhythm break, which is then used to construct the beat for another song. For instance, hip hop music developed from DJs repeating the breaks from songs to enable continuous dancing.The use of sampling is controversial legally and musically.
As the genre became a recorded form centred around rapping in the 1980s and subsequently went mainstream, it became necessary to pay to obtain legal clearance for samples, which was difficult for all but the most successful DJs, producers and rappers.
Aside from legal issues, sampling has been both championed and criticized. Hip hop DJs today take different approaches to sampling, with some critical of its obvious use. Some critics, particularly those with a rockist outlook, have expressed the belief all sampling is lacking in creativity, while others say sampling has been innovative and revolutionary.
Сега ќе кажат дечките од http://forum.kajgana.com/threads/Хип-хоп-културата-во-Македонија.47855/ дали е ок или не.
Само премногу се слични, како воопшто да не е преработен семплот, а со оглед дека музиката 'ја креирал' Јованов, ништо чудно - недостаток на креативност (или немање воопшто) .За разлика од Скит…Дали зеле авторски права, ќе си нагаѓаме, поголем дел сигурно претпоставуваме дека не.А можеле семпл и од странска музика, од некој непознат бенд сеедно.Cимптоматично е и потсеќањето на приказната текстот на Stan (Eminem ft.Dido), глумење психолог од страна на идолот.Омотот на албумов како спотот на 50 cent – In da club, само со белец внатре

Иначе видеото за споредбата is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Jovanov records

(И)ли :рифот е премногу сличен, само што е со побрзо темпо.