deus ex machina
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- 30 мај 2009
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Ok, Raphaël Glucksmann is now in 3rd place in the French polls for the upcoming EU elections so I think it's high time someone wrote a honest portrait of him.
He's right behind Le Pen and Macron's parties and to me he's by far the scariest character of the three. And I absolutely hate and despise both Macron and Le Pen...
Glucksmann has a very revealing personal history. He was a key actor in several US-led color revolutions and their aftermath (in Georgia and Ukraine) and his father André is an ex-Maoist philosopher turned American-asset - a so-called "atlantist" - towards the end of the cold war (you can literally read, directly on the CIA website, a report on how he defected entitled "France: defection of the leftist intellectuals":
After the cold war André Glucksmann, the father, became one of France's staunchest supporters for American military interventions. For instance in this unreal Le Monde article at the start of the Iraq war ( he wrote: "What a joy to see the Iraqi people rejoicing, celebrating their liberation and... their liberators! A few months ago, France claimed to be channeling the belligerent ardor of the United States into the 'legality' of the UN. Unfortunately, opposition to the war degenerated into systematic opposition to Washington... France put itself out of the game, ridiculed... In this respect, Tony Blair, who took the risk of confronting his electorate while remaining true to his convictions, proved to be a true head of state." Everyone can agree that this degree of apologia and sycophantism for what history will remember as one of America's greatest crimes against humanity is beyond nauseating...
Sons are obviously not accountable for their fathers' mistakes but it turns out that in this case Raphaël actually goes further than his dad: he not only systematically praises American interventionism abroad but directly participates in it!
For instance he started his career at the end of his 20s as the right-hand man to Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili after the "Rose Revolution", a US-sponsored color revolution. How does a young French man in his 20s find himself as right-hand man to a Georgian president in the aftermath of a US-sponsored color revolution? You tell me
And Georgia wasn't enough: 3 years after he took up his position with Saakashvili, he moved to Ukraine to help with the Euromaidan movement - a pro-US coup - following which his then wife Eka Zgouladze, who was a minister in Georgia, became a minister in Ukraine!
Raphaël is also, coincidently, one of the founding members of the "Cercle de l'Oratoire", a French pro-US think tank created for the purpose, I quote, of "defending US policy in the French public opinion and fighting against anti-Americanism" ('Oratoire). In other words, it's a pro-American propaganda shop.
Raphaël is systematically at the forefront of all the US propaganda campaigns. For instance he took a leading role in Mike Pompeo's "Uyghur genocide" campaign, spreading the most ridiculous pieces of disinformation that even US officials wouldn't dare to claim, for fear of ridicule. For instance here on his Instagram account ( you can see a video of him speaking at the EU parliament and claiming that the "CCP" harvests "Halal organs" from executed Uyghurs for "wealthy clients from the Gulf"...
He's obviously 100% behind Europe's belligerence:
- vis-à-vis Russia (here he is on NATO's "Strategic Communication" YouTube channel saying "we have enemies, and first of all, Putin's regime":
- vis-à-vis China (he even led a recent delegation of EU MPs on a visit to Taiwan:
- and vis-à-vis Iran (here on his Instagram account he writes that "The Iranian Revolutionary Guards must now be considered terrorists and hunted down as such":
His position on Gaza? You'll have guessed it: 100% aligned behind the American position. He writes ( "The fight against Hamas is perfectly legitimate; one has the right to defend oneself against such a terrorist organization. But we must also be able to remind ourselves of the obligation to respect international humanitarian law, the obligation to respect international law (...) true peace involves the dismantling of Hamas." Almost straight out of a communiqué of the US State Department...
Raphaël founded his own political party in France - Place Publique - in 2018 and has been an EU MP since 2019.
Immense irony - and I do mean immense! - in 2020 he was elected president of the "Special Committee for foreign interference in all democratic processes in the EU, including disinformation". The guy who is literally THE poster child for US interference and US propaganda in Europe has been put in charge of fighting foreign interference and disinformation in Europe... That's the EU for you...
Anyhow, we now have this guy in 3rd place in the French polls for the upcoming EU elections, which I find absolutely astonishing. Hopefully this will help folks make a more educated decision in their vote...