На Европската бирократија им снема пари за амбициозните цели за борба со Глобалното затоплување, одбраната и инвестиции во Вештачка интелегенција.
Затоа сега ги меркаат заштедите на граѓаните во банките, кои се 35 000 милијарди евра. Преведеното е од
"I am at the Council of Ministers of Finance in Ghent, Belgium, and I just raised a fuss because the capital markets union is not progressing. What is the capital markets union? It's the ability to mobilize all of Europeans' savings - 35,000 billion euros - to finance the climate transition, fund our defense efforts, and invest in artificial intelligence.
Since things aren't moving forward with all 27 members, I proposed that we move forward on a voluntary basis with a small number of member states to propose a European savings product in the coming months, to propose European supervision of capital markets to ensure that regulation works well, and therefore to raise several tens of billions of euros to finance our growth and prosperity.
Europe cannot economically weaken as it has been doing for several months because it does not have sufficient financial reserves. Europe cannot miss the climate turning point because it does not have sufficient financial reserves. Europe cannot miss the artificial intelligence turning point because it is unable to agree on this capital markets union and make Europeans' savings work.
35,000 billion euros lying dormant today in European bank accounts instead of fostering Europe's prosperity tomorrow, instead of financing artificial intelligence, instead of financing the climate transition, is no longer acceptable. That's the gist of my rant this morning in Ghent."
Bruno Le Maire, France's Minister of the Economy