Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
23 мај 2019
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... се засилуваат дејствата и на ОТАН и на руските сили.
Има многу видео материјал каде се гледат погодени цели...

ова е Киев,

...на приближно исто место по кратко време доаѓа и друг проектил..

(овде https://twitter.com/DrazaM33/status/1742105392220340381 истото видео само по фрејмови се говори дека настрадал патиотиштето)

За последниот напад извршен од страна на руските сили се вели дека учествувале: 16 Тупољев; 6 Миг31 а подоцна се придружила и црноморската флота со калибри.

Ни ОТАН страната не останува должна, за сега затоа што нема свои ракети говори дека некоја од руските паднала во близина на некое село Вороњеж

...затоа што сеуште има некаква ПВО одбрана патриот и с-300 а затоа што одбраната на Киев им е лоцирана во самиот град наместо на 50 км надвор од градот, каде би се формирале прстени, има и погодоци на крстаречките, а Кинжалите сите до еден ги соборуваат, па фрагменти и од тие крстаречки и од пво проектил паѓаат врз населени подрчја...
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on eastern front: Russian Army took control over new high positions northeast of Vesele while at the same time troops advanced south of the village.

  • Ми се допаѓа
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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Промени додека Кајгана беше во аут.

Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army made new advances along the railway towards Chasiv Yar. The grey area in Bohdanivka was expanded.


Situation south of Bakhmut: Russian Army continue increasing the buffer zone north of Kurdyumivka.


Situation north of Donetsk: Russian Army continue to increase the salient towards Terny by advancing 4 kilometers from the border with Luhansk oblast.


Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army advances west of the railway 1,5 Km northeast Berdychi. In addition, troops made new advances in the northern dachas of Avdivka.


Situation northwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army advanced from the northern shore of Izmailivskyi Pond and is trying to separate Ukrainian forces of the southern dachas from the rest of the town of Pervomaiske. As a result some troops began the withdrawal from this area.


Situation west of Kreminna: During the lasy 48 hours Russian Army advanced in the forest taking control over a series of positions of Ukrainian Army.


Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army advances 800 meters south of Vesele. On the other hand, corrections were made in the axis of Ocheretyne.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army increased the buffer zone around Marinka by advancing norwest of the town. It's expected that the aim of Russian forces is the capture of the hill (White square) in order to fully secure Marinka from any Ukrainian Army attempt to recapture it and monitor the movements of Ukrainian forces around Heorhiivka and Krasnogorivka.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation south of Bakhmut: Russian Army made small advances north of Klishchiivka. Positional battles continue around the town.


Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army continue advancing slowly south of Vesele towards Avdiivskyi Quarry.


Over the past three days there have been minimal changes on the Ukrainian front. Poor weather conditions have temporarily slowed Russian offensive capabilities, with advances being the result of positional battles.

In Avdivka, a new phase began several days ago in which the Russian army is focusing on the northern front, where it will try to enter the city through the farms and subsequently reach the railway line. The possibility of a physical encirclement of Avdivka from Stepove seems to be getting more complicated as the days go by, the town is completely destroyed and in the midst of fighting where it is difficult to advance in the open.

As mentioned above, the battle for Avdivka will be resolved by urban combat and probably more akin to Soledar than Bakhmut, leading to an eventual collapse of Ukrainian troops who will eventually abandon the town. There is still time for this to happen.
Последно уредено:
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation northwest of Donetsk city: As a result of the partial withdrawal of Ukrainian Army during the last days, the Russian Army made some advances south of Pervomaiske.


Ukrainian Army recaptured the cemetery and the cotton buildings south of Novomykhailivka following the failure of Russian Army to enter in the town.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army began advancing northwest of Solodke trying to increase the salient towards Novomykhailivka.


Situation north of Donetsk: During the last hours Ukrainian Army could stabilize the frontline east of Terny following the arrival of reinforcements in the previous days.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army continue increasing the salient towards Novomykhailivka.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on northeastern front: Ukrainian Army recaptured the part of Syn'kivka under gray area after Russian Army was forced to retreat from the northern outskirts.


Situation on Avdivka front:
- From the northern axis Ukrainian Army recaptured some of the lost positions south of Novokalynove.


- From the southern axis, recent geolocations confirms Ukrainian Army eventually recpatured the lost positions southwest of Sjeverne.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation southwest of Donetsk: Ukrainian Army retreated from some positions northeast of Novomykhailivka as Russian Army intensified the attacks in this axis. Following the failure of Russian troops to capture the town from the south they are now trying to advance from the north to increase the pressure from three sides in order to force Ukrainian troops eventually eastwards to Paraskoviivka. The capture of T-05-24 road seems to be one of the priorities of Russian Army this year specially the town of Vuhledar, which has become a symbol for Ukraine as any attemp to capture it by Russians ended in failure. Its an open area quite fortified which means that operations won't be easy and for sure not fast. At the same time Russian Army is slowly entering in Heorhiivka, which is under heavy shelling.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: Russian Army captured new Ukrainian Army position south of Robotyne.


Situation northwest of Donetsk: Russian Army made new advances in Pervomaiske. Ukrainian army positions in the southern part of the village are under enormous pressure and further retreats to the north and west continue as Russian troops advance dacha by dacha.

Последно уредено:
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Donetsk: Recent video footage which shows shelling of Ukrainian positions (49°05'47.9"N 38°02'14.3"E) allows to correct the frontline east of Terny, which shows some advances made by Russian Army in the previous days never took place. However, as it was said previously the frontline is stabilized after the arrival of Ukrainian reinforcements.


Situation on northeastern front: Ukrainian Army recaptured some positions south of Pershotravneve.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army made small advances nortwest of Marinka.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: Russian Army made small advance west of Verbove.



Член од
4 август 2010
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Пред некоја ден прочитав дека Украинците ги загубиле целосно и оние територии што успеале да ги повратат во (неуспешната) летна офанзива. Е сега ако е точна оваа вест што ја земам со резерва, тогаш во вода се фрлени сите милијарди парична помош што им ги праќаат западниве земји на Украина, а најповеќе од се џабе изгубија толкава популација (човечки животи) слушајќи го моронот што им е на чело на државата.

Сето ова можеше да биде спречено со договор во Март/Април 2022, ама Зелински реши да оди по паметот на Борис Џонсон. Каков Зоран Заев тип на човек....


wanna BOMB?
Член од
11 април 2010
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Најдобриот тенк на светото Т-90 изеде ќотек од блиску од Бредли. Да потсетам бредлито не е тенк.
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