The book of the In-Laws
Liber Call Me AL
vel vel, now.
sub figura skating
"The Book of the In-Laws"
1. Hi! the manipulation of a Nut.
2. Company of heaven exposed; film
at eleven.
3. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is a
Star. Big Deal.
4. Every number is infinite; fire
thy accountant.
5. I'd like a volunteer from the
audience at this point -- you,
the Warrior Lord of Thebes in
the front row.
6. I've Hadit up to here.
7. Attention K-Mart Shoppers! It
is revealed to !Who*vast? the
minister of Har-Po-Marx.
8. The Khabs is in the Khu, right
next to the peanut butter.
9. Worship thou the Khabs, and the
Khu will take care of itself.
10. Let my servants be few and
secret; they shall have enough
problems without publicity.
11. These are fools that men adore;
for example, Vanna White comes
to mind.
12. Come forth with a fifth and
take thy fill of Old Overcoat;
thou shalt see stars!
13. I am above you and in you. I
am behind you and beside you. I
am hiding behind the curtains.
I know when you are sleeping, I
see when you're awake. I know
if you feel joy or woe so feel
joy for goodness sake.
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