И уште Според Американскиот конзул Периклес Лазаро:
62 P. Lazzaro to the American Vice-Consul in Constantinople W. Smith-Lyte
Thessaloniki, September 10th, 1903
[NAUSA, roll 2, vol.I from July 5, 1902 to February 2, 1910, ff.31r-32r, No.607].
I beg to confirm my last despatch of Sept. 1st. In the meantime and for the present the insurrectional movement in the West has lost its intensity while concentrating its forces in the Adrianople Vilayet. Various encounters however took place in the Monastir Vilayet in which it seems the reb[el]s) had the worst of it. The long planned encircling of the rebel head quarters on Mount Peristeri has not succeeded.
In the Salonica Vilayet the bands are much similar, generally numbering from 30 to 50 men, and no attacks on towns have been made.
Even the Razlog district in the N.W. part of the Vilayet where Miss Stone was captured and which is entirely Bulgarian, is comparatively speaking quiet. On the other hand many rumours circulate of projected attacks in the cities of Salonica and Monastir, andas it is said that the Am[erican] missions have been specially designated by the Committee in this connection, I again saw the Vali yesterday and earnestly urged him to take strong measures in order to protect the missions, both against coup de main of the reb[el]s or a possible outbreak of Musulman fanatism. The latter eventuality gives rise to serious apprehension owing to the fact that in case of a panic many
Bulgarians, Protestants and others, would certainly take refuge in the Am[erican] missions.
The insurrectional movement in Macedonia is of a very special nature, and while being limited to the Bulg[arian] element only, the exactions of the bands have alienated to their cause such a large number, even those who have been forced to take up arms, that the feeling of allegiance towards the principality has given way to the fear of changing the domination of the Turk with that of a more exacting master.
Men well informed with the conditions in Eastern Roumelia assure that a fair vote of the population there would now show their preference for the state of things before the annexation to Bulgaria. This feeling is also predominant among the Macedonians who are taking an active part in the present movement.
They want to get rid of the Turk, but also of Bulgaria as represented by the Committees.
Public opinion among the Musulmans here demands now a war with Bulgaria which alone it renders responsible for the present state of affairs. The principal causes however, which in my opinion will bring the war about, are the great concentration of troops in European Turkey, the expense needed for the maintenance of over 300.000 men on the war footing and the lack of discipline and discontent among Albanians and other regiments -especially redifs- who by rights should be only called out in case of war. If muting breaks out in one of those regiments, others would soon follow suit, and the consequences would be disastrous to the country.
И не
Тие сакаат да се ослободат од Турците но исто така и од Бугарите кои се претставени во комитетите", а
"They want to get rid of the Turk, but also of Bulgaria as represented by the Committees".
Т.е. да не се меша Бугариjа во нивната борба.