Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation west of Donetsk city: During the last hours Russian Army captured new dachas at the southeastern outskirts of Krasnogorivka.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation east of Chasov Yar: During the last 24 hours Russian Army began entering in "Microkanal district" taking control over the first high buildings along Zelena and Horbatova streets.


Situation north and west of Avdivka: Russian Army took control over the rest of the eastern shore of Durna river in front of Semenivka, from south Russian troops failed to take the central Ukrainian defense line.

On the other hand, Russian forces made significant advances along the railroad taking full control over Zayra dachas and reached the eastern outskirts of Novobakhmutivka. Only 1,2 Km remains from the first buildings of Ocheretyne.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army made big advances inside Krasnogorivka. The dachas at the southeastern outskirts of the town were taken until the cemetery. In addition, troops advanced until train station and the southern streets of Zaliznychna, Lermontova and Vosmoho Bereznia.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army continue taking new plantations north of Novomykhailivka.


Situation on Velikonovoselkovskaya front: Russian Army made small advances southwest of Staromaiors'ke. On the other hand Ukrainian Army managed to repell every Russian attempts to enter in Urozhaine.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation northwest of Donetsk city: Following the capture of Pervomaiske Russian Army began advancing south of the locality in order to take the Ukrainian salient. So far, the main trenches has been taken without difficulty, which indicates Ukrainian Army may retreated from this area some days ago. However, combing operations will take time due to the high presence of mines and trenches. In addition, Russian forces began advancing towards Netailove reaching the eastern outskirts of the locality.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Recent video footage shows Russian Army entering in new areas south of Krasnogorivka. The new assault reached the previous taken positions and landed new troops in the elevator close to the train station.

Regarding that the maincombat is taking place along the railway towards the industrial sector it's very possible that Ukrainian Army retreated from the southern streets. However, as we said previously, the battle for the town has just started.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: During the last nine days Russian Army made new advances inside Robotyne. About half of the "locality" is now taken by Russian troops. There has been talk that the Russians will soon close the salient. This will depend on the Verbove axis, which will cut off supply routes to Robotyne. It is not an easy operation as the fighting is taking place along the road, situated in the lower area. Without taking the surrounding hills the Ukrainian army can easily defend the area by taking advantage of the elastic defence on the wide fields of this front.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation west of Avdivka: Reports emerged that the Ukrainian army regained positions in Berdichy. These reports are strange as no confirmation was ever received that Russian troops had taken the western part of the town. In fact, there was only confirmation of advances in the first houses on the west bank of the Durna River. During the last few hours Ukrainian troops have indeed regained positions, but these are close to the northern reservoir.

Still, as mentioned above, the seizure of the last supply line will prevent Ukrainian soldiers from holding the last positions there.


Situation west of Donetsk: New video footage has emerged showing the famous "barn" tank advancing without resistance through Krasnogorivka and into the industrial sector. It is still too early to say that the territory has passed under Russian control, but there are indications that Ukrainian Army has retreated towards the refractory plant. Combing operations have begun in the southern streets and around the railway station, so that in the next few days the Russian Army could be in control of at least 15% of the city.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army advanced beyond Zarya dachas along the railway reaching the Train Substation 110 kV adjacent to a trech system and the first houses of the town of Ocheretyne.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army ended combing operations at Shevchenka, Paryzkoi Komuny & Vosmoho Bereznia streets and the 3rd School south of Krasnogorivka. In addition, troops captured the abandoned auto-repair plant. Between 10-15% of the town is under Russian control now.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Seversk front: During the last eight days Russian Army made small advances northeast of Bilohorivka chalk-quarry.


Situation north of Avdivka: While the fighting in the first streets of Ocheretyne is taking place Russian army continues to take up positions (full of trenches) north of the railway. The capture of the heights around Novokalynove will facilitate the seizure of the locality which is already taking place from the southeastern axis.

Член од
23 мај 2019
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снимки од гранатирање на Новомихајловка

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ако на ова се додаде и испорачаното од страна на ЕУропска, количества боли глава, можеби затоа ОТАНистите веруваа дека РФ ќе изгуби, кутрите мислат дека оружјето бие и добива битка, забораваат дека има уште нешто...
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Donetsk: During the last week the situation east of Terny has been very fluid, with Russian Army advancing towards the town on the northern axis while Ukrainian Army managed to regain positions on the southern axis.


Situation north and west of Avdivka: Map corrections were made showing Ukrainian Army still has presence in the cemetery of Berdychi. On the other hand, Russian Army made new advances in Novokalynove as Ukrainian troops continue the withdrawal from other trenches northwards. Moreover, clashes between both sides are taking place at Train Substation 110 kV in Ocheretyne, considered now under the grey zone.


Situation northwest of Donetsk city: After three days of combat Russian Army managed to enter in the first houses of Netailove.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army reopened the axis west of Solodke taking control over some positions previously lost at the end of February along with new ones there.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army made small advances east of Novokalynove. In addition, troops began advancing south of Novobakhmutivka and consolidated the presence in the first streets of Ocheretyne.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army made new advances between Heorhiivka and Pobjeda. It is important to note that the advance is occurring in the upper zone of this front. The seizure of these heights will be elementary to monitor the movements of the Ukrainian army in Heorhiivka and Maksymilyanivka as well as to reach the stronghold of Kurakhove.

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Situation east of Chasov Yar: Russian Army continue increasing the buffer zone around Ivanivske with new advances towards the channel.


Situation west of Avdivka: Russian Army secured the control over the southern and central trench systems of Semenivka taking control over 70% of the village.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army took full control over Mashinostroitel dachas and most of Novomykhailivka (90% of it). However, Ukrainian Army didn't completely retreated from the locality as troops are still present in the houses of the western outskirts.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army made new advances in the southern streets of Ocheretyne trying to reach the train station.

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Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army took full control over the locality of Novomykhailivka. In addition, troops made a series of advances southwest of it towards Kostyantynivka-Ugledar road.


Situation north of Avdivka: Russian Army broke Ukrainian Army defenses in the southern part of Ocheretyne. Everything south of the railway station is under Russian control of the town (About 25% of the locality).


Напредоков во Очеретино ми е доста изненадувачки со оглед на тоа што селото се наоѓа на наголемата висорамнина во регионот, доколку/кога ќе падне селото тогаш понатамошниот напредок на ВСРФ ќе биде олеснет значително. Затоа и мислев дека местово ќе биде многу подобро брането од страна на ВСУ, можеше да биде место каде што ќе заглават Русите со месеци.
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29 јуни 2014
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Побегнале украинците од Очеретино, не сакале да умрат. Па сега ќе ја прателе 47 бригада или тоа што остана од неа после Авдивка да држи терен.

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