Што разбираме како мали деца? Човекот кажа дека Русија била способна да произведе повеќе бродови во една година отколку САД што може да произведе во една декада.
Ти мислиш дека таа констатација е точна? Дека има некаква врска со реалноста?
На Русија не и треба тој носач, за да ја остварува својата доктрина. На САД не му требаат повеќе тенкови од Русија, за да ја остварува својата доктрина.
Бесмислени се тие муабети (за конвенционалното вооружување) од типот на - овој има повише Х од оној. Различни доктрини бараат различни средства и акции.
Дури и за нуклеарно вооружување, игра улога тоа што Русија е копнена, а САД поморска. И таму има варијации кои одговараат на посебни услови. Додуша, вкупната бројка на проектили тука е битна. Само тука. Ваљда затоа што тоа е конечниот деноминатор.
The Ukrainian offensive on various fronts has entered the stage of another lull. In the coming days, Kiev is expected to make a final breakthrough attempt in order to achieve any results of its summer campaign. The main direction of the strike should be the front south of Orekhov.
To date, the fronts on the Zaporozhye region remain unchanged. To the south of Orekhov, Ukrainian forces continue attempts to expand the control zone near Verbovoye and west of Rabotino. So far, all their attacks have been repelled. In the area of Velikaya Novoselka, the Ukrainian military curtailed attempts to break through the Russian defense, limiting itself to small assaults for purely tactical purposes.
Artillery duels continue along the frontlines. Ukrainian artillery has a clear advantage in the speed of target detection and the opening of accurate fire. While Russian gunners balance them with a large number of artillery systems and shelling with heavier munitions.
Both sides, taking advantage of the lull, are rotating battered units. Several Ukrainian brigades have been withdrawn to the rear for replenishment. Ukrainian Marine brigades from the Zaporozhye direction have been reportedly transferred to the Kherson region for replenishment, where they can take part in assault across the Dnieper in a few weeks.
In the area of Artemovsk, Ukrainian forces continue attacks along the Kleshcheyevka—Andreevka—Kurdyumovka line, in an attempt to cross the railway and gain a foothold in the villages. In their turn, Russian forces are entrenching in the Orekhovo-Vasilyevka area to the northwest of Artemovsk.
The intensification of fighting in this direction is also expected. The Ukrainian command is forced to transfer reinforcements to the area in order to counterattack in the north and gain a foothold in the south. On the other hand, fighters of the Redoute PMC and the Volunteer Corps arrived to reinforce the Russian grouping and launch counterattacks on previously lost positions. These units include former fighters of the Wagner PMCs, who came under the control of the Ministry of Defense after the Prigozhin mutiny on June 24.
Meanwhile, on the northern fronts, Russian forces continue their tactical advance west of Svatovo, taking control of about a couple of strongholds per day.
In the Kupyansk area, they still put pressure on the Ukrainian defense in the area of Sinkovka, Petropavlovsk and Kislovka. With precise air strikes, Russian aircraft destroyed another crossing over the Oskol River, complicating the military supplies of the Ukrainian units.
To allow Ukrainian soldiers to save their lives and surrender, the Russian military launched a special radio channel “Volga”. According to reports from the front, over the past month, almost 11 thousand servicemen of the Ukrainian army contacted the Russians through this channel and surrendered.
Ukrainians are better soldiers than Americans, says US combat veteran.
How Soviet-era doctrine and weapons trump American warfighting
Since the very start of Russia's special military operation (SMO), there have been several persistent overhype tropes that the mainstream propaganda machine has been pushing relentlessly. One of those is that American/NATO weapons and fighting doctrine are far superior to Russian/Soviet equivalents and that this was the reason why Moscow has such "huge losses". Obviously, these assessments are based on multilayered lies and half-truths designed to support each other with endless media self-quoting. These propaganda tropes have been largely successful when it comes to convincing the Western public that Russia is supposedly "weak", resulting in laughable claims that Moscow's forces "rolled into Ukraine as the world's second most powerful military, but ended up being the second most powerful in Ukraine", among other things.
On the other hand, behind the scenes, the Pentagon has been in quiet panic mode, as it sees hundreds of billions worth of NATO-sourced weapons burning in Ukraine, while Russia's investments in the SMO have not only been "surprisingly low", but also extremely cost-effective. This is without even considering the fact that the casualty ratio of the Kiev regime forces vs. the Russian military is close to 10:1, which is absolutely atrocious given that the former has been training with NATO for over two decades now (intensively for well over a decade). In fact, according to Western sources quoting American veterans currently fighting for the Neo-Nazi junta troops, it's precisely the Western training and equipment that's the issue and that the sole reason why the Kiev regime has been able to hold at all is that its commanding cadre has switched back to their Soviet-era training.
Namely, according to a recent report, Ukrainian soldiers would have far higher casualties if they fought the way American forces do. A United States Army veteran, callsign Jackie, told the Business Insider that "Ukrainians would be worse off if they followed American battlefield doctrine and that they were actually better at understanding some types of modern fighting", adding that "if we use[d] American doctrine here, we would definitely have a bad time". Jackie took part in US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq before becoming a training contractor for the US military. After Russia launched the SMO, he decided to join the Neo-Nazi junta "to help train its troops and to fight alongside them". Apart from the usual propaganda tropes (mandatory at this point), Jackie made several admissions, including the claim that Ukrainians are "ahead of the US in some obvious ways".
"We don't even have a clear doctrine for small drone use really at this time," he told the Business Insider, adding: "The Ukrainians are quite advanced in that fact. The Ukrainians are quite ahead of us on integration of these small drone systems and small, medium drones."
Jackie also stated that "Ukrainians had to operate in 'guerilla stealth mode' even when doing big operations" and that this was because their troops are "so disadvantaged as to be considered insufficient by any NATO country standard to breach the forces on that part of the line". Ukrainians themselves are also saying the same, insisting that "they have to adjust [Western/NATO] training to survive on the battlefield". The Business Insider claims that "Jackie's comments mirror those made in September by a Ukrainian commander trained by US, British, and Polish soldiers".
These rather unusual admissions by Western combat veterans are also reinforced by the Kiev regime's far more successful usage of Soviet-era weapons and equipment than was ever the case for NATO-sourced equivalents. Namely, the Neo-Nazi junta certainly doesn't shy away from allowing its forces to use the Soviet military doctrine, weapons and equipment. These have proved to be a far greater threat to the Russian military, particularly on the tactical level. And yet, the successes based solely on the Soviet way of fighting were unashamedly attributed to Western systems, such as the grossly overhyped HIMARS. In the early days of the SMO, Ukrainian ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles), such as the "Stugna-P" (based on a long line of Soviet/Russian ATGM types), performed significantly better than Western ATGMs such as the "Javelin", NLAW, AT4, etc.
Многу опасни дроновиве нит Терминатор нит Леопард можи да се спаси од нив.Во денешно време војска без дронови е осудена на пораз.Најголем доказ за тоа е војната меѓу Ерменија и Азербејџан.
Многу опасни дроновиве нит Терминатор нит Леопард можи да се спаси од нив.Во денешно време војска без дронови е осудена на пораз.Најголем доказ за тоа е војната меѓу Ерменија и Азербејџан.
Можда ама во војната на Нагорно-Карабах Азерите ја постигнаа својата воена доминација баш поради дроновите.Со помош на дронови се снима непријателска територија до најситен детал.А тука е и психолочжшкиот притисок над војниците кои знаат дека во секој момент непријателот им ја знае точната позиција.
Можда ама во војната на Нагорно-Карабах Азерите ја постигнаа својата воена доминација баш поради дроновите.Со помош на дронови се снима непријателска територија до најситен детал.А тука е и психолочжшкиот притисок над војниците кои знаат дека во секој момент непријателот им ја знае точната позиција.
Ја постигнаа затоа што Ерменците немаа електронско попречување и слоевито ПВО да се спротистават на повеќето дронови и ракети истрелани од тие дронови. Да го имаа сево ова тешко дека ќе победеа Азерите.
Ја постигнаа затоа што Ерменците немаа електронско попречување и слоевито ПВО да се спротистават на повеќето дронови и ракети истрелани од тие дронови. Да го имаа сево ова тешко дека ќе победеа Азерите.
Во секој случај дроновите им вршат огромна работа на Русите.исто така и Украинцте го презаситијеа ПВОто на воениот брод Москва и така успеаја да го погодат.во никој случа не можи да се потцени улогата на дроновите во современото војување.
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