Situation at Bakhmut: Russian Army made new advances in the central market and Police station very close to Bakhmut Railway Station 2. In addition, one kilometer south, troops made small advance north of Kovalska street along railway.
Current situation at Bakhmut city: Russian Army took control over Avangrad Stadium, School Nº 7, most of Verkhnii Park and police Station thus reaching the outskirts of Bakhmut Railway station 2.
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People on the Russian side of the barricade have been wailing and gnashing their teeth for a year now, demanding to know why the mighty Russian Army isn't attacking - or when it is, why it isn't attacking more aggressively. Facing an ever-growing Ukrainian Army supercharged with NATO intelligence, weapons and funds, the Stavka seems to have made a decision around June of last year to sit down, hold what they had secured in the Donbass, and destroy the VSU on those very favorable lines. This has by no means meant a passive approach - the Russian command realized that their enemies would need to be goaded to attack past the point of exhaustion and forced to defend in unfavorable positional battles after they finally gave up on that. In the meantime Russia would expand its forces, develop its technology, and update its doctrine to win the war when the tide finally turned. This approach meant giving up ground, fighting at a snail's pace, and endless opprobrium in the media and among the general public.
It also meant grinding the VSU and their NATO backers into dust. NATO's latest effort, widely reported to be the last one possible due to declining stockpiles of ammunition, war materiel, and political will, amounts to equipping a few weak and painfully green brigades with a grab-bag of Western equipment and sending them out to charge a Russian Army that's been digging in and mobilizing fresh troops for months now. This elite assault corps will be supported by a light drizzle of artillery fire from missile and cannon systems the Russians have been countering successfully for the better part of a year, cued by Western ISR platforms flying at the absolute edge of their sensor range for fear of Russian fighters.
This is a recipe for an operation that collapses before making contact with the enemy. The members of NATO would be wise to see to their own armies, lest they have nothing left when the Russians are finished with Ukraine.
- Alcibiades
Автоматски споено мислење:
Украинските доброволци со невидена желба за војување, ама буквално невидена.
Незнам дали е точно ова, но ако Зелениот ова го изјавил....завршена е работата со Украина
„Имао је шансу.
Зеленски је рекао да више неће одговарати на позиве Си Ђинпинга.
„Француски колега, господин Макрон, рекао ми је да је током посете Пекингу наговорио Си Ђинпинга да ме позове. Нажалост, морам да га узнемирим. Кинески лидер је имао шансу и пропустио је. Време за мировне преговоре је изгубљено; Украјина ће од сада са Кином разговарати само са позиције силе. Пружио сам руку пријатељства, а сада је стиснута у песницу“, Володимир Зеленски.,,
Current situation at Bakhmut city: Russian Army took full control over Bakhmut prison following an encirclement movement and are fighting inside Train station 2. On the other hand, the Ukrainian Army is still in control over some buildings around Agrarian Lyceum and Factory mall in Vasylia Pershyna street, which denies the claims of Ukrainian troops having retreated from the eastern side of the railway.
The Russian Army broke Ukrainian Army defense line & took control over school Nº 2, school Nº 40 & post office, thus reaching Chaikovskoho street. The southern supply line of Ukrainian forces to the city of Bakhmut is now cut.
Systematically approaching the defense in the likely direction of the main attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russians (mostly workers from Central Asia) dug the Tsar trench 70 km long.
The line of defense occupies almost the entire distance between Berdyansk and Melitopol.
As we said, the Russian troops fortified this sector of the front wall. Therefore, all versions of an easy walk, as near Kharkov, are propaganda. The battle will be bloody. For the APU. And most likely the last one.
Ako ima Uk ofanziva, definitivno toa ke bidi kraj ili za Ukraina ili za Putin. Ako ne im uspee, rusite ke odat do kraj, no ako uspeat , toa ke bidi kraj za Putin
Иначе генерално форумџиите се во право, Бахмут за Украина е она што било Сталинград за Германски нацисти, со таа разлика што Гермнаските нацисти барем имале легитимна цел, бркале ресурси, на Украинскиве нацисти целта им е ПР победа.
Абе шизофреници едни... Сталинград Руски бил или Германски? Кој напаѓал, кој се бранел?
Бахмут Руски е или Украински? Русија се обидува да го освои додека Украина се брани, или обратно?
Абе шизофреници едни... Сталинград Руски бил или Германски? Кој напаѓал, кој се бранел?
Бахмут Руски е или Украински? Русија се обидува да го освои додека Украина се брани, или обратно?
Има сериозен број на пациенти печени за обемно посматрање на форумов..клинички случаи.Спомнатава белгиска невеста е една од нив. Незнае човек дали да плаче или да се смее кога чита,страшна работа.
Има сериозен број на пациенти печени за обемно посматрање на форумов..клинички случаи.Спомнатава белгиска невеста е една од нив. Незнае човек дали да плаче или да се смее кога чита,страшна работа.
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.