Ај бе не се сељачи до толку со навредување, имаш потенцијал за да не бидеш току ист како ботовите од другата страна со кои си фатен рака под рака... Заебанции се ок, ама навредување не е.
Еве јас ќе бидам фер и наместо да те навредам како што заслужуваш за возврат, ќе те информирам дека промените се од организациски тип. Се уведува зголемување на бенефициите но и должината на воениот рок на професионалните војници (од една година, на две години). Се воведува и зголемување на бројот на активни професионални војници од 200К на 600-700К. Русија е свесна дека по завршувањето на оваа војна, тоа нема да биде крајот на војните со САД и НАТО.
Да беа токму во главата, досега ќе се најдеше некој да ги изрешети своите команданти, и ќе тргнеа на гомнарот Зеленски. Чудно е како не се најде некој понормален од фамилиите на овие што гинат да рокне некој од украинските функционери.
Заштитени се од вакви логични евентуалности, америчка шема на безбедност имаат, со повеќе слоеви. Никој не може тек така да направи акт на очај и да ги скине главните. Едноставно се надеваат дека војната што побргу да заврши и дека тие самите некако ќе преживеат.
Има доста видеа како самите Украинци стрелаат проблематични и дезертери.
Фашистот Рогозин е поранешен заменик премиер на Русија задолжен за одбраната, амбасадор на Русија во НАТО.
Иначе основач на фашистичката партија Родина. Овај е бетар од било кој фашиста и нациста во Украина.
Што ќе прават сега швабите кога стигна и официјална потврда дека Русите не го саботирале северен тек? Претпоставувам све ќе се сведе на добро проверената стратегија - ќутење и пушење.
Изгледа Северен ток 1 и 2 не се толку оштетени, како што се зборуваше. Кракот Б на северен тек 2 не е ни пипнат, а има 4 пати поголем капцитет од тој што беше пуштен деновивме меѓу Норвешка и Полска.
Ако беа Американците тоа ништо повеќе немаше да го закрпи.
Abe i seki ili random peder misli deka e objektiven koga go tupi kolku se tie normalni kako i site drugi, pa sto so toa.
Tuku ajde nema veze, ete i spored tebe ne bile Rusite.
Togas koj bile i so kakva cel togas e osteten gasovodot?
Говор на Владимир главното е од 1ч.14', многу силно, смирено, убедливо
Би направил паралела со култовта реплика од Буре барут 58'20'' "нема да пеам сега ќе ве тепам'', иако Владимир не пееше за да се пошегува со хулиганите, а да ќари време и подготви.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on Wednesday unveiled a plan to increase the size of Russia's military to 1.5 million troops, an initiative backed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia had about 1 million troops in its army at the beginning of the year, and the number was supposed to…
Russia To Increase Size Of Military To 1.5 Million Troops
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu on Wednesday unveiled a plan to increase the size of Russia’s military to 1.5 million troops, an initiativebacked by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Russia had about 1 million troops in its army at the beginning of the year, and the number was supposed to reach 1.15 million next year, but Shoigu said a further increase is needed to "guarantee the fulfillment of tasks to ensure Russia’s security."
The increase would constitute a boost to the armed forces' size by more than 30% if approved and enacted.
One reason for the increase that Shoigu cited was Sweden and Finland’s potential NATO membership. He said if the two Nordic nations joined the Western military alliance, Russia would have to deploy "the corresponding group of forces" to northwestern Russia.
Putin and other Russian officials have previously said that he doesn’t view Finland and Sweden joining NATO as much of a threat as Ukraine’s prospective membership, but they said Moscow would respond to the expansion of NATO military infrastructure.
Finland has an over 800-mile border with Russia, an area that will likely be reinforced by Moscow if Helsinki is admitted into NATO.
Kremlin: "Before it is too late, Greece can abandon the dangerous plans. Once again, we warn the Greek leadership..."
NATO member Greece is mulling the transfer of some of its Russia-made anti-aircraft missile systems S-300 to Ukraine, at a moment it's reportedly under pressure from Washington step up support to Kiev.
Previously Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos signaled that the government is mulling the S-300 delivery, but only if the US replaces these systems with Patriot anti-air defense batteries for Greece.
Currently, Athens is worried about its own defense capabilities in the face of ongoing Turkish threats and an expansionists vision echoed in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's bellicose rhetoric and that of his top officials.
The other major factor causing the Greek government pause includes the repeat fierce warnings from Russia, at a moment that relations with Moscow are already said to be at an all-time low.
Russia recently warned, "We consider the provocative intentions to supply the Kiev regime with the S-300 and other Russian/Soviet-style air defense systems openly hostile to Russia," according to the words of foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
She added that any Greek-supplied foreign military equipment will be "promptly detected and destroyed by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."
"Before it is too late, Greece can abandon the dangerous plans. Once again, we warn the Greek leadership of its responsibility," she stressed.
In a separate statement the Kremlin has also recently warned that sending S-300s would be "a dangerous step towards its national interests" - in reference to Greece.
'The war in Ukraine is not a Call of Duty fantasy. It is an enlargement of the human tragedy that NATO’s eastward expansion created. The victims do not live in North America. They live in a region that most Americans can't find on a map. Washington urged the Ukrainians to fight. Now Washington...
Фашистот Рогозин е поранешен заменик премиер на Русија задолжен за одбраната, амбасадор на Русија во НАТО.
Иначе основач на фашистичката партија Родина. Овај е бетар од било кој фашиста и нациста во Украина.
First of all, answer this one question related to the analogy above: If the US deployed troops to Mexico to protect American expats from being bombarded by the Mexican army, would you regard that deployment as an ‘unprovoked aggression’ or a rescue mission?
Rescue mission, right? Because the primary intention was to save lives not seize the territory of another sovereign country.
Well, that’s what Putin was doing when he sent his tanks into Ukraine. He was trying stop the killing of civilians living in the Donbas whose only fault was that they were ethnic Russians committed to their own culture and traditions. Is that a crime?
Take a look at this map.
This map is the key to understanding how the war in Ukraine started. It tells us who did the provoking and who was being provoked. It tells us who was dropping the bombs and who was getting bombed. It tells us who was causing the trouble and who was being blamed for the trouble-making. The map tells us everything we need to know.
Can you see the yellow dots? Those dots represent the artillery strikes that were documented in daily summaries by “observers of the Organization for Security and Co-operation (OSCE), positioned at the frontlines.” The vast majority of the strikes were in the area inhabited by Russian-speaking people who have been under military siege for the last 8 years. (14,000 ethnic Russians have been killed in the fighting since 2014.) The Minsk Agreements were drawn up to resolve the issues between the warring parties and end the hostilities, but the government in Kiev refused to implement the agreement. In fact, the former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, even admitted that the treaty was just a vehicle for buying time until another full-scale offensive on the Donbas could be launched.
In short, the Ukrainian government never had any intention of reaching a peaceful settlement with leaders of the Donbas. Their goal was to intensify the conflict in order to provoke Russia and draw them into a protracted war that would exhaust their resources and collapse their economy. The long-range objective was to remove Putin from office and replace him with a Washington-backed stooge that would do as he was told. US officials– including Joe Biden- have even admitted that their plan involved regime change in Moscow. We should take them at their word.
Debrcani ti se polosa varijanta na limon tabieti duri i od Ohrigjani, a nalet to nemat ni ezero za da se kurcat pa tuka stavi i frustracija i iskompleksiranost kako bonus. Vsusnost imaat tamu posle Podmolje edna peda obala koja mislam im ja dale kolku da gi dupcat deka i tie imaat izlez na ezeroto .
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.