
Член од
2 ноември 2020
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Извини не сакав таму да офтопикуем, Лајн Кинг е на Дизни, не Пиксар, иако Дизни поседува поголем дел од Пиксар, сепак функционираат независно во продукцијата на анимираните филмови, иако на секој Пиксар филм пишува Дизни Пиксар, не значи дека секој Дизни филм е и Пиксар.

Слично е и со Дизни - Марвел, Дизни - ЛукасАртс/Филмс.

Чисто онака.. небитна тривиа за твојата поента, но е битна за метафизиката.

Мислам дека ја доловив поентата. Пиксар беше тимот одговорен за 3д моделирање така?
Член од
30 октомври 2020
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Мислам дека ја доловив поентата. Пиксар беше тимот одговорен за 3д моделирање така?
Нене, поентата скроз ти работи и без оваа тривија, туку дизни си има сопствен тим во Дизни Фичр Анимејшн, плус соработува ангажира други фирми шо не е толку битно.... битното е шо е нивна продукција како и Моана, Тенглд и ред други.... они можда го ангажирале Пиксар како нивен Биг Брадер а можда и не, не мораат.

Поврзано со метафизиката ако му кажеш на некој од Дизни - еј ти си Пиксар е исто ко да му кажеш на Скиентолог дека е психолог, ќе се наљути пошто он мисли дека скиенто е многу поголемо и побитно нешто.
Член од
30 октомври 2020
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Иако да, и иако за мементо мори има посебна тема... сепак да... дека е пат до метафизиката.
Член од
2 ноември 2020
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Иако да, и иако за мементо мори има посебна тема... сепак да... дека е пат до метафизиката.
Која е границата меѓу слобода и песимизам? Иако малку екстремна и провокаторска јас потполно се согласувам со филозофијата на Диоген.

Член од
30 октомври 2020
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Која е границата меѓу слобода и песимизам? Иако малку екстремна и провокаторска јас потполно се согласувам со филозофијата на Диоген.

Нареден чекор од Диоген е можеби ни до толку да не се замара? Само да ги хендла или игнорира?

Стоиците доаѓале до насмевката, убавината...среќата.... нот гивинг а фак....
Член од
29 март 2021
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Се изначитав "метафизика" во темава. Се има, само метафизика нема. Еве како изгледа текст од метафизика, извадок од подолг текст за Аристотел и Ниче.

Aristotle, in many places, insists on the difference between the Nous and reason, that is, between intuitive (noein) and rational (dianoeisthai) thinking. Intuitive thinking, the activity of the Nous, precedes every rational dissection of Being, every determination of Being by means of terms and definitions, every link of the subject and the predicate in the logical judgment. The mind is always one with its object. Intuitive thinking is in its object because its object is always the primordial one, i.e., that which is simple (haploun), (Metafizika VI 4, XII 7, 32) undivided (adihaireton), (Metafizika XIII 23) non-complex (asyntheton). (Metafizika IX 10, 17) It does not matter that this primordial One never exists in itself and for itself, but it is always tied to some being, and it does not matter that that being can be of the lowest or highest rank. The individual being is always dependent on One, and not the other way around. One is the object of the Nous; the individual beings are the object of reason. Without that One and its omnipresent unity, nothing can be revealed to the reason. Discursive thinking, on the other hand, mediates things with the help of logical judgments and presents them in one way or another. This reasoning has its widest use in science and the whole of scientific knowledge actually relies on it. Discursive thinking has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that it methodically secures its results, offering evidence of what it knows. Discursive thinking approaches things indirectly by means of observations and assumptions and then tries to explain them. The reasoning happens in a logical judgment, in a way that asserts that something is or is not (logos apophanyikos), in a manner of association (synthesis) and dissociation (dihairesis) of the thoughts. The object of that opinion is no longer a unity that has been revealed to the Nous, but a complex factual state whose internal composition can be understood only by defining the terms that refer to that state. The disadvantage of discursive thinking is that it is incapable of pronouncing the metaphysical truth of Being because it has no authentic, but only mediated, contact with it.
Член од
30 октомври 2020
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Се изначитав "метафизика" во темава. Се има, само метафизика нема. Еве како изгледа текст од метафизика, извадок од подолг текст за Аристотел и Ниче.

Aristotle, in many places, insists on the difference between the Nous and reason, that is, between intuitive (noein) and rational (dianoeisthai) thinking. Intuitive thinking, the activity of the Nous, precedes every rational dissection of Being, every determination of Being by means of terms and definitions, every link of the subject and the predicate in the logical judgment. The mind is always one with its object. Intuitive thinking is in its object because its object is always the primordial one, i.e., that which is simple (haploun), (Metafizika VI 4, XII 7, 32) undivided (adihaireton), (Metafizika XIII 23) non-complex (asyntheton). (Metafizika IX 10, 17) It does not matter that this primordial One never exists in itself and for itself, but it is always tied to some being, and it does not matter that that being can be of the lowest or highest rank. The individual being is always dependent on One, and not the other way around. One is the object of the Nous; the individual beings are the object of reason. Without that One and its omnipresent unity, nothing can be revealed to the reason. Discursive thinking, on the other hand, mediates things with the help of logical judgments and presents them in one way or another. This reasoning has its widest use in science and the whole of scientific knowledge actually relies on it. Discursive thinking has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that it methodically secures its results, offering evidence of what it knows. Discursive thinking approaches things indirectly by means of observations and assumptions and then tries to explain them. The reasoning happens in a logical judgment, in a way that asserts that something is or is not (logos apophanyikos), in a manner of association (synthesis) and dissociation (dihairesis) of the thoughts. The object of that opinion is no longer a unity that has been revealed to the Nous, but a complex factual state whose internal composition can be understood only by defining the terms that refer to that state. The disadvantage of discursive thinking is that it is incapable of pronouncing the metaphysical truth of Being because it has no authentic, but only mediated, contact with it.
Sho ne klikna gugl translejt be prijatele, u mojto selo sme zatucan i ne znaeme angliski... ne znaeme ni kirilica kako se uklucuva na telefono...
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Член од
29 март 2021
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Еве ви го воведот во текстот, за оние кои ги интересира филозофија и метафизика.

To discuss Aristotle and Nietzsche simultaneously is to discuss differences. It is very difficult to find two other important philosophers with so many different opinions, on almost every main topic in philosophy. From metaphysics to logic, from epistemology to aesthetic, there are unsurmountable differences in the views of these two great thinkers. The one similarity that one can find is probably in Nietzsche‘s concept of the overman (ubermensch), where he arguably borrowed from Aristotle’s portrait of the proud man (megalopsychos). The aim of this work, however, is not to discuss these differences, but to present one striking point of intersection in the thought of these philosophers, which I think has been overlooked and neglected, and thus to shed light on the so-called irrationality in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche. This paper attempts two things: First, I want to explore the Aristotelian concept of Nous, which stands at the beginning of his metaphysics, and to determine whether that concept can help us better understand some of Nietzsche’s ideas. Second, I try to present Nietzsche’s critique of logic and metaphysics and to see if it makes more sense in light of Aristotle’s concept of Nous. I believe there are many similarities between Aristotle’s concept of the Nous, and Nietzsche‘s concept of intuitive knowledge as seen from the perspective of the body as a guiding principle (am Leitfaden des Leibes). At one point, their thoughts strangely converge, as they both believe in the existence of a pre-logical, authentic approach to Being. This is not to be understood as suggesting that there are similarities in their views on epistemology or ontology. There are not. They don’t even conceive the same things when they use those words. I only want to show that Aristotle’s attempt to build a foundation for metaphysics can help us better understand Nietzsche’s frontal assault on logic and metaphysics.

Bearing this in mind, we will first turn our attention to one of the most mysterious concepts in Aristotle’s metaphysics, the Nous. Before we proceed, one methodological remark is needed. The word Nous has many translations in English: intellect, intelligence, mind, intuition, understanding being among them. I believe that none of these words grasps the true meaning of Nous as Aristotle sees it. I argue that, if we need to translate it, then ‘mind’ is the best translation, but as we will see later in this work, Nous is a very different mind than what we commonly understand. However, I think it is better not to translate it, since all of the above-mentioned words already have attached meanings that can hinder us from fully understanding what Aristotle means by Nous. It is a novel concept with its own separate meaning, and no other word except Nous should be associated with that meaning.
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Член од
30 октомври 2020
Поени од реакции
Еве ви го воведот во текстот, за оние кои ги интересира филозофија и метафизика.

To discuss Aristotle and Nietzsche simultaneously is to discuss differences. It is very difficult to find two other important philosophers with so many different opinions, on almost every main topic in philosophy. From metaphysics to logic, from epistemology to aesthetic, there are unsurmountable differences in the views of these two great thinkers. The one similarity that one can find is probably in Nietzsche‘s concept of the overman (ubermensch), where he arguably borrowed from Aristotle’s portrait of the proud man (megalopsychos). The aim of this work, however, is not to discuss these differences, but to present one striking point of intersection in the thought of these philosophers, which I think has been overlooked and neglected, and thus to shed light on the so-called irrationality in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche. This paper attempts two things: First, I want to explore the Aristotelian concept of Nous, which stands at the beginning of his metaphysics, and to determine whether that concept can help us better understand some of Nietzsche’s ideas. Second, I try to present Nietzsche’s critique of logic and metaphysics and to see if it makes more sense in light of Aristotle’s concept of Nous. I believe there are many similarities between Aristotle’s concept of the Nous, and Nietzsche‘s concept of intuitive knowledge as seen from the perspective of the body as a guiding principle (am Leitfaden des Leibes). At one point, their thoughts strangely converge, as they both believe in the existence of a pre-logical, authentic approach to Being. This is not to be understood as suggesting that there are similarities in their views on epistemology or ontology. There are not. They don’t even conceive the same things when they use those words. I only want to show that Aristotle’s attempt to build a foundation for metaphysics can help us better understand Nietzsche’s frontal assault on logic and metaphysics.

Bearing this in mind, we will first turn our attention to one of the most mysterious concepts in Aristotle’s metaphysics, the Nous. Before we proceed, one methodological remark is needed. The word Nous has many translations in English: intellect, intelligence, mind, intuition, understanding being among them. I believe that none of these words grasps the true meaning of Nous as Aristotle sees it. I argue that, if we need to translate it, then ‘mind’ is the best translation, but as we will see later in this work, Nous is a very different mind than what we commonly understand. However, I think it is better not to translate it, since all of the above-mentioned words already have attached meanings that can hinder us from fully understanding what Aristotle means by Nous. It is a novel concept with its own separate meaning, and no other word except Nous should be associated with that meaning.
Na strana Aristotel i Niche, ti samiot shto mislish za metafizikata i za metafizickoto iskustvo, negovata transedentalna i transformativna vrednost i dali imash licni sogleduvanja na temata?

Ubavo si go sklopil tekstot baj d vej.
Член од
29 март 2021
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Na strana Aristotel i Niche, ti samiot shto mislish za metafizikata i za metafizickoto iskustvo, negovata transedentalna i transformativna vrednost i dali imash licni sogleduvanja na temata?

Ubavo si go sklopil tekstot baj d vej.
Метафизиката е дефинирана како наука за бувствувачкото како бивствувачко. Значи како наука, иако она што старогрчките филозофи го нарекувале наука многу се разликува од современиот поим за наука. Не постои метафизичко искуство и не постои трасцендентална и трансформативна вредност на истото. Тоа за што зборувате во темава припаѓа во доменот на емотивното, или на нечие мистично искуство кое не може да се изрази во поими, и како такво нема никаква врска со метафизиката. Исто така, нихилизмот за кој што зборувавте во темата нема блага врска со метафизиката. Нихилизмот и абсурдизмот припаѓаат во доменот на аскиологијата, односно науката за вредностите, и во етиката, никако не во метафизиката.

Темата е каша попара и нема скоро па никаква врска со метафизиката. Метафизиката е обид со помош на умот да се сфати суштината на нештата. Ултимативното метафизичко прашање како што го дефинира Хајдегер е зошто нешто, а не ништо? Дури и умот сфатен како Ноус за кој што зборува Аристотел и за кој што е напишан мојот текст, нема никаква врска со некое мистично доживување, Ноус е обид на Аристотел да ја дефинира човечката способност да се биде при нештата, при постоечкото пред да се почне рационално да се размислува за битието и бивствувачкото.

Јас ви го разбирам ентузијазмот и егото на повеќето учесници на темата. Кој нешто потслушнал, кој нешто потпрочитал, кој изгледал некое клипче на интернет, но метафизичката размисла е далеку од ова што овде го пишувате.
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