NHS says clinic has suspended new referrals after pair, including woman who took blockers, win court case
Children under the age of 16 considering gender reassignment are unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs, the high court has ruled.
Even in cases involving teenagers under 18 doctors may need to consult the courts for authorisation for medical intervention, three senior judges have ruled in an action brought against the Tavistock and Portman
NHS trust, which runs the UK’s main gender identity development service for children.
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Или поточно страв од масовни тужби. Додуше очекувам во наредните 10 - 15 години тон тужби на незадоволни транс мажи и жени кои “транзиционирале“ во детството.
Која им била логиката и кај им бил паметот, не може да даде согласност за секс но може да даде согласност да го напумпаат со хормони.
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