Е тука е твојата заблуда, што си убеден дека СЗО е нешто врв во медицината, кој работи во интерес на народот и бла,бла....
Генерален директор моментално е од Етиопија, претседател на извршен одбор и главен за короната е од Пакистан. Главен партнер и покровител официјално е Светската Банка, неофицијално не се знае кој се е спонзор, легално фирмата прима секакви донации за демек поуспешна работа, има 194 земји членки (едино Палестина уште не е и некои Кук острови). Вработува 8,500 луѓе во 147 земји кои се должни да ги спроведуваат и шират одлуките на најниско ниво. Има 150 канцеларии низ цел свет од кои една е задолжена за Светска Банка и Мегународен Монетарен Фонд (ММФ), двата најголеми легални лихвари. Треба ли уште или гледаш веќе у шо се крстиш.
In 1959, the WHO signed Agreement WHA 12–40 with the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Clearly suggesting that the WHO is free to do as it sees fit on nuclear, radiation and other matters which relate to health.
West Nile experiments
A field experiment in the
West Nile district allowed researchers to take blood from children 3 times a day, to allegedly study a local disease causing
mononucleosis. It has been alleged they were actually being infected with contaminated
polio vaccines and their
antibodies were being studied. Around 45,000 were tested from 1960 to 1973.
Ebola and HIV experimentation
It has been alleged that the
WHO was aware of a
Dr. Hilary Koprowski, a doctor allegedly performing research on AIDS and
Ebola by deceiving and infecting Africans with a faux
polio vaccine. It was estimated that over a million Africans were infected from 1954 to 1957.
[130] However, his work having been the cause of any disease has been refuted.
Или ова ако го разбираш што сака да каже а е многу слично на денешново
2009 swine flu pandemic
In 2007, the WHO organized work on pandemic
influenza vaccine development through
clinical trials in collaboration with many experts and health officials.A pandemic involving the
H1N1 influenza virus was declared by the then Director-General
Margaret Chan in April 2009. Margret Chan declared in 2010 that the H1N1 has moved into the post-pandemic period
By the post-pandemic period critics claimed the WHO had exaggerated the danger, spreading "fear and confusion" rather than "immediate information". Industry experts countered that the 2009 pandemic had led to "unprecedented collaboration between global health authorities, scientists and manufacturers, resulting in the most comprehensive pandemic response ever undertaken, with a number of vaccines approved for use three months after the pandemic declaration. This response was only possible because of the extensive preparations undertaken during the last decade".