"The prince of darkness is a gentleman!"
- Член од
- 14 декември 2010
- Мислења
- 128
- Поени од реакции
- 118
Ова го пишав еднаш во дебата (на Англиски), немам време да го преведам.
My position does not "look for" god merely because I've done all that already. Most atheists have done their own soul searching before coming to the conclusion that no god exists.
Every religion's followers are "the voice" of their religion. Muslims speak for Allah, Hindu's speak for Shiva or something, etc etc. However, there is only one truth. So let me break it down for you this way.
If we elevate the logical probability for deism from 10% to 50%, we have deism with 50% and atheism with 50%. Then you have the millions of different religions, and so your probability for theism is already a fractional percentage. Then you have the 41,000 different denominations of Christianity. So now you have literally a fraction of a fraction, of a fractional percentage. But atheism still has 50%, because it is still operating under a nonspecific binary question: god, or no god?
So we have 50%, vs .00000000001% or something along those lines. Now we must take into account the history of religion. It started as a way to explain mysterious natural phenomena, such as the sunrise and sunset (Ra and Apep), the sky (Atlas), lightning (Zeus/Jupiter), death (Anubis and Osiris), etc. So the premise of the existence of a deity is already that of ignorant hunter-gatherers pointing up at the sky and asking each other "what's that?", and making up stories to explain things as best as they could with their limited knowledge. By the principles of logic, this in itself puts human theism at a negligibly low probability, much much lower than .0000000001%
Then you just have to work your way through the religious evolution and you eventually get to Judaism and Christianity (Islam coming a full millennia later), then your specific denomination, and applying our negligible probability to the .0000000001% of one specific religion being correct, you get an infinitesimal probability, beyond negligible. It becomes next to impossible. Right alongside the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Zeus, Odin, and all the other deities you should already find ridiculous.
Based on the fact that deities are a man made concept, I find it generous that I consider deism to have a probabilistic value of 10%. However, in this example I even quintupled its likelihood to 50%, for convenience and for the sake of argument.
So, theism is rendered infinitesimally unlikely on several different levels. Deism really is all that deity-believers have left.
My position does not "look for" god merely because I've done all that already. Most atheists have done their own soul searching before coming to the conclusion that no god exists.
Every religion's followers are "the voice" of their religion. Muslims speak for Allah, Hindu's speak for Shiva or something, etc etc. However, there is only one truth. So let me break it down for you this way.
If we elevate the logical probability for deism from 10% to 50%, we have deism with 50% and atheism with 50%. Then you have the millions of different religions, and so your probability for theism is already a fractional percentage. Then you have the 41,000 different denominations of Christianity. So now you have literally a fraction of a fraction, of a fractional percentage. But atheism still has 50%, because it is still operating under a nonspecific binary question: god, or no god?
So we have 50%, vs .00000000001% or something along those lines. Now we must take into account the history of religion. It started as a way to explain mysterious natural phenomena, such as the sunrise and sunset (Ra and Apep), the sky (Atlas), lightning (Zeus/Jupiter), death (Anubis and Osiris), etc. So the premise of the existence of a deity is already that of ignorant hunter-gatherers pointing up at the sky and asking each other "what's that?", and making up stories to explain things as best as they could with their limited knowledge. By the principles of logic, this in itself puts human theism at a negligibly low probability, much much lower than .0000000001%
Then you just have to work your way through the religious evolution and you eventually get to Judaism and Christianity (Islam coming a full millennia later), then your specific denomination, and applying our negligible probability to the .0000000001% of one specific religion being correct, you get an infinitesimal probability, beyond negligible. It becomes next to impossible. Right alongside the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Zeus, Odin, and all the other deities you should already find ridiculous.
Based on the fact that deities are a man made concept, I find it generous that I consider deism to have a probabilistic value of 10%. However, in this example I even quintupled its likelihood to 50%, for convenience and for the sake of argument.
So, theism is rendered infinitesimally unlikely on several different levels. Deism really is all that deity-believers have left.