Jas sum za rampa na granica, i ni eden ne bi sakal da vidam ovde kaj nas.
Zošto da rizikuvame , koga moži EU ako saka so brodovi i avioni da si gi odnesat...
Ič ne mi e gajle ako nekoj me nareče rasist
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Нивното лого
Накратко се работи за група волонтери кои имаат покренато мисија наречена Defend Europe, каде што со брод ги одвраќаат мигрантите преку море да стигнат на европско тло. Имаат поставено три цели
Според кажувањата имаат постигнато голем резултат
Defending borders, even at sea, works…
ship whose mission was to prevent unnecessary crossings in the first place.
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The C-Star vessel, manned by the anti-mass immigration group Defend Europe, set out to patrol the Mediterranean to put an end to NGOs helping people smugglers bring migrants illegally into Europe, as well as prevent needless deaths at sea by acting as a deterrent from crossing in the first place.
Politico reported that there has been
a 76% drop in the number of migrants trying to make the crossing in the first 10 days of August, with around 1,572 migrants making the journey, as opposed to 6,554 for the same period last year.
Some of this can be attributed to the shift in attitude in Italy, having recently
cracked down on NGO boats effectively taxiing people into Southern Europe, however, the C-Star crew are confident they’ve played a crucial role in demonstrating it is possible to stop the boats and therefore the number of people dying at sea needlessly.
In a
press release, the group say: “The left-wing government, based in Rome only reacted thanks to the growing media pressure during several weeks. The Defend Europe mission has played a crucial role in that sense, as you can simply check out on the recent media coverage.
“Our action shows that European citizens can coordinate at the root in order to substitute States action efficiently. Thus, we urge them to acknowledge their responsibilities. At some turning point, ten men on a shift, supported by millions of their peers on land are weights and counts more than all of the Charity-business oriented NGOs.”
“This drastic fall in the number of sea crossing attempts definitely proves that NGOs uncontrolled operations are directly responsible for the massive arrival of illegal immigrants. It’s now up to us to set up a real No Way-like policy in Europe.”
The ship suffered a setback after Patreon and Paypal closed their accounts, costing them thousands in lost donations, however, since re-launching, the mission has
raised over $221,000.
The ship promised to “overwatch the doings of the NGOs, disrupt the human trafficking rings by sinking the abandoned boats they leave behind, and intervene when something illegal happens.”
“Our presence in front of the Libyan Coast will make the sea more secure. We will save anyone we can if we get an SOS-Signal, but we will make sure that they will be brought back to Africa,” they added, in a statement on their fundraising page.
The group post regular updates on their social media channels of alleged collusion between NGOs and people traffickers, and subsequently, many have stopped their activities in the area.
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Having someone act as a watchdog to these activities has demonstrably had an effect on the numbers crossing, who’d have thought?!
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