Вистинскиот проблем е во онаа категорија на 120-130 илјади гласачи, кои немаат ни лична карта, ни пасош. На дел од овие лица, иако никогаш не живееле во државава, им се издавале лични карти и потоа се распоредувани во Избирачкиот список“, објаснува претседателот на ДИК Александар Чичаковски зошто проверката на списокот мора да продолжи
News 27 Jun 16
Macedonia Starts Fresh Electoral Roll Check
A working group initiated by the Electoral Commission will soon start a fresh verification of Macedonia's problematic electoral roll, after a previous attempt to cleanse the list failed to resolve concerns.
After the the opposition Social Democrats disputed a checkup of the electoral roll carried out earlier this year, representatives of Macedonia's four main parties have agreed to launch a fresh attempt - but are yet to determine the methodology.
At talks that started last week in the electoral commission, DIK, parties agreed that the working group will consist of their representatives and experts from the Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe, OSCE, and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, IFES.
Тhe electoral roll of around 1.8 million voters has long been a matter of controversy. The OSCE, which has monitored Macedonian elections in the past, has described it as unusually large for a country of just over 2 million people.
The crisis in Macedonia escalated in February 2015, when the opposition started releasing batches of covertly recorded tapes, which it said showed that the VMRO DPMNE-led government was behind the illegal surveillance of some 20,000 people, including ministers. They said the tapes proved many criminal allegations against government members.
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