Yiddish may be a TURKISH dialect: DNA study suggests it was invented by Jews as they traded on the Silk Road
Авторот на текстот се збунил со насловот малку и ги измешал местото каде што Ашкеназите живееле со јазикот кој што го зборуваат. Инаку интересно откритие, јазикот на Ашкенази Евреите бил во суштина словенски јазик кој си позајмил еврејски и германски зборови, еврејски поради тоа што пред 1000 години Ашкеназите живееле на патот на свилата каде Евреите биле главните трговци. Инаку јазикот на Ашкеназите е Јидиш. Со генетските испитувања се верува дека по колапсот на трговските мрежи, Ашкеназите од североисточна Турција се преселиле во Хазарија, а после и низ Светот/Германија кај што си го дообликувале јазикот.
Yiddish, which incorporates German, Slavic and Hebrew, and is written in Aramaic letters, is commonly thought to be an old German dialect.
However, an alternative theory proposed by Professor Paul Wexler from the University of Tel Aviv, who is also an author on the study, suggests that Yiddish is a Slavic language that used to have both Slavic grammar and words but in time shed its Slavic lexicon and replaced it with common and unfamiliar German words.
The findings of the study, published in the journal Genome Biology and Evolution, led researchers to believe that towards the end of the first millennium, Ashkenazic Jews may have relocated to Khazaria before moving into Europe half a millennium later after the fall of the Khazarian Empire.
This was a time when the international trading networks collapsed.
As Yiddish became the primary language of Ashkenazic Jews, the language began to acquire new words from other cultures while retaining its Slavic grammar.
Dr Elhaik said: 'Yiddish is such a wonderful and complex language, which was inappropriately called 'bad German' by both its native and non-native speakers because the language consists of made-up German words and a non-German grammar.
'Yiddish is truly a combination of familiar and adapted German words using Slavic grammar.
'In a sense the language uses the same premise as Yoda from the Star Wars movies.
'For example, Yoda's language consists of common and made-up English words like 'Wookie' or 'Jedi' but the grammar is different – the words are used in a different order to what we are familiar with.'
He added: 'Utilising the GPS ancestry technology and applying it to the DNA of sole Yiddish speakers and non-Yiddish speakers allowed us to find the ancestral origins of their DNA.
'The GPS tool indicates where ancient Ashkenaz could have existed over 1,500 years ago.'
Professor Wexler, added: 'The linguistic data used are from Yiddish, which we assume was invented in Western Asia as a Slavic language with a largely German-like lexicon and a significant Iranian component on all levels of the language.
'The genetic data presented here appear to corroborate the linguistic hypothesis.'
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Интересно, јазикот на Ашкеназите бил оригинално словенски.