кога ке имаш контра/аргумент или факт во некој твој напишан став тогаш ке дискутираме.Логиката многу е фалична и историски неточна, црквата немала апсолутна контрола врз државата. Сепак ќе повториме
Лага која бестрамно ја повторуваш, сепак по 100ти пат
Генерално, факт е настан што се има случено или изјава што е вистинита во одредена објективна смисла, без разлика на тоа дали некој ја зема за вистина или не. Некогаш, се разбира, има разлики во мислење над тоа што е фактички, и постојат одредени методи за минимизирање на тие разлики.
Логички аргумент
Кај логиката, аргумент представува обид за покажување на вистинитоста на едно тврдење наречено заклучок, врз основа на вистинитоста на збир тврдења наречени искази. Процесот на покажување на дедуктивното и индуктивното расудување му дава облик на аргументот и подразбира некој вид на комуникација, која може да биде дел од пишан текст, говор или разговор.
Став со кој девалвираш се што е надвор од православието е нерационален,за конкретниот случај веројатноста за вистинитост на фактот неодвојливоста на врската црква/држава е канонизирање на царот како ravno-apostalnii со што јасна дистинкција помегу нив нема од 988 се до 1721 год. но со самиот чин на канонизирање на владетелот од страна на црквата самата држава е во инфериорна положба бидејки црквата е таа која овластува' а царот односно државата нејзин извршител'.
овој став го имаат искажано автори на 'The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Security' кои се едни од најреспектираните експерти во областа религија и безбедност.
Pauletta Otis
Pauletta Otis is a senior fellow in religion and world affairs at the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. She is a leading expert on cultural and religious violence with special expertise in the study of sub-national violence and combines both the theoretical with operational experience and expertise. She has conducted field research in conflict situations in South Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and the eastern Mediterranean. She was professor of political science and international studies at the University of Southern Colorado (1989-2004) and held the positions of distinguished visiting professor of international security studies at the Joint Military Intelligence College (1998, DOD), visiting scholar at the National Security Education Program (1999, NDU), and professor of international security studies (2002-2004 JMIC). She has served as a member of the Defense Intelligence Advisory Board, Defense Science Policy Board Summer Study on Homeland Security and in a senior advisory capacity for the U.S. military chaplains. Otis holds a Ph.D. from the University of Denver.
Dennis R. Hoover
Vice President for Research and Publications "IGE creates unique forums for rigorous scholarship and candid dialogue about the complex roles of faith in public life worldwide. It is a pioneer in the now-burgeoning field of religion and international affairs."
Dennis R. Hoover, Ph.D., is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Institute. He also serves as executive director of the Center on Faith & International Affairs (CFIA) and as editor of CFIA's journal, The Review of Faith & International Affairs.
He came to the Institute in January 2003 from the Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, where he was a resident fellow and associate editor of the Center's journalism review magazine, Religion in the News.
He earned his doctorate in politics in 1997 at the University of Oxford, where he wrote his thesis, "Conservative Protestant Politics in the United States and Canada: The Mobilization of Evangelical Social Movements Across the Continental Divide." He earned his M.Phil. in Politics in 1992 at Oxford as well, studying the political institutions of advanced industrial societies, American politics, contemporary political theory, and modern theories of law and state. He graduated magna cum laude in 1990 from Messiah College in Grantham, PA, where he majored in political science.
He has taught political science courses at several institutions, including Trinity College in Hartford, CT and Berry College in Mount Berry, GA. Dr. Hoover is co-editor with Chris Seiple and Pauletta Otis of The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Security (Routledge, 2013), co-editor with Douglas Johnston of Religion and Foreign Affairs: Essential Readings (Baylor University Press, 2012), and co-editor with Robert A. Seiple of Religion and Security: The New Nexus in International Relations (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004). He has also written for diverse popular journals, including Books & Culture and The Nation.
Dr. Chris Seiple
President Emeritus & Chairman of the Board "Forced worship stinks in the nostrils of God." —Roger Williams, 1670
Chris Seiple, Ph.D., is President Emeritus and Chairman of the Board at the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), a research, education, and diplomatic institution that builds sustainable religious freedom worldwide through local partnerships. As such he works for and with the President and CEO of IGE, John Gallagher. Chris previously served as IGE’s President from 1 September 2003 to 1 September 2015. He tweets regularly via @CSeiple.
A graduate of Stanford, the Naval Postgraduate School, and the Fletcher School for Law & Diplomacy, he is also the founder of The Review of Faith & International Affairs, a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (Philadelphia), and a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (London).
His book, The U.S. Military/NGO Relationship in Humanitarian Interventions (The U.S. Army War College, 1996), is a seminal work in the field. Seiple is a co-author of International Religious Freedom Advocacy: A Guide to Organizations, Law, and NGOs (Baylor University Press, 2009), and a co-editor of The Routledge Handbook on Religion & Security (2013). He wrote his 2007 Ph.D. dissertation on the bilateral relationship between the U.S. and Uzbekistan.
Seiple is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and serves on its religious advisory committee. Dr. Seiple is the Chair for the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on the Role of Faith (2014-2016), and writes regularly for the World Economic Forum Blog. He is also co-founder and co-chair of the "IRF Roundtable," a non-partisan consortium of Washington-area international religious freedom (IRF) NGOs that meets bi-monthly to discuss how best to promote religious freedom in Washington policy circles and worldwide. Previously he served on the Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. Secretary of State—The "Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society"—where he was a Senior Advisor to the Committee's "Religion and Foreign Policy" working group (2011-2015).
Chris is the co-founder and administrator of The Cradle Fund, IGE’s program to help rescue, restore, and return Middle Eastern Christians and other religious and ethnic groups to a home where they can live and practice their faith free from fear. Related, Seiple serves on the Religion, Identity and Countering Violent Extremism working group of the Middle East Strategy Task Force (MEST), at The Atlantic Council.
A former Marine infantry officer, Seiple's last posting was to the Pentagon, where he was a member of the Strategic Initiatives Group, an internal think tank for the Commandant of the Marine Corps. In this capacity he helped to envision what a new national security act might look like, as well as develop and implement the Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force (serving as its liaison to the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control during the 1996 Summer Olympics).
He speaks regularly to governmental and civil society audiences worldwide about the relationship between religion and realpolitik. At the request of the U.S. Army Chaplaincy, Dr. Seiple designed and implemented the Chaplaincy's first training program for social-cultural-religious strategy and engagement (2010-2012).
Over the years, he has appeared on BBC, MSNBC, Fox News, Saudi TV, Pakistan News One, Vietnam National TV, CN8, CNN and NewsMax.
Dr. Seiple serves on the Board of Directors for the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation. He previously served on the Wycliffe Bible Translators Board for 10 years (2003-2013). He is also on the board of advisors for Carolina for Kibera, Inc. Chris resides in Virginia with his wife, Alissa, and their five children, Liam, Hanan, Hadessah, Ashrei, and Jonah.
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