Фан Клуб: Јувентус


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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Evra: 'Allegri changes the menu'
By Football Italia staff
Patrice Evra reveals his half-time advice to Juventus and why Max Allegri’s “menu” was crucial in the Champions League.

The ex-Manchester United full-back has remarkable experience in this competition and was a valuable asset when eliminating Real Madrid 3-2 on aggregate.

“The Champions League Final was an objective from the first moment Juventus called me,” he told Sky Sport Italia.

“Every time I play in this competition, I get the feeling I’m going to the Final. I try to do my work on the field, but I thank those who wanted me and my experience here.”

Juve had won the first leg 2-1 in Turin and secured qualification with a 1-1 at the Bernabeu.

“We were never afraid. At half-time, when 1-0 down, I told the lads it’d end like this. I knew we had to suffer, but that we’d do it.

“I told them it was impossible that we’d leave there without scoring a goal and that proved to be the case.

“A lot of credit must also go to Coach Allegri, as he always changed the menu, by which I mean the formation.

“Now we’ll see what menu he has in store for us in Berlin.”

Juventus will face Barcelona in the Champions League Final in Berlin on June 6.
Го гиба Конте :icon_lol:

Иначе според мене чоеков денес со ова досега сработено заработи место меѓу нашите тренерски великани, кога ќе видиш дека последен е Липи кој не донесол до финале. Секоја чест ! :cuc::cuc:


Член од
31 јануари 2010
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Да, супер е што има уште една шанса во кариерата да освои ЛШ.
А се надевам и златна топка.
Златна рУкавица. :)

Откога заврши натпреварот до сега ми е она чувство како кога ја победивме Литванија.


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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DeviAngel напиша:
Morata hurt by Bernabeu jeers
By Football Italia staff

Alvaro Morata admits he was hurt at Real Madrid fans jeering him in the Bernabeu, but Juventus “can continue dreaming.”

The 1-1 draw in Madrid secured qualification for the Champions League Final after winning the first leg 2-1.

“I am very happy. First of all I thank the fans who were in the stadium and I say we’ll give our all to win this Final.

“It will be very difficult, but we can do it against Barcelona in Berlin,” Morata told Sport Mediaset.

“This club hasn’t been in a Champions League Final for 12 years, but we can continue growing and dreaming.”

Morata scored in both legs and refused to celebrate against his old club, but was still jeered as he left the field for a substitution.

“The situation was difficult for me. I didn’t celebrate, I just did my job, I am a Juve player and didn’t deserve that.

“I dedicate the goal to my family, my girlfriend and my fans who are always with me. Also to my agent, who was tough last summer.”

DeviAngel напиша:
Chiellini: 'Juve can beat Barcelona'
By Football Italia staff

Giorgio Chiellini said Juventus are “convinced we can beat” Barcelona in the Champions League Final after eliminating Real Madrid.

The showdown for the trophy is in Berlin on June 6, Juve’s first Final since 2003.

“This is the most wonderful and important match of my career, as it is for everyone I expect,” the defender told Sky Sport Italia.

“We proved that we deserve to be here, so now we go to Berlin convinced we can win because we are strong and can beat anyone.”

The 2-1 victory in Turin was followed by a 1-1 draw at the Bernabeu.

“It was an incredible night and we want to enjoy it to the full, because this doesn’t happen every day.”

Real Madrid were only able to score from a Cristiano Ronaldo penalty, which Chiellini gave away for a challenge on James Rodriguez.

“On the field it seemed an exaggerated decision, but on the replay a touch like that can end up in a penalty.”
НЕ ако продолжиш глупости да прајш
DeviAngel напиша:
Vidal: 'Game of our lives'
By Football Italia staff

Arturo Vidal said Juventus will play “the game of our lives” against Barcelona in the Champions League Final.

They’ll clash on June 6 in Berlin after the Bianconeri eliminated Real Madrid 3-2 on aggregate.

“Barcelona have extraordinary players, but so do we and in Berlin we’ll play the game of our lives,” Vidal told Sky Sport Italia.

“We have a very united squad, we are all brothers here because we’ve known each other for a few years now.

“What Juventus have is a great team.”
DeviAngel напиша:
Tevez: 'Now for Messi'
By Football Italia staff

Carlos Tevez is looking forward to facing Leo Messi in the Champions League Final between Juventus and Barcelona.

The Bianconeri eliminated trophy holders Real Madrid 3-2 on aggregate after tonight’s 1-1 draw at the Bernabeu.

“I think the team played two great games and we can go to Berlin,” Tevez told Sport Mediaset.

“The important thing was to qualify and Juventus hadn’t been in a Final for such a long time. We had to get the victory.”

It’ll be a battle of the Argentine forwards in Berlin, as Tevez takes on Messi.

“We’ll be facing the best Messi, so must prepare very well for the game. He is a phenomenon and I think it’s going to be a great game.”


ВАР експерт
Член од
15 јануари 2013
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Ко видов колкав е постот, јас си реков ќе почниш и сега да плукаш.

Во врска со барса. Не ги величи само тие тројца. Тука е и Ракитич кој со тек на време станѕва ѕвер ама и Инјеста кој по мала криза ми се чини заличува на онај стариот.
Она шо е слаба точка на барса е одбраната и кај да е ќе кикснат. Со трпелива игра можи да се очекува на кикс. Мислам дека премногу почнуваат да се потпираат на индовидуалци и тука ја гледам нашата шанса. Луис енрике беше можеби најлошиот од сите тренери во полуфиналето. Вервам дека макс ќе скрои нешто и за нив.
Јас не плукам, јас критикувам :D. Може заради некогаш поостриот речник да ти се чини така, ама по нешто што е од/на Јувентус немам плукано.


Un vero cavaliere non lascia mai la sua signora
Член од
6 април 2010
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DeviAngel напиша:
Marotta: 'Juve try to keep Morata'
By Football Italia staff

Beppe Marotta hails Max Allegri’s “intelligence” and said Juventus will try to keep Alvaro Morata from Real Madrid.

This is the first Bianconeri Champions League Final since 2003, extraordinary considering Allegri only took over from Antonio Conte when pre-season training had already begun.

“The Coach, the club and the team work in symbiosis. We supported the staff in the best possible way, then Allegri proved himself to be an excellent Coach with great intelligence both on and off the field,” director Marotta told Sport Mediaset.

Now Juve will face Barcelona in the Final in Berlin on June 6 after eliminating Real Madrid 3-2 on aggregate.

“A Final can be affected by many things. For example, tonight it was extremely hot, so you need to reach that appointment in excellent physical shape.

“Barcelona and Real Madrid are fighting for the title, while we can gestate the squad better during the period diving us from the Final.

“On paper Barcelona are stronger, but there are so many elements that can make the difference, including good luck.

“When the draw in Nyon paired us with Real Madrid, few expected Juventus to make it, so we’ll see what happens with Barcelona.

“It’s also true that just being here in the Final is something to be very proud of indeed.”

Morata scored two of Juve’s three goals against Real Madrid, but the Merengues still have a buy-back option on the striker.

“Unfortunately, we could not do the deal differently. Morata scored in both legs, so sank the club he came from. That’s the joy of football.

“We’ll enjoy him for the moment, but it’s up to the player and he said many times he wants to remain with us.

“With that on our side, we’ll try to overturn the buy-back option.”


Hate leads to suffering
Член од
25 декември 2010
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Да не испадне дека ви правам лице, али мило ми е што влеговте во финалево, пошто сите ептен во потценија. Со среќа во финалето иако според секоја логика Барса би требало да биде шампионот....тоа не би требало да ве спречи да го направите "невозможното" и да славите нова европска титула.

Со среќа !

Fl. Perez

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