The True Will is the will of the deepest inmost Self — the core of who you really are as a spiritual being. Also, and importantly, it is an expression of the universal will, as particularized and expressed in your individual life. This is why, when we are living in accordance with our True Will, we find that much of the time the universe seems to open up a path right in front of us, as if in sympathy with our aims. Likewise, when we feel as though we are swimming upstream against life it is very often the case that we have veered a bit from the path of our True Will; or perhaps we’re receiving a lesson from the HGA (Holy Guardian Angel) and/or the universe itself that is helping to nudge us back onto the path…
…All too often, the True Will is erroneously conceptualized as a singular choice of a career or a single task to be accomplished in life. This is far too restrictive. The True Will is the essence of your Self. It encompasses you, your actions, your thoughts, your feelings, and your behaviours; and it pertains to the way you live, moment-to-moment, as well as the entire arc of your life itself — and even beyond one life into other incarnations. As you can see, it’s really much, much more than a choice of career or a single task to complete. There is often, however, a great deal of overlap between the True Will and what one chooses to spend one’s time doing in life — one’s occupation or favourite hobbies, for example…
…Much of the time, the discovery of the True Will is a slow and gradual process, occasionally punctuated by breakthroughs of insight. For example, you may have been reflecting on your life choices over the past several years and discover that there has been a certain trend that had escaped your notice at the time; but then, in looking back on it, you gain some insight into the True Will. In contrast, there are those moments when you’ll simply be stopped in your tracks when a realization appears as an instantaneous flash, causing you to laugh or cry (or both) with the clarity of the insight.
The process is incredibly individualized, and no two seekers will experience its peaks and valleys in the same way. To put it somewhat poetically: Think of yourself as the prophet of your own Angel — as the high priest or priestess of a religion you are developing that is yours alone. The aim of that religion is to deepen, intensify, and delineate with ever-increasing clarity the mystical and magical procedures that effectively invoke your Holy Guardian Angel.
Dr. David Shoemaker, Living Thelema