I am not very proud to be an American these days. Our government is against us and the whole world. Obama promised us hope and change. But gave us hate and despair. I am rooting for mother Russia in this one.
I just hope our biggest crop is not mushrooms.
The NWO has no sovereign countries in their future…only them. The more war and chaos on mother earth, the better chances for them to take the reins…
The leaders of outside the west would be better suited to find these NWO miscreants and declare war on THEM! They are the true evil associated with most of the events we see unfolding today…
Neither am I. We have been an international bully for decades and now the smaller kids have the power and all we have is posturing and the possibility of doomsday, recognizing that we can win we overturn the board over like a spoiled child. Also, though I am not one of the blame Obama crowd, since I believe our problems span many administrations and both sides of the aisle, every move this administration makes internationally is a disaster. It seems the West Wingers have that remarkable combination of extreme arrogance and tremendous incompetence. That is dangerous and could lead takes us down some very dark roads, including the one infested with mushrooms.
- Wildcard1Texas
I would not be so quick to jump on the bandwagon yet, as the US gov is definitely guilty of meddling however we must be cautious of Putin (although it is my hope he is for real and aginst the banster gangsters
- 2012 Consciousness Shift Resou
Greetings Wildcard.. It is possible Putin is working to protect us from those bankster gangsters. Even though Putin is controlled by same force(s), he may have gotten to the point in his life where he has had enough and is now fighting back against the banking cartel. If so, he will end up like JFK.
- JustWatching
What the U.S. does have is the strongest military on the entire planet — This is immaterial. The American military is set up to win battles, not wars. It does best against weak, little countries. Grenada was a prime example. When they moved up to an opponent like Afghanistan, it got a little dicey.
During the cold war, Washington knew that the only chance to stop the soviet military in Europe was the use of nuclear weapons and they would have to use them first. While Cheney did express his willingness to use nukes to intervene in Iran (Just little ones to break up the buried sites), there are few people in this administration that are that stupid.
And not even Obama wants to join Napoleon and Hitler on the list as someone dumb enough to invade Russia.
MANY MANY Americans think highly of Russia and Putin. We understand he must DEFEND Russian interests, ports, military bases, and the Russian people living in Ukraine and Crimea. We understand that Putin LOVES Russia dearly.
It would be nice if our own president felt the same way about the U.S.. If I could — I would move to Russia for a few years. It would be nice to live in a free country like Russia rather than a Police State like what is in the U.S. now.
Eric Quintero
I wouldnt go so far as to calling the Russians “free.” Putin has very good marketing behind him. He’s a thug. A Respectable thug, but a thug nonetheless.
No one is allowed to question Putin and people who speak out are usually thrown in prison. Putin is still a dictator – just a more likeable one.
I wouldnt go so far as to calling Putin is a dictator. Yes he has a lot of power by constitution but more than 70% russian people support him so it is not a dictatorship.
BTW dictatorship could be a good thing if dictator do the best in order to protect interests of people and the state.
- Eric Quintero
That is true. It does appear that he is benevolent in his nature.
- Jersey_Prophet
A dictator is not measured by how many support him. A dictator is measured by his treatment of those who DON’T support him!
- Drud
Well said. Voltaire put it this way: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
- Roger Smith
The U.S. isn’t going to do squat in this conflict. Can you imagine trying to fight a battle with Russia in the Black Sea? In their wildest dreams, Russian admirals couldn’t come up with a better “kill box” than the Black Sea. Any ships that go in there, It would be like checking into the roach motel. They check in at the Bosporus but they don’t check out.
Michael has already spelled out the barrel we are over with Russia because of the debt. In addition, any conflict between two major powers and we’ll see oil prices go to the stratosphere. That only helps Russia. Oh and they also make bank producing weapons. So any hostilities would ring like a giant cash register in the ears of Putin.
- Eric Quintero
It doesnt help that we just closed down the last ammo producing shop in the United States. All ammo will be imported now. Most of our 5.56 and 7.62 will have to come from Russia… oh wait.
- Drud
Yes, we have very few good options, and if any “economic sanctions” we try end up in collapse of the dollar, our government is likely to respond like the spoiled child it is: WWIII.
- chilller
The US operates just like the neighborhood bully…until someone stands up to them and they wet their panties.
With Russia and China being the two biggest players in the BRICS nations, they are setting up a new gold based Development Bank. Being a threat to the petro-dollar, look for more financial warring between the value of the dollar and price of gold. The US manipulates gold price while China and Russia can smash dollar value at will.