Значи дошле вонземјаните , немале попаметна работа на Земјата и решиле да стават неколку камења еден врз друг и си ојделе .. наште предци , иначе тешки простаци и примитивци ( не знајале нели да стават 3-4 камења еден врз друг ) , не им побарале некаква технологија , било што .. Упс , пирамиди немаше само у Египет , насекаде беа .. Значи , доШле вонземјани , дигнале пирамиди на планетата и си ојделе без никакви докази за нивно доаѓање и нивно помагање во пирамидите .. Со која цел ?? Што се толку специфични пирамидите ? Зашо не направиле крадрати или цилиндри ?
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Experiments with Pyramids
Water Alteration
Water is not "purified" under a pyramid, as the claims say, however it is chemically altered. Water is a
polar molecule. The hydrogen bond is what allows this change to occur. The orgone energy produced
by the pyramid polarizes, lines up, or somehow alters the hydrogen bond. This alters not only the
taste of the water but some of it's chemical properties as well. Water that is "charged" with
pyramid/orgone energy can pass on the energy to other things. Watering plants with pyramid water
will help them grow better. Some people drink pyramid water too. If you would like to made lots of
pyramid water to drink, put a gallon or less of water under a large frame pyramid (6ft base) and leave
it for a hour. Treating small amounts of water under a small or large pyramid, takes only 10 to 15
Sharpen razor blades
This sounds really strange, but it's true. A dull razor blade is impregnated with water molecules. Now
a pyramid creates a condition of microwave-dehydration (on non-living things), and removes the
water from the steel. The moon cycles can affect results, as the moon cycles affect earth's magnetic
field, and pyramid energy is related to magnetism (that's why you have to have the pyramid lined up
to magnetic north. The blade sharpens best when it is lined up east-west, and the pyramid northsouth.
The razor is put under the pyramid after each use. A cheap razor that lasts 5 good shaves will
last 50 or more. I have heard reports of as high as 250 as well. With the lunar cycles affecting the
pyramid, sometimes one will get a poor shave one night. Don't end the experiment, it will pick up
again the next day. Now this is not a totally alien process, it just speeds up natural ones. If you leave
a razor for 2 months it will lose the water, and "sharpen" itself. The pyramid does this over night.
Pyramids will keep the blade sharp, but I think it takes a long time to sharpen a dull one. Try 2 weeks
and see it it helps. It's best to start with a fresh blade and maintain it. Using good quality razors and
pyramids together can help a razor last for many, many uses.