Малку е подолг текстот но чисто информативно...ефектите мислам дека се веќе видливи, од експерименти со вакцини до инвестирање и стократно враќање на влоговите.
Бил Гејтс...филантроп најверојатно колку и Џорџ Сорос или британскиот принц и неговите експерименти изминатиот век низ Африка.
Монсанто, Гален...се само некои од дузината фирми во кои Гејтс е инволвиран. Дел од тие фирми ги "хранат" африканците, Хаити и слични држави со ГМО храна, богата со пестициди и вештачки ѓубрива, дел со аспартам, дел се занимаваат со обиди да се вакцинира цел свет со вакцина дури и против свински грип.
Monsanto Investor Bill Gates Finds Way for Taxpayers to Fund His Patents (on Dangerous Life Forms)
donating money to improve crop yields for African farmers... but apparently with the caveat that any seeds
purchased come from Monsanto (in which the
Foundation apparently has a significant share holding) and be genetically modified and subject to patents. (see
http://hiltont.blogspot.com/2010/09/bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-an... or
http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/bill-berkowitz/31828/chemical-relati...) - exactly the sort of thing that has led to the epidemic of farmer suicides in India and elsewhere (
With W-C acquisition, Bill Gates becomes a shareholder of Galen
The Philanthropic Drug Pusher Jan. 31, 2010 The World Should be Vaccinated According to Bill Gates
Bill Gates’ Vaccines
Who gains from such a transaction? Obviously the pharmaceutical industry and its shareholders like the BMGF which
will multiply its assets in the name of charity.
More on the Monsanto company: Monsanto is the world's largest manufacturer of poisons, not only of the citizens of the world but also of the environment. In 1995, Monsanto ranked 5th among US corporations in the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory, having discharged 37 million pounds of toxic chemicals into the air, land, water and underground.
In this month’s PLos Medicine, global health experts from Harvard, the University of California and the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene wonder whether the Gates Foundation, with corporate stock heavily invested in manufacturers of health-damaging sugary drinks and sickness-reliant drug companies, can be trusted as an independent financier of the public’s health.
“Global Health Philanthropy and Institutional Relationships: How Should Conflicts of Interest Be Addressed?
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