Која е разликата е едно, а што тебе ти паѓа на памет е друго. Антрополошки разлики има и помеѓу Македонците и самите Македонци, Мијаците се различни од Брсјаците, а Брсјаците од Мариовците како што и Мариовците се различни од Мијаци итн.
Шо ќе докажиме со ова? Не разбирам која е целта? Провокација? Шо е целта?
Illyrians as Dorians
Carleton Stevens Coon claimed there was a connection between the Illyrians and the Dorians based on his anthropological analyses of the Albanian and Montenegrin population as well as the Sfakian population in Crete. Coon discovered that Montenegro and Albania is highly concentrated Illyrian racial zone and that the Sfakians are directly descended from Doric tribes that invaded Crete from the direction of Macedonia and Illyria. Moreover, he stated that Albanians, Montenegrins and Sfakians shared many similarities in stature, appearance, language, national costume, belligerent tendencies, tribal orders and vendettas.
http://www.summagallicana.it/lessico/c/Coon Carleton Stevens.htm
Вака мисли Кун, кога веќе мафтате со него. Но не се само тој.
Кога е и така, тогаш шо сака да кажи со ова?
The Montenegrins, who are the tallest people in Europe, live on a barren limestone mountain upland, where they, for centuries, succeeded in maintainingnheir Christianity and their freedom while surrounded by the Turks. They, like the northern Albanians, preserve their old exogamous clan organization, and their clan loyalties and feuds. They are linguistically Serbs, but there can be no question that they are to a large extent Slavicized Albanians; the cultural continuity between the two peoples is striking, the only real differences being those of language and religion. Although the Montenegrins are divided geographically into several sections, the racial differences between these are not great, and for the present purpose the Montenegrins will be dealt with as a whole. Where there are regional differences, the Old Montenegrins, who show the most extreme development in typically Montenegrin characters, will be referred to.126
Кој со кого е мешан и кој колку е МОНГРЕЛИЗЕД, ако воопшто знајш шо значи тој збор.
Ако има нешто нејасно кај Кун рецимо, тогаш оти Кун ги користи најмногу Албанците како пример за тоа што значи (Балкански) Динарец.
A Moslem Serb from Dibra, in Old Serbia. This Serb, like most of his countrymen, is tall, brunet, rather small-headed, and brachycephalic. It would appear that a brachycephalization of the "Pontic" Mediterranean type, shown on Plate 26, is involved.
An Albanian gendarme from Puka, in the center of the Gheg country. This individual, like many Albanians when dressed and coiffured in western European style, looks like a Frenchman.
An exaggeratedly tall, lean, and long-faced Dinaric from Klementi, the northernmost bairak of the tribe of Malsia ë Madhë. Northern Albania is probably the most highly Dinaricized country in Europe.
A blond Gheg from Zadrima; a classic Noric.
An extremely Dinaricized Zadrima Gheg; this individual may be considered an example of the ultimate in Dinaricization.
A Dinaric Greek of Epirote stock, from Gjinokaster in what is now Albania. Many Greeks, especially Epirotes, are Dinarics.
Значи Кун вика, не тропај глупости, и внимавај шо збораш, оти антропологијата е лоша работа.
А за најубо да видиш како одат работите ќе ти кажи Стипчевиќ: