Stranger: where u from?
You: spain
You: u?
You: ?
Stranger: greece
You: nice
Stranger: whats your name?
You: Gloria
You: urs?
Stranger: afrodite
You: nice
You: my dad is from Macedonia

Stranger: macedonia as in Scopia or macedonia in greece?
You: ou...thats why you don't want my country to be macedonia right?
You: because there is macedonia in greece too
You: and...if we are macedonia not Fyrom
You: then you have to give us that land
Stranger: noooo
Stranger: it s not the land
You: it is
Stranger: even if its named macedonia they wont take the land

Stranger: personally i dont care
Stranger: its just a name
You: yea...behind you is EU
You: and behind nobody
You: yea its not just a name
Stranger: ohh wait
You: its the same if I call you Petranka maybe
Stranger: behind you is obama
You: anybody else?
Stranger: and obama it stronger than eu
You: and whos our enemy?You albania bugaria serbia
You: if obama was stronger than EU
You: now we would be Macedonia...and if I remember you still Call us FYROM
You: and on Eurovision...we are named FYROM not Macedonian
Stranger: look
Stranger: wait 1 min
Stranger: why do u wanna be named macedonia?
You: because I am MACEDONIAN
You: not FYROM or any bullshits
Stranger: macedonians are the progenies of Alexander the great, and last time i checked he was greek
Stranger: but
You: 70% of his DNA is MACEDONIAN
You: 30% greek
Stranger: oh come on
You: jea....its wright
You: right*
Stranger: u people didnt even exist on that time
You: i don't know who didnt exsist
You: its proved...sorry hun
Stranger: u are just bastards of slavian races
You: you are bastards
Stranger: im an archeologist
You: learn the wrong history
Stranger: if i know something that is balkan history
You: its proved that alexander the great is macedonian
You: even in quizes its that way
Stranger: who fucken proved it
Stranger: ?
You: i dont know in greece...but in the world
Stranger: your scientists?
You: not mine...
Stranger: u know what
You: world scientists
You: no
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: and albanian scientists proved he was albanian
Stranger: any more u got say
You: yea...everybody likes our alexander
You: hes the greatest lider
Stranger: your????
You: yes...
You: hes macedonan
Stranger: go fuck yourself your fucking cunt
You: and you can just be jelarous
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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