Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Are you from an English-speaking country?

You: yes, I come in peace
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Се исплаши. :(

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: im lookig for a horny girl
You: i'm looking too
You: let's look for a horny girl :D
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey 20 male usa, with webcam =)
You: hey young girl from USA, her dad is a cop
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Член од
10 октомври 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hi

Stranger: hii

You: how are you

Stranger: fine, thnxs

Stranger: u??

You: fine

Stranger: asl??

You: 19

You: u

Stranger: 21

You: aha

You: sooo

You: what are you doing?

Stranger: freeze a little

Stranger: u??

You: chating

Stranger: nice :P

You: where are you from?

Stranger: spain

You: so, is is cold in spain now?

You: :)

Stranger: yeah, it's round 7º


По ѓавола, ми се затвори табот пред да копирам. Нешто вака беше последново:
You: If you say asl, I will shoot you
Stranger: asl
Stranger: fuck yourself
Stranger: I hate people like you
И си отиде. :pos:

Сабајлево налетав на еден асален Ирец, бистревме Ирско-Македонска политика. :)

Stranger: hi
You: hey there Stranger
You: do you like potatoes?
Stranger: yes...
You: finally, a Stranger who likes potatoes
Stranger: and ... ?
You: well, you like potatoes, am I not right?
Stranger: yes
You: it is an honor to meet someone who likes potatoes
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


The Guitar Addict
Член од
30 април 2007
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: i'm hitler u?
Stranger: from?
You: from korea
You: /sarcasm off

... Странава врв. :)


Сам свој психолог
Член од
7 август 2009
Поени од реакции
Stranger: where u from?
You: spain
You: u?
You: ?
Stranger: greece
You: nice
Stranger: whats your name?
You: Gloria
You: urs?
Stranger: afrodite
You: nice
You: my dad is from Macedonia :)
Stranger: macedonia as in Scopia or macedonia in greece?
You: ou...thats why you don't want my country to be macedonia right?
You: because there is macedonia in greece too
You: and...if we are macedonia not Fyrom
You: then you have to give us that land
Stranger: noooo
Stranger: it s not the land
You: it is
Stranger: even if its named macedonia they wont take the land:)
Stranger: personally i dont care
Stranger: its just a name
You: yea...behind you is EU
You: and behind nobody
You: yea its not just a name
Stranger: ohh wait
You: its the same if I call you Petranka maybe
Stranger: behind you is obama
You: anybody else?
Stranger: and obama it stronger than eu
You: and whos our enemy?You albania bugaria serbia
You: if obama was stronger than EU
You: now we would be Macedonia...and if I remember you still Call us FYROM
You: and on Eurovision...we are named FYROM not Macedonian
Stranger: look
Stranger: wait 1 min
Stranger: why do u wanna be named macedonia?
You: because I am MACEDONIAN
You: not FYROM or any bullshits
Stranger: macedonians are the progenies of Alexander the great, and last time i checked he was greek
Stranger: but
You: 70% of his DNA is MACEDONIAN
You: 30% greek
Stranger: oh come on
You: jea....its wright
You: right*
Stranger: u people didnt even exist on that time
You: i don't know who didnt exsist
You: its proved...sorry hun
Stranger: u are just bastards of slavian races
You: you are bastards
Stranger: im an archeologist
You: learn the wrong history
Stranger: if i know something that is balkan history
You: its proved that alexander the great is macedonian
You: even in quizes its that way
Stranger: who fucken proved it
Stranger: ?
You: i dont know in greece...but in the world
Stranger: your scientists?
You: not mine...
Stranger: u know what
You: world scientists
You: no
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: and albanian scientists proved he was albanian
Stranger: any more u got say
You: yea...everybody likes our alexander
You: hes the greatest lider
Stranger: your????
You: yes...
You: hes macedonan
Stranger: go fuck yourself your fucking cunt
You: and you can just be jelarous
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Кавга со Јунанистанци!

Член од
12 декември 2008
Поени од реакции
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: ey

Stranger: how are you?:)

You: craizy

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

закон е странава


You: hi asl

Stranger: 21 m US.

You: you know what?

Stranger: ?

You: Jesus loves you!

Stranger: but im gay. and not religious. thanks for the sentiment tho. :)

You: Jesus loves you nomatter you are gay!

You: and no matter you are nor religious

Stranger: ok

You: just open your hart

You: heart*

You: and you will be free again, you can fly

You: if jesus wants to

Stranger: i am free.

You: no you are not free till you open your heart to jesus

Stranger: um...

Stranger: im not doing that thanks.

You: Why? WHy yu are living that dirty life??

Stranger: i don't think its dirty.

You: It is dirty

Stranger: why?

You: if your heart is not open to god and jesus

Stranger: what is dirty about love?

Stranger: god made sex if there is a god.

Stranger: and if there is a god he made love too

Stranger: would he realy care that someone just didn't think he was real, but didn't hurt anyone?

You: God made sex for making kids you know, not for plesure

Stranger: how do you know that?

You: He said that to me

Stranger: when?

You: I opened my heart for gods love and he is with me everywhere and he protects me from evil

Stranger: if thats what you want to do. :)

You: I want every man I know to be free nd feel the same like i feel!

You: cos i was dirty before i opened my heart

You: and know i am clean again

You: with no sins

Stranger: i feel less dirty since i stopped tho.

Stranger: and more free.

Stranger: what if god doesn't wat us to worry about wheather he is there or not?

You: Oo boy you are blind!

Stranger: i don't think i am blind.


Stranger: y?

Stranger: i firmy believe that being gay is natural and healthy, sex is natural and healthy, and love is natural and healthy.

Stranger: and that no god would sabotage us to make us how we shouldn't be.


You: you are blind

You: the devil is inside you

Stranger: it doesn't hurt anyone to have sex

Stranger: if it is safe sex

Stranger: technically the bible doesn'r mention sex before maddiage as being a sin

Stranger: marriage*

Stranger: anyway those are not my beliefs

Јас во улога на поп хаха


You: I have a mission for you
Stranger: well hi
Stranger: ok yey
You: if you accomplish it, you'll get to work for a government agency so secret that makes the guys at the CIA look like clowns on a parade
Stranger: yeeeyyy
Stranger: so tell me
You: go to google, and type osama bin laden. then follow the link to wikipedia and find out if he has a beard
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: loser
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Write the number that describes you

1 m wants to talk with f
2 m wants to talk with m
3 m wants to talk with f (horny)
4 m wants to talk with m (horny)

5 male neutral
6 female neutral

7 f wants to talk with f
8 f wants to talk with m
9 f wants to talk with f (horny)
0 f wants to talk with m (horny)

11 wants to troll
Член од
21 декември 2008
Поени од реакции
Странава е занимација и пол. :)

A MUST READ е разговоров.
постирај го тука:toe:

омг читајте го ова:
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 14 m macedonia
Stranger: heyyy
You: u??
Stranger: macedonia ?
Stranger: where is it ?
You: balkans...
Stranger: europe or america
You: europe u idiot
Your conversational partner has disconnected.:tapp:


И ондак то...
Член од
2 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
Stranger: hey

Stranger: want to see somethign mindblowing?

You: yes

Stranger: okay

Stranger: read this poem outloud

Stranger: it wont work unless you read it outloud

Stranger: hold on

Stranger: and dont think about anythign else

Stranger: its subconscious mind control

Stranger: The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.

Stranger: tell me when you read it

You: ... ?

Stranger: now think of a card

Stranger: from a deck

Stranger: a normal deck

Stranger: while reading it

You: .... ?

Stranger: got it?

You: yes

Stranger: did you think of one?

Stranger: what is it

You: yes

You: 9

Stranger: of what

Stranger: which suit

You: heart

Stranger: i knew it

Stranger: FUCK YES

Stranger: it works

Stranger: every time

Stranger: every single person

Stranger: thinks 9 of hearts

Stranger: hold on

You: haha

You: u lie to me?

Stranger: hol don a second

Stranger: youtube

Stranger: reverand david doubleday

You: what is this

Stranger: watch the interview

Stranger: are you watching

Stranger: every single time

Stranger: its subconscious mind control

Stranger: everyone think 9 of hearts

Stranger: you watched it

Stranger: is that fucked up or what

Stranger: isnt that awesome?

You: yes yes

Stranger: soo

Stranger: after that mindblowing itro

Stranger: *intro

Stranger: waht brings you to omegle?

uuuuuuuuuhuhuhuhu ova mi e chudno

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