Еве нешто плус за Срѓан Керим, значи сите ние знаеме колку добар дипломат е, а факт е тоа што низ годините на неговата политичка и дипломатска кариера Керим ја има претставувано државата низ Европа и светот. Сепак, треба да се погледне неговот ЦВ во кратки црти....
General Manager of the WAZ Media Group for South-Eastern Europe
General Manager of “Media Print Macedonia”
Born on 12 December, 1948, in Skopje
Speaks English, German, French, Italian, etc
Married, father of three children
1967-1971: Graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade
1982: Won Ph.D. title in economic science
Honorable President of the Macedonian – German Economic Association
Chairman of the Board of “Politika Newspapers and magazines”, Belgrade
General Manager of “Media Print Macedonia” (Member of the WAZ Media Group) and General Manager for South-Eastern Europe of the WAZ Media Group
President of the Macedonian – German Economic Association
Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in the United Nations-New York
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia
Special Envoy of the Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe;
Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Switzerland
Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Liechtenstein.
Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to the Federal Republic of Germany.
Vice-President of the "Copechim-France", Paris.
Vice-Minister and Spokesman at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Minister of Foreign Economic Relations at the Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
Member of the Presidency of the Youth Federation of Yugoslavia and President of the Foreign Policy Committee.
Assistant and professor at the International Economic Relations Desk at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade; Visiting professor at the University in Hamburg, Germany and at the University in New York, USA.
Scientific work:
- Author of 9 books in the field of international politics, international economy and youth issues, as well as of more than 100 scientific works published in several countries such as: Germany, France Greece, Austria and former Yugoslavia.
- Upon assuming the office of Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia, he has delivered more than 60 lectures in the country of accreditation and in Austria, on Balkan issues in the context of international politics and economy.
Some of his works have been published in magazines and books such as:
- "Economic Development of Macedonia since 1991" - published in "Цsterreichische Osthefte" of the Austrian Institute for Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in Vienna.
- "Strategies for Integration of the Republic of Macedonia in EU and NATO"- publication project of the Defense University in Munich -Institute for International Politics and Human Rights (Lang or Nomos Publishing Ltd.)
Што значи, според ваквите информации, според мене, а гледам и дека имам истомисленици, човекот треба да биде назначен за шеф на дипломатијата, или за економијата во Македонија, со оглед на неговите способности, а не за шеф на Државата. Сеуште не е официјализирана неговата кандидатура, но допрва ќе видиме.