Скопје е во Дарданија, WTF!


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3 септември 2008
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Kavgata e omrazija,tepackata e cista smetka! :duel: :angry3:


Не сум дебел. Стомакот ми е 3D!
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4 октомври 2008
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ауууу до кај сте стигнале....Quark вистина ти малце си бегаш од ѓонија....еднаш вака еднаш така збораш.....не знајш вистина до кај си....а другите бе не мора така да го вреѓате.....сеа шо не се разбира не се разбира..сака да си се меша сегде:nenene:
Член од
7 ноември 2007
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Obicno glaven finansier za ovie raboti e Fondot za pomos na Albanskite aktivisti formiran na 22.01.2001.Preku poveke filtri vo Avstrija i Germanija - nokni barovi,dzamii... gi nosi najcesto Semi Hajdari(Svedska) aka Kushtrim Uskana po poteklo od Gostivar.Potoa Redzep Kurtishi(Norveska),Musa Xhaferi...taka da,namesto za oruzje oni gi davaat tie pari za cigli i armaturi.
Ti nemash blage veze so toj fond i koga se formiral a i informaciite ne ti se relevantni kako i da e jas ne sum toj shto ke ti objasni shto kako.

Додека тука ми продаваш ташаци,оди помогни им на браќа ти во Грција,оти навистина им треба помош.
Гејците кон нив се однесуваат како кон животни.
Па,в дејствителност сте тоа де.:toe:
Veruvaj mi,sekoja kapka krv shto se izlealo nije sekogash sme im navratile zatoa bidete strplivi i ako ne pomagate barem nemojte da odmagate okolu ovoj spor

gospod neka ve prosti.:pop:
Zoshto ti zar ne prosti demek
Член од
29 ноември 2008
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The city of Skopje for the first time has been mentioned by Klaudie Diolomej, under its ancient name "Skupi". In the III century B.C. Skupi was founded by the Dardanians, and later with the coming of the Romanians it came under their rule.
In this period, the city experienced real bloom on several fields, it became a large religious centre with its own bishop. In the year of 518 the city was destroyed by a disastrous earthquake. Wonderful architectonic buildings, numerous public baths and the antic amphitheatre built in a roman style, large basilica with mosaic floors have completely disappeared from the earth’s face. Since then Skupi is not mentioned any more. The Skopje valley got a new city centre called "Justinijana Prima". By the end of the VI century, in front of the ramparts of the city the Slavic people have showed up, which managed to occupy and to slavicize it for a period of only one century. This area was settled by the Slavic tribe Beregheziti and gives the city the new name Skopje. During the existence of the first Macedonian state and the Macedonian czar Samouil, the city becomes part of the Samouil’s empire. In the later years a lot of conquerors have passed through the streets of the city, Bulgarians, Bysantiums, Serbians. In the year of 1392, the city falls under the Turkish rule. Up to 1453 Skopje was a throne of the Turkish sultans and later it developed in a significant craftsmen and commercial centre. A lot of authors who write about their travels have expressed their delight from the city. The Turkish writer Dilger Zede who has visited the city in the XVII century says, "I travelled for a long time across that country of Rumelija and I saw a lot of beautiful cities and I was amazed from the Alah blessings, but not one has i
mpressed and delighted me so much as the heavens city of Skopje across which passes the river Vardar". SAMO SAKAV DA IM POMOGNAM NA NEKOI OVDE DA NAUCAT ZA HISTORIJATA NA SKUPI-SKOPJE POVEKE ,USTE EDEN SOVET >AKO NE ZNAESH KUTI I NE TROPAJ GLUPOSTI


Оган под ѕвездите
Член од
8 октомври 2007
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The city of Skopje for the first time has been mentioned by Klaudie Diolomej, under its ancient name "Skupi". In the III century B.C. Skupi was founded by the Dardanians, and later with the coming of the Romanians it came under their rule.
In this period, the city experienced real bloom on several fields, it became a large religious centre with its own bishop. In the year of 518 the city was destroyed by a disastrous earthquake. Wonderful architectonic buildings, numerous public baths and the antic amphitheatre built in a roman style, large basilica with mosaic floors have completely disappeared from the earth’s face. Since then Skupi is not mentioned any more. The Skopje valley got a new city centre called "Justinijana Prima". By the end of the VI century, in front of the ramparts of the city the Slavic people have showed up, which managed to occupy and to slavicize it for a period of only one century. This area was settled by the Slavic tribe Beregheziti and gives the city the new name Skopje. During the existence of the first Macedonian state and the Macedonian czar Samouil, the city becomes part of the Samouil’s empire. In the later years a lot of conquerors have passed through the streets of the city, Bulgarians, Bysantiums, Serbians. In the year of 1392, the city falls under the Turkish rule. Up to 1453 Skopje was a throne of the Turkish sultans and later it developed in a significant craftsmen and commercial centre. A lot of authors who write about their travels have expressed their delight from the city. The Turkish writer Dilger Zede who has visited the city in the XVII century says, "I travelled for a long time across that country of Rumelija and I saw a lot of beautiful cities and I was amazed from the Alah blessings, but not one has i
mpressed and delighted me so much as the heavens city of Skopje across which passes the river Vardar". SAMO SAKAV DA IM POMOGNAM NA NEKOI OVDE DA NAUCAT ZA HISTORIJATA NA SKUPI-SKOPJE POVEKE ,USTE EDEN SOVET >AKO NE ZNAESH KUTI I NE TROPAJ GLUPOSTI
Уште еден "историчар"...:tapp:

А за другите...до толку се опивте бре па што се пцуете у никое време?:)
Член од
17 јули 2006
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The city of Skopje for the first time has been mentioned by Klaudie Diolomej, under its ancient name "Skupi". In the III century B.C. Skupi was founded by the Dardanians, and later with the coming of the Romanians it came under their rule.
In this period, the city experienced real bloom on several fields, it became a large religious centre with its own bishop. In the year of 518 the city was destroyed by a disastrous earthquake. Wonderful architectonic buildings, numerous public baths and the antic amphitheatre built in a roman style, large basilica with mosaic floors have completely disappeared from the earth’s face. Since then Skupi is not mentioned any more. The Skopje valley got a new city centre called "Justinijana Prima". By the end of the VI century, in front of the ramparts of the city the Slavic people have showed up, which managed to occupy and to slavicize it for a period of only one century. This area was settled by the Slavic tribe Beregheziti and gives the city the new name Skopje. During the existence of the first Macedonian state and the Macedonian czar Samouil, the city becomes part of the Samouil’s empire. In the later years a lot of conquerors have passed through the streets of the city, Bulgarians, Bysantiums, Serbians. In the year of 1392, the city falls under the Turkish rule. Up to 1453 Skopje was a throne of the Turkish sultans and later it developed in a significant craftsmen and commercial centre. A lot of authors who write about their travels have expressed their delight from the city. The Turkish writer Dilger Zede who has visited the city in the XVII century says, "I travelled for a long time across that country of Rumelija and I saw a lot of beautiful cities and I was amazed from the Alah blessings, but not one has i
mpressed and delighted me so much as the heavens city of Skopje across which passes the river Vardar". SAMO SAKAV DA IM POMOGNAM NA NEKOI OVDE DA NAUCAT ZA HISTORIJATA NA SKUPI-SKOPJE POVEKE ,USTE EDEN SOVET >AKO NE ZNAESH KUTI I NE TROPAJ GLUPOSTI
haha a ti znaenje crpis od wikipedia blaze si ti na umo gegomirditski:pos2:stoe razlika od historija i istorija?
Член од
26 ноември 2008
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ti be gjavur ke se obratam na kulturen nacin ednas za sekogas ke se predelite za edno ime za vasata taka narecena Fyrom oti nikoj nisto nevi priznava ni jazik ni zname ni ime a uste poloso e oti vo Fyrom ziveat i drugi narodi ali za vas gjaurite cekot go plakaat i drugite pa bidi pozdraven
Член од
29 ноември 2008
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Its native Dardani people were an Illyrian tribe. They seem to have often been a threat to the kingdom of Macedon. Dardania's largest towns were those of Naissus (Niš), Therranda (Prizren), Vicianum (Vučitrn), Skopi (Stoc, Skopje), and its capital was Damastioni. Albani (Albanoi), tribe in ancient Illyria, from Alexander G. Findlays Classical Atlas to Illustrate Ancient Geography, New York, 1849 The Dardani were an ancient Indo-European tribe that lived in Dardania (largely corresponding to present day Kosovo, as well as other parts of present day southern Serbia) and was... This article is about an ancient civilization in southeastern Europe; see also Illyria (software), Illyria (character in the TV series Angel). ... Ancient Macedons regions and towns Macedon or Macedonia (Greek ) was the name of an ancient kingdom in the northern-most part of ancient Greece, bordered by the kingdom of Epirus to the west and the region of Thrace to the east. ... Niš (Ниш, the Roman Naissus; see below) is a city in Serbia and Montenegro (formerly Yugoslavia), 43. ... NiÅ¡ or Nish (Serbian: Ниш / NiÅ¡, , Latin: Naissus, Greek: Ναισσός Naissos) is a city in Serbia situated at 43. ... View of Prizren. ... Vučitrn (Вучитрн; Albanian: Vushtrri), is the name of a town, which is the seat of a municipality, situated in north-eastern part of the province of Serbia called Kosovo. ... The church of St. ...

During the ancient times, the Dardanians were made from two larger groups: Galabri and Thunaki. [1]

The area was conquered by the Romans in 28 BC and became part of the Roman province of Illyricum, on the border with Macedonia. Emperor Diocletian later c. 284 made Dardania into a separate province with its capital at Naissus (Niš). Ancient Rome was a civilization that grew from a small agricultural community founded on the Italian Peninsula circa the 9th century BC to a massive empire straddling the Mediterranean Sea. ... NA KRATKO OBJASNUVANJE KOI BILE DARDANITE
Член од
17 јули 2006
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Sedi be sega neee tema firom:) izgleda i dardaneli vo turska e od dardanija toa golema gego mirditkso kurdska imperija bila.AJ NA WIKIPEDIA SITE GEGI.OVA GEGIVE SE BLACK HUMOR HAHAH
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26 ноември 2008
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So Turska ne treba da mesamo nistoo toa e drzava batka samo ako imas citano za toa mesto se znae soo nemoze nikoj da pisne e kaj da bara nesto oti mnogu dobro znaem za Turska oti sum Turcin koje ziveam vo Mkd,pa i taka treba so ovoj ne civiliziran narod samo kotek :tapp: mislam deka pak ke zavladee Turska Imperija
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29 ноември 2008
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Член од
17 јули 2006
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So Turska ne treba da mesamo nistoo toa e drzava batka samo ako imas citano za toa mesto se znae soo nemoze nikoj da pisne e kaj da bara nesto oti mnogu dobro znaem za Turska oti sum Turcin koje ziveam vo Mkd,pa i taka treba so ovoj ne civiliziran narod samo kotek :tapp: mislam deka pak ke zavladee Turska Imperija
e da be:) a kemal mustafa od kae a? aj sedi miren tamu makedonec cist od bitola e toj.kako toa dardaneli vo turska, dardancite se turci ?leleleel jas kavur nisto neznam :pos2: i jas mislam samo kotek ama aj kazi toa na gegive nerazbrani dardanelici
Член од
26 ноември 2008
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heheh batka Ataturk tie cist Turcin nemoj te molam da zboruvas gluposti a za drugi ne zboruvam sekoj ima svoje mislenje pa sega demokracia neka zboruvat so saakat nemozes nisto a jas samo nesto ke kazam da smo slozni nikoj ne bi igral so ova drzava ama tesko :tapp:

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