deus ex machina
- Член од
- 30 мај 2009
- Мислења
- 25.951
- Поени од реакции
- 34.305
Ама, ама... АМА ТРОТИНЕТИ ВОЗАТ! Од што немаат ништо друго останато, само тротинети и лопати! Замисли НАТО&Украина ги потепаа со тротинети и со лопати.
According to the Naval Technology website, Kilo-class submarines are considered to be “one of the quietest diesel submarines in the world." With a crew of 52, the Kilo is designed for anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface-ship warfare, and for general reconnaissance and patrol missions. It first entered service with the Soviet Union in the 1980s.
The Kilo-class submarines can also detect other submarines at a range “three to four times greater than it can be detected itself.”
Искандери и Гераниуми над Украина (и постара советска дружина).
"Very Unique" Russian Attack Submarine Spotted In South China Sea | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
According to the Naval Technology website, Kilo-class submarines are considered to be “one of the quietest diesel submarines in the world." With a crew of 52, the Kilo is designed for anti-submarine warfare and anti-surface-ship warfare, and for general reconnaissance and patrol missions. It first entered service with the Soviet Union in the 1980s.
The Kilo-class submarines can also detect other submarines at a range “three to four times greater than it can be detected itself.”
Автоматски споено мислење:
Искандери и Гераниуми над Украина (и постара советска дружина).