Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
17 август 2011
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сто пати сме збореле, ти ја гледаш малата слика, не ја гледаш големата. Тие асети сите знаеме дека се скапи, но ете се случува да се загубат. Али у целиот конфликт ништо тоа нема да смени, Русија не планира десанти у скоро време да прави, а и нема потреба од тоа. Да беше тој брод единствена сламка за спас ќе сфатам, али у целава работа е тотално небитен.
Bogami i da saka da prai desanti, kaj i da e kje nemaat kako

Ska Maniac

Член од
2 октомври 2013
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Баталите го серверот. Дај нешто кажете за падот на Авдивка.
Дали НАТО екипица ќе не удостојат со една воено - операциона анализа за маестралното " тактичко повлекување " на украинската војска ?
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Тон известувања имам да пишувам... За Авдивка ќе ја споделам последната вест, нема потреба да се споделува постепеното заземање на градот.

Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army took control over most of the forest belt west of Pobjeda. Now Russian troops are in position to assault the settlement. However, it's expected advance will continue southwards to increase the pressure over Novomykhailivka.


Situation north of Bakhmut: Russian Army continue advancing south of Popivske and close to the hills which overlooks Ivanivske from the north. There is no truth about the enter of Russian soldiers in the aforementioned town.


Situation northwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army continue making advances in Pervomaiske.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army took control over new areas in the grey zone northeast of Novomykhailivka, where troops began storming the northern farms of the town.


Situation northwest of Donetsk city: Russian Army restarted the advances south of Nevelske for the first time in months and managed to capture new trenches of the 2014 line.


Situation on Avdivka front: Following the official announcement of Ukrainian withdrawal of Avdivka Russian Army entered in the remaining areas relatively easy and raised the flag in several startegic areas such as Avdiivka quartz sand quarry, Avdiivka Railway station, Khimik settlement and parts of Avdivka Coke Plant, where there are some parts out of the control. The combing operations will last several days, but it can be said that the battle for the urban area of Avdivka is over. Meanwhile Russian troops seem to have focused on the locality of Lastochkyne, in order to start increasing the Avdivka buffer zone.


With the withdrawal from Avdivka, Ukrainian forces have withdrawn to the localities west of the city around the defensive line on the Berdychi-Orlivka-Umanske-Netailove axis. Taking advantage of the Ukrainians' disorganised retreat, Russian forces reached the outskirts of Lastochkyne with the aim of taking it before the defenders' reorganisation (allowing the later capture of Sieverne, exposed from the north). However, a collapse of Ukrainian troops is not expected as some have mentioned on social media. The war of attrition continues.


Situation north of Donetsk: After ten days of positional battles Russian Army achieved new gains towards Terny reaching positions 1,2 km from the locality.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: Predictably, after days of build-up on the southern front, the Russian army launched new offensive operations in Zaporizhia on the same day that Avdivka was captured. The objective is simple and follows the dynamics of the war of attrition that the Russians want to maintain: force the diversion of Ukrainian reinforcements to the south while offensive operations continue to advance from various axes in the Donbas. The objectives of this offensive are limited, possibly limited to recapturing positions lost last summer and improving positions for a future operation to capture Orykhiv. For the moment, the first attacks have succeeded in capturing the trenches south of Robotyne. The fighting continues there and to the north-west of the town.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Баталите го серверот. Дај нешто кажете за падот на Авдивка.
Дали НАТО екипица ќе не удостојат со една воено - операциона анализа за маестралното " тактичко повлекување " на украинската војска ?
Последно уредено:
Член од
12 декември 2010
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Баталите го серверот. Дај нешто кажете за падот на Авдивка.
Дали НАТО екипица ќе не удостојат со една воено - операциона анализа за маестралното " тактичко повлекување " на украинската војска ?
Некаде прочитав дека се повлекле зашто биле при крај со му иција одкко сенатот во Америка не изгласал помош за Украина
Ако до толку почнале да штедат ондак не е на арно за нив работата
Колку и да се смеат некои дека слабо напредувале русите они добро си изиграа, без помош од запад територитее за брзо ке паднат без голем отпор
Искрено не верувам дека русите ке потпишат било каков договор во кој Украина би имала излез на море


mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Од неколку извори прочитав дека Русијте почнале да користат СУ-57, поточно почнале во декември 2023 и претежно се користеле за цели во внатрешноста на Украина.

И друга работа, Русиве идат масовно производство на СУ-70 безпилотно летало, дека сепак имало ризик за пилотите во внатрешноста на Украина, па превземаат мерки да си ги заштитат пилотите.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Некаде прочитав дека се повлекле зашто биле при крај со му иција одкко сенатот во Америка не изгласал помош за Украина
Ако до толку почнале да штедат ондак не е на арно за нив работата
Колку и да се смеат некои дека слабо напредувале русите они добро си изиграа, без помош од запад територитее за брзо ке паднат без голем отпор
Искрено не верувам дека русите ке потпишат било каков договор во кој Украина би имала излез на море
Ако си прател што се дешаваше во Сирија, тогаш ќе видиш дека Русија ја искористи истата стратегија како во Сирија, споро и темелно напредување и чистење на теренот. Разликата е што во Сирија претежно тоа го правеше САА со координација на Руски офицери, во Украина го прават Руски платеници.
Последно уредено:
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Bakhmut front: Russian Army restarted the advances at Bohdanivka taking control over positions west and south of the locality. In addition, troops achieved significant gains west of Bakhmut taking control over a series of trenches at the outskirts of Ivanivske. The assault of this locality will start soon as pressure from north and east are increasing over there.


Situation west of Avdivka: Russian Army continue advancing towards Lastochkyne thus reaching the outskirts of the village which is being vacated by Ukrainian Army. It's premature to say that the village has fallen as clashes between both sides continue in the area.


Situation on Zaporizhia front: Russian Army achieved a series of gains west and northwest of Robotyne. The objective is to reach the northern road to isolate the town (or what is left of it) while advancing from the south. On the other hand, Russian troops managed to advance west of Verbove in order to drive the Ukrainian army from the outskirts of the locality.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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It's truly amazing, I've never seen anything like it in all my years of service and study of such matters. As Ukraine dwindles and spirals into ruin and it's army falls apart, Russia is growing.

The rule of thumb is the longer a conflict goes on the more strained, stressed, weakened and worn down armies and people become. With Russia however, the strange thing is the longer the conflict goes on the larger the army grows, the stronger and more seasoned they become. They create more weapons and more battlefield innovations and the more united the people become.

I've never seen this before, it truly is an anomaly. I think this is what historians meant when they said Russia was invincible on the battlefield. Sure you can kill a Russian soldier, sure you can destroy Russian troops, but collectively they are invincible and they seem to get stronger the longer it goes.

Ska Maniac

Член од
2 октомври 2013
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It's truly amazing, I've never seen anything like it in all my years of service and study of such matters. As Ukraine dwindles and spirals into ruin and it's army falls apart, Russia is growing.

The rule of thumb is the longer a conflict goes on the more strained, stressed, weakened and worn down armies and people become. With Russia however, the strange thing is the longer the conflict goes on the larger the army grows, the stronger and more seasoned they become. They create more weapons and more battlefield innovations and the more united the people become.

I've never seen this before, it truly is an anomaly. I think this is what historians meant when they said Russia was invincible on the battlefield. Sure you can kill a Russian soldier, sure you can destroy Russian troops, but collectively they are invincible and they seem to get stronger the longer it goes.
Џабе постираш вакви работи. Сега ќе дојде стрико @c i t r o и ќе ти постира слика од некоја каллива руска улица во некое забутано село.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Zaporizhia front: Russian Army advanced west of Robotyne reaching the first ruins of the locality. Meanhwile artillery continue shelling the southern trenches as Ukrainian Army still in control over some positions there. Moreover, clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces continue northwest of Robotyne and west of Verbove.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: Russian Army advanced west and southwest of Novodonets'ke taking control over positions previously lost during the last summer counteroffensive.


Situation southwest of Donetsk city: After the recent advances at the eastern outskirts of Pobjeda a week ago Russian Army took control over the eastern farms and entered in the settlement where clashes with Ukrainian Army are currently taking place.


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