Не можам да и се изнагледам на последната епизода, колку само е убав Вент и колку само ќе ми недостига, станав зависна од Призон Брејк, замислете ќе нема долго време.
Бтв, песната од завршетокот е закон, можете да ја слушнете,
и еве го текстот
Yo estaba bien por un tiempo,
volviendo a sonreнr.
Luego anoche te vi
tu mano me tocу
y el saludo de tu voz.
Y hablј muy bien de tu
sin saber que he estado
llorando por tu amor (x3).
Luego de tu adiуs sentн todo mi dolor.
Sola y llorando,
llorando (x3).
No es fбcil de entender
que al verte otra vez
Yo seguirј llorando
Yo que pensј que te olvidј
pero es verdad es la verdad
que te quiero a'n mбs,
mucho mбs que ayer.
Dime t' quј puedo hacer
no me quieres ya
y siempre estarј
llorando por tu amor (x2).
Tu amor se llevу
todo mi corazon
y quedo llorando
llorando (x5)
por tu amor.
English Translation (not the literal trans):
I was all right for a while,
I could smile for a while.
But I saw you last night;
You held my hand so tight
when you stopped to say hello.
Oh, you wished me well,
you couldn't tell
that I'd been crying over you,
crying over you.
And you said so long,
left me standing all alone.
Alone and crying
Crying (x3).
It's hard to understand
But the touch of your hand
Can start me crying
I thought that I was over you
But it's true, so true
I love you even more
Than I did before
But darling, what can I do?
For you don't love me
And I'll always be
Crying over you (x2).
Yes, now you're gone
And from this moment on
I'll be crying
crying (x5)
over you.
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