Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!

Член од
27 март 2009
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Немора да значи не користиме само ние кирилица:)
Даа бе не користиме само ние кирилица...ауу можи некој од србија е,од бугарија од кизнај каде..брат има посебни фонтови..:helou:


I am not in danger, I am the danger!
Член од
17 ноември 2008
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Даа бе не користиме само ние кирилица...ауу можи некој од србија е,од бугарија од кизнај каде..брат има посебни фонтови..:helou:
Еве ти Да на македонски и Да на српски има ли разлика?

_The Great_

Il Genio
Член од
18 јуни 2008
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Stranger: horny?

You: it depends on you...

Stranger: m or f?

You: it doesent matter...

Stranger: ...

Stranger: hermaphrodite?

You: correct.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


NZT-48, want some?
Член од
24 октомври 2007
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi asl

You: ?

You: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

don't read this:

the internet will collapse tonight and swallow the earth. it has too many gigabytes, it makes a too powerful data field, so it destroys the earth's magnetic and gravitational fields. I tried contacting the owner of internet's Main Server and other people (like the media), but no one believes me. so I go to Omegle to warn you people with a brain! Go now and smash your computer, if enough people do that, it might prevent the data field from collapsing. if it does not work, just sit down and masturbate and/or eat a cheescake. hope you believe me (and did my reverse psychology work?)

You: hahahahaha

You: u'r crazy

Stranger: no

Stranger: it is true

Stranger: I did the calculations on Excel

You: this night ?

Stranger: this year

Stranger: I just found out, and it is almost too late

You: that is the sillyest thing that i ever heart

Stranger: no, please believe me

Stranger: smash your computer

You: haha

А ова е појако !
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi\

Stranger: okay

You: me 2

Stranger: yep

You: right?

Stranger: ikno

You: rok is best

You: rock*

Stranger: no

You: maybe

Stranger: yes


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi]
Stranger: u have msn?
You: yes why?
Stranger: whats ur email?
Stranger: cool
Stranger: hahaha
You: so where are you from?
Stranger: london
Stranger: u?
You: france
You: paris
Stranger: ive been there its nice
You: yeah london isnt so bad also
Stranger: yea
You: how old are you
Stranger: 18
Stranger: u?
You: male or female
You: 17
Stranger: male
You: im female
Stranger: cool
You: can i ask you a question?
Stranger: yea?
You: there is a lot of blood coming out of my vagina
Stranger: ok
You: can you tell me what is my prolem
Stranger: ur having ur period
You: problem?
You: whats that?
Stranger: its that time of the month when blood comes out ur vagina
You: so its something like a broken pipe?
Stranger: no its supposed to happen
You: thanks you make me feel bether
You: :DDDD
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ur welcome
Stranger: so do u have any pics of urself?
You: yes but a have to upload them first
Stranger: ok
You: i have a video
You: if you want to watch it
You: ?
Stranger: ok
You: go to redtube than write babysitter
Stranger: which one is it?
You: the first one
хахахааа :pos:
епа ваков муабет да направиш, да се заебаваш малку.. не некои ептен сериозно сваќаат.. браво! :pos:

Mario Gómez


Stranger: White POWER~!!!!!!
You: wow
You: finally nazi gay
You: i love nazi
Stranger: Yes,iam nazy.Are you nazy?
You: yes
Stranger: Oh, its cool!
You: yes its reaaly the true power
You: are you from germany?
Stranger: What you think about niggers?
Stranger: No,iam from Madagaskar!
You: i dont hate nigger neither jews
You: i just like the power
You: ...
You: the sign
You: the army
You: the SS
Stranger: make the tatoo
Stranger: Why you hate jews?
You: i dotn hate
You: i told you
Stranger: sorry, i am missunderstanding you
Stranger: i am so stupid!
Stranger: i am stupid nigger! I hate myself!!! WHITE POWEEER!!!!
You: yes its the true power...
You: but you are safe, hitler is dead..
Stranger: Sweet Baby Jesus!!!
You: yes
You: heil hitler
Stranger: where are you from,man?
You: Macedonia
Stranger: Oh, cool country,with rich culture!
You: yes
You: alexander the great
You: imperators blood
You: we have!

Лош сум знам...:pos::pos:
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: heey
You: asl?
Stranger: from?
Stranger: 14, female, holland. and you?
You: 17 male macedonia
Stranger: where is that?
Stranger: haha
You: south europe...u must know that girl
Stranger: haha sorry
You: noproblem
You: just it makes u stupid
You: dont know wich countries are in europe
Stranger: no, you have a country map hahaha.
it's not needed to know that.
Stranger: :p
You: i dont have a map
You: i know all the world
You: on my mind
Stranger: aah you're clever xd
You: yea i am, at least i know where is holland, and which sities are in holland
You: not stupid as you...
Stranger: now, i'm not so stupid. i'm good on school!
Stranger: you're not nice to say that. :(
Stranger: i'm offend
You: yes you are now i will tell you why..
You: To not know the land of alexander the great, the greatest country ever existed, you must be very stupid to not know that...
Stranger: alexander the great?
Stranger: what's that?
Stranger: alexander de groote?
Stranger: I have ever heard of that,
but i don't know who that is.
You: sorry but you are too stupid to talk with..
You: bye
Член од
11 октомври 2008
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Stranger: yeah i kno macedonia
Stranger: very fantasy islnand
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Нешто помешал/а :vozbud:

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Im so hard right now...
You: so am I
You: hahahah
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: how big are you?
You: o_o'
You: what?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Очеккував да се исклуче после So am i ахахахха :)
Член од
27 март 2009
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You: hey*
Stranger: hi
You: m or f
You: ?
Stranger: male
You: from?
Stranger: italy
Stranger: milano
You: forza Milan
You: !
Stranger: inter milan
Stranger: :)
You: i hate them
Stranger: lol
You: i love As Roma
Stranger: i hate them
You: how old are u
You: ?
Stranger: 17 in december
You: ohh
You: im 16
You: from macedonia
Stranger: never been there
Stranger: is it in asia
You: no...:S
You: south europe
Stranger: ahhhh
You: how are you
Stranger: not good
Stranger: im sick
You: omG
Stranger: & bored
You: ohh..i will make your day perfect
Stranger: lol
You: xD
You: u dont want..?!
Stranger: i want
Stranger: plzzzz
You: ok ok
You: xD
You: im an actor
Stranger: im a student
You: lol
You: i know
You: :D
Stranger: u really actor
Stranger: in movies
You: ya
You: ya ya
Stranger: wow
You: ...xD
You: but im not star
You: u mean..
You: im not so famous
Stranger: its ok
You: ya
You: ok
You: im so sexy...xD
Stranger: lol
Stranger: can u prove it
You: ya..
You: u can see me
You: but i havent pic
You: u can see me on video
Stranger: which 1
You: write
You: and write teen
You: first one
Stranger: u have cam
You: Nop..:S
Stranger: i can prove im cute
Stranger: :P
You: u can see me
You: at that web
You: if u want
You: to prove it
Stranger: its blocked
Stranger: !!!
Stranger: redtube
You: on your PC?
Stranger: laptop
You: ok
You: omG
You: i think im on
You: 2nd
You: video
You: horizontal
You: hey
You: my boobs and butt are burning for you
Stranger: u r male or female
Stranger: ?
You: female
Stranger: lol
You: my boobs are pierced
You: xD
Stranger: nicee
You: yah..
You: im thinking to make my vagina pierced
You: what u say..?
Stranger: naaaa
Stranger: just leave it
You: ohh
You: i forget
You: u will pierced there
You: xD
Stranger: its getting hard
You: why..?
Stranger: lol
You: omG u are soo sweet
Stranger: thanx
You: nP
You: im home alone now
You: what u are doing now..?
Stranger: with friend
Stranger: in bed
Stranger: sick u know
You: u are with friend?
Stranger: i mean
Stranger: we were playing all day long
Stranger: he still here
You: u are gay..?!
Stranger: no
You: ok..
You: im soo nice feeling
Stranger: i guess
You: yah
You: im masturbating
You: writing with right hand
You: mastu....with left
Stranger: lol
You: i guess u will join me
Stranger: i wish
You: me too
Stranger: u have facebook
You: nop..:S
Stranger: ahhhh
Stranger: come on
Stranger: i have many photos
Stranger: u can see me with my friendz
Stranger: :)
You: i cant now..
You: i told u what im dooing!
Stranger: how old r u
You: 16
Stranger: oh yes
You: i haved writed
Stranger: u have summer holiday there
You: ya
Stranger: lucky
You: im on summer holiday now
Stranger: i still have 1 last weak
You: no school..!!
Stranger: school sucks
You: haha
Stranger: :(
You: hey
You: i have serious prob..
You: im afraid
You: there is soo blod coming out of my vagina
Stranger: stop it
You: not now
Stranger: come on
Stranger: i guess u r not virgin anymore
You: im not,,,:S
Stranger: i know
Stranger: lol
You: ya
You: cause
You: i have video
You: and im actor
You: but u still can fuck me
Stranger: yea
You: xD
Stranger: lol
You: hhaha
Stranger: i would like 2 kiss ur whole body
You: will u lick my genetalia?
Stranger: sure
You: hell yeah..
You: omg..
You: i like masturbating
You: im still dooing it
Stranger: every 1 like it
You: ya
Stranger: but not everyday
Stranger: xP
You: ya
You: not everyday
You: i shaved my vagina
You: now is cool
You: u are shaving ur.....?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: once a weak
Stranger: :)
You: xD
You: will u shave my vagina..?
Stranger: yeah
You: h...
You: im burning
Stranger: i feel hot here
You: omg
You: oohhh
You: ooohh
You: here iss
You: ahh
You: ya
Stranger: what
You: there is cram pie coming oout of my vagina
реметење на големо сум му дал..дечково се запали:pos2::pos2::pos2:
со голема помош на ИКО МЦ за она со видеоно..

Mario Gómez

Talk to strangers!
2566 users online
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: Hello
Stranger: 20 M Detroit
Stranger: you?
You: 18 m macedonia
Stranger: Hmm...related to Alexander the Great?
You: yes great...
You: finally someone smart
Stranger: what? haha
You: lots macedonians in detroit and chikago....
Stranger: hmm...I'm not really sure if there are or not
Stranger: I don't think ANYBODY wants to live in Detroit
You: haha i dont want to
You: stupid town
Stranger: hey!
You: city*
Stranger: Detroit's my hometown haha

Хакет Мен

Juventus Till I Die
Член од
23 јануари 2009
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Stranger: Hello

You: how are you

Stranger: I'm that guy who just wants a break in life

Stranger: and one day I win the lottery

Stranger: but then get hit by a car

Stranger: and now I made a list

Stranger: :D

You: lol ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


I'll Shit On You .!.
Член од
8 ноември 2008
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: Hi
Stranger: are you horny?
You: yep
You: u?
Stranger: m or f?
Stranger: mhmm
You: f
Stranger: cool
Stranger: im amle
Stranger: *male
Stranger: you wanna sexcam?
You: i dont have web cam sorry :(
Stranger: fuckkk
You: first tell me how old are you
Stranger: im 17
You: im 18
You: from?
Stranger: usa
Stranger: new york
You: im from macedonia
Stranger: =O
Stranger: thats far
You: yep
Stranger: well
Stranger: how are we gonna do this if you have no cam?
You: u have a big cock?
Stranger: 7-8 inches
You: wow thats exacly what i need
Stranger: well
Stranger: you have nudes
Stranger: or webcam?
You: loook cute
Stranger: most people say i do
You: i got video on redtube
Stranger: what is it?
You: porn dummy
Stranger: nooo
Stranger: like
Stranger: whats the link
You: go on redtube than write macedonia girl with blacky
Stranger: ok ill see
You: sooo?
You: whats ur coment?
Stranger: im looking
You: or write teen
Stranger: it says no videos found
You: try with teen?
Stranger: what do i write
You: teen
Stranger: thats it?
You: yap
You: my ant is terra patrick
You: you know her?
Stranger: no
You: write terra patrick on google
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Site se palat na video na redtube:baeh::baeh::baeh:
Член од
27 март 2009
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Оф топи...Ико брат овде јако се ремети..
Член од
11 октомври 2008
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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: omg i think my dick is broken :(
Stranger: =S
You: like the half is hard and the other half just hangs down :'(
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


тантара пантара
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Да одморам малце од учењето седнав на страницава да се позаебавам... арно ама најдов интересно чоече шо се изнапрајвме еден тон муабети. Инаку почетоко на муабето одеше вака:
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hoho hooo meeeery christmas !

Stranger: same to you, jane.

You: thank you

You: what did santa bring you for christmas ?

Stranger: don't have santa over here.

Stranger: is anyone in your family stricken with cancer or something

You: hmm you're probably not from earth..

You: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You: i'm chatting with an alien !

Stranger: i'm from earth alright

Stranger: the blue,green ball thing

You: you lie to me. If you were from earth, there would have been santa ! You told me there is no santa

Stranger: indeed.

You: how old are you, alien ?

Stranger: a little younger than you are, 12 years, 19 months.

Stranger: count.

You: how do you know that i'm older than you ?

You: oooo , i get it. you're a brainy alien :D

You: i want to be an alien too
You: i want it i want it i want it !!!

Stranger: i'm not.

Stranger: I'm as much human as you were conceived

Stranger: and created.

You: prove it to me

Stranger: you were formed int he depths of your Mom's womb, and God was watching. So was I. hence, we are both humans.

Stranger: therefore, you initial request of wanting to be alien is fufiled, since your perception of me being and alien was actually wrong,

Stranger: and by the fact that I'm human, and you want to become like me, makes you human and a wonderful creation.

Stranger: isn't exactly rocket science, but its that simplicated.

You: wow... this is the best explanation of humanity i've ever seen :S

Stranger: thank the alie- i mean human brain.

You: I believe you now, stranger... :)

Хакет Мен

Juventus Till I Die
Член од
23 јануари 2009
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: Hey, Im Michael Mayers. who are you?
You: im Vrisok
Stranger: really?
You: Yeah
Stranger: okey, what do you want?
You: i want to kill peoples
You: what about you
Stranger: me to
You: :D
Stranger: yes, let's get them
Stranger: for no reason whatsoever
You: okey lets start
You: Good Luck
Stranger: thanks

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