Omegle - Troll a Stranger. Now!

Член од
4 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: i

You: hi

Stranger: from?

You: Macedonia

You: u?

Stranger: china

Stranger: your age?

You: 15

You: your?

Stranger: 20

Stranger: girl or boy?

You: boy

You: you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: хи

You: hi*

Stranger: asl

You: 15

You: m

You: u?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Хакет Мен

Juventus Till I Die
Член од
23 јануари 2009
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: could it be ctrl + v time now?

You: lol?

You: say dragi4ka

Stranger: that was you ctrl + v?

You: yes

You: sure

Stranger: ok

Stranger: here comes mine


You: put the money in the bank

Stranger: and start to wank

You: and be rich

Stranger: attack their left flank!

You: u rap?

Stranger: oh noes! I think we sank!

Stranger: we have to use a tank

Stranger: I do poems

You: ill kill all the police

You: and u will take the fucking money

You: ok?

Stranger: ok, honey

Stranger: that was funny

Stranger: but we have to hurry

Stranger: or we'll be sorry

You: no time to wait we must work

Stranger: her I'm going to marry

Stranger: and this oath I will carry

You: wooow

You: but the black gay is not die in this movie

Stranger: My lines might vary

You: u listen EMINEM ?

Stranger: no

Stranger: I don't listen rap at all

Stranger: except cypress hill and jurassic 5

You: DMX

You: Dr. Dre

You: Tupac


You: shit

You: fucking good

Stranger: I just love music too much

Stranger: I donät like rap

You: what u like

Stranger: mostly hardcore

Stranger: and electronic

Stranger: fast enough is not your flow

Stranger: my tooths.. in dark they glow

Stranger: therefore I don't have any soul

You: wow

You: good

Stranger: my voice is pluckedStranger: your lines just sucked

You: so if u dont like my shit u can suck my dick

You: :))

Stranger: I would love to suck your dick

Stranger: do you have a big one?

You: too big 4 u

Stranger: I'm really gettin excited as I picture your big cock in my mouth

You: im not gay my friend :))

Stranger: but if I suck your penis

Stranger: and no one will ever know that

You: hehehe

You: lol

Stranger: and you close your eyes and imagine me as a girl

Stranger: it would be ok, right?

You: we must try this shit

Stranger: I really would like to try this

You: when we start

Stranger: I'm already opening your zipper

You: haha

You: im not ready jet

You: im exsited

Stranger: I touch the top of you penis with my lips

You: omfg

You: hahaha

You: u like it

You: ?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: I have never tried it actually

Stranger: but I really want to

You: now is your chance

Stranger: well youre in macedonia and I'm in finland

You: yep

Stranger: if you come here I promise I'll suck your dick

You: how can i find u ?

Stranger: well first come here and then we can think about it

You: okey il give you my number and u call me :pos:
Член од
4 февруари 2009
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: m or f

Stranger: I used to be male.


Stranger: I changed.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

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Voice of Jericho

Twisted Firestarter
Член од
13 септември 2008
Поени од реакции
Ц ц ц, прв муабет: SUCK MY TITS...

Ова е значи втор...

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i am super mario

You: i am batman

You: so what now?

Stranger: i am bowser

You: i am someone that will kill you in the next 50 minutes

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Значи каква среќа имам... :toe:


И бразилците не знаат кои сме.:)

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: im a brazilian 22 male, and you?

You: I'm macedonian 18 male

Stranger: alexander the great

You: Yeah right ::):)

Stranger: nice to meet you, sir emperor

You: Nice to meet you to Ronaldo :)


Член од
23 март 2008
Поени од реакции
You: hello
Stranger: I'm a fag. You dig?
You: word
Stranger: Good.
Stranger: I only have secks up tha butt.
You: good for you
You: do u like them big?
Stranger: Mmm, as big as I can get.
Stranger: I love being stuffed full of dick.
Stranger: Sometimes two at once.
You: u're a real fag then
You: u must be from greece
You: there are a lot of u there
Stranger: Ah, indeed.
Stranger: Big, thick, Greek dick.
Stranger: Ohh, I'm getting turned on.
You: go out and get a fuck then
You: fulfill your needs
You: don't be shy
Stranger: I've got my eye on you, baby. ;)
You: u gotta start searchin for sexual pleasure outside the virtual world of internet
Stranger: But all the bois in real life make fun of my undescended testicle.
You: who cares
You: u'r a cock lover
You: let them fuck u
You: u can whack off by urself later
Stranger: You're right.
You: as always
Stranger: I need to... take hold of my destiny.
Stranger: I need to venture into the red light district!
You: now or never dude
You: word
Stranger: I will have the cak!
Stranger: Thank you, kind stranger.
You: no probs
Stranger: I'm off to get my poontang.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You: hello
Stranger: I'm a fag. You dig?
You: word
Stranger: Good.
Stranger: I only have secks up tha butt.
You: good for you
You: do u like them big?
Stranger: Mmm, as big as I can get.
Stranger: I love being stuffed full of dick.
Stranger: Sometimes two at once.
You: u're a real fag then
You: u must be from greece
You: there are a lot of u there
Stranger: Ah, indeed.
Stranger: Big, thick, Greek dick.
Stranger: Ohh, I'm getting turned on.
You: go out and get a fuck then
You: fulfill your needs
You: don't be shy
Stranger: I've got my eye on you, baby. ;)
You: u gotta start searchin for sexual pleasure outside the virtual world of internet
Stranger: But all the bois in real life make fun of my undescended testicle.
You: who cares
You: u'r a cock lover
You: let them fuck u
You: u can whack off by urself later
Stranger: You're right.
You: as always
Stranger: I need to... take hold of my destiny.
Stranger: I need to venture into the red light district!
You: now or never dude
You: word
Stranger: I will have the cak!
Stranger: Thank you, kind stranger.
You: no probs
Stranger: I'm off to get my poontang.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

советник за сексуални активности :smir:


Чиста Македонија !
Член од
7 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
Stranger: who is this ?

You: Obama :)

Stranger: is gay

You: who is killing insect's

You: ahhaha


Stranger: go there =d

Stranger: its funny

You: maybe later

You: hh

Stranger: fune

Stranger: fine

Stranger: r u black ?

You: green

You: hih

Stranger: really

Stranger: im racist tho

Stranger: my granddad was a nazi

You: realy ??

You: mein too :)

Stranger: NO WAY

Stranger: where r u from

You: Germany :)

You: u ?

Stranger: America =D

:pos2::pos2::pos2:,НАЦИСТА најдов,ми падна нетот после,не можев муабет да си допраам:vozbud:
Ја германец у пм:vozbud:


Porque somos LOS MEJORES
Член од
23 октомври 2008
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Who knocks at the Garden Gate?
You: i have no idea
Stranger: FAIL
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Го знае некој одговоорв на ова???:pos2::pos2::pos2:


Член од
25 ноември 2007
Поени од реакции
Кратко и јасно.:)

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: want to play a game?
You: what kind of game?
Stranger: a guessing game
You: ok
Stranger: you have to guess what I am
You: a dickhead.
You have disconnected.


Леле муабетиве :pos:
Прво еден кутар Американец

You: hi

Stranger: asl first

You: 16 f Macedonia

You: you?

Stranger: Macedonia

Stranger: where is it

You: south Europe

You: you know, Alexander the Great

Stranger: i gotta it

You: and how about you, asl?

Stranger: 20 m us

You: oh ok

Stranger: sup?

You: nothing much

You: weather here is horrible

Stranger: may be

Stranger: ur greek?

You: no I'm Macedonian
- - - - - - - -
А после ова:

Stranger: hi im gay and horny

You: oh good for you

Stranger: are you

You: nope, sorry

Stranger: are you male or female

You: f

You: you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected
Член од
27 март 2009
Поени од реакции
You: hey
You: m or f
Stranger: f
You: from
You: ?
Stranger: canada ontario
You: im male
You: from macedonia
You: ur age..?
Stranger: 44
You: omg..
You: hornyy
Stranger: aha
You: da da
Stranger: да
You: xD
Конечно и македонец/ка да се најдии...:vozbud::vozbud::vozbud:


I'll Shit On You .!.
Член од
8 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi]
Stranger: u have msn?
You: yes why?
Stranger: whats ur email?
Stranger: cool
Stranger: hahaha
You: so where are you from?
Stranger: london
Stranger: u?
You: france
You: paris
Stranger: ive been there its nice
You: yeah london isnt so bad also
Stranger: yea
You: how old are you
Stranger: 18
Stranger: u?
You: male or female
You: 17
Stranger: male
You: im female
Stranger: cool
You: can i ask you a question?
Stranger: yea?
You: there is a lot of blood coming out of my vagina
Stranger: ok
You: can you tell me what is my prolem
Stranger: ur having ur period
You: problem?
You: whats that?
Stranger: its that time of the month when blood comes out ur vagina
You: so its something like a broken pipe?
Stranger: no its supposed to happen
You: thanks you make me feel bether
You: :DDDD
Stranger: ok
Stranger: ur welcome
Stranger: so do u have any pics of urself?
You: yes but a have to upload them first
Stranger: ok
You: i have a video
You: if you want to watch it
You: ?
Stranger: ok
You: go to redtube than write babysitter
Stranger: which one is it?
You: the first one


I am not in danger, I am the danger!
Член од
17 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
You: hey
You: m or f
Stranger: f
You: from
You: ?
Stranger: canada ontario
You: im male
You: from macedonia
You: ur age..?
Stranger: 44
You: omg..
You: hornyy
Stranger: aha
You: da da
Stranger: да
You: xD
Конечно и македонец/ка да се најдии...:vozbud::vozbud::vozbud:
Немора да значи не користиме само ние кирилица:)

Kajgana Shop

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