You: Hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: 18
Stranger: m /f?
You: M
You: u ?
Stranger: 22 m
You: from ?
Stranger: india
You: nice
You: im from Lybia
Stranger: name?
You: Omah
Stranger: nice
You: damnnn some crazy americans shoot with gun on me
Stranger: when
You: its crazy out here
You: 5 min ago
You: it was terible
Stranger: cool
You: no cool bro
Stranger: so sad
You: here it comes again
Stranger: r u in fb
You: no
You: be right back i need to kill this american ashole
Stranger: ok'
You: shiit
You: im hurt
You: and i need medic
Stranger: r u playing any video game?
You: no man this is like game
You: those asholes are around lybia
Stranger: game?
You: gaddafi is with me
You: we kill those asholes together
Stranger: then
You: shiiiit
Stranger: is it?
You: call medic
Stranger: sorry bye
You: stayyy
Stranger: y
You: save my life bro
You: call a back up
Stranger: r u kidding me
You: noooo
You: im scared
You: to death
Stranger: then y r u talking like a foolish
You: damn man there is no war in your country so you dont know
You: what im seeing here
You: death body all over me
Stranger: if u have a war in u r country how u have time to chat with me?
You: man im on iphone
You: its crazy out here
You: im hurt in my sholder
Stranger: so what .how could i help u?
You: call a ambulance
You: or im gonna dye
You: and americans gonna take our oil
Stranger: how cokld i call an ambulance do u know where i am?
You: call pleaseee
Stranger: ok
You: shiitbe quiet
You: there are coming
You: shhh please