You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 18 f mk
Stranger: mk?
You: Macedonia
Stranger: u horny?
You: not atm, but you can try to make me horny
Stranger: r u sexy?
Stranger: send me a pic of u
You: yes i am
You: and i'm a lesbian
Stranger: cool
Stranger: got a facebook?
You: are you female?
Stranger: m
You: where are you from?
Stranger: usa
You: which state?
Stranger: cali
You: caucasian, hispano, or afroamerican?
Stranger: asian
You: oh i didn't know there were asian in california
Stranger: now u know...
You: is it true that asian guys have small dicks?
Stranger: idk
Stranger: i'm guessin some.. haha
Stranger: u got a facebook?
You: facebook is lame, i only have account on Fuckbook
Stranger: oo
Stranger: i c
Stranger: can u send me a pic of u
You: f**
You: register here
You: and i will add you
Stranger: ok
Stranger: hold up
Stranger: got it
You: btw i have pictures only together with my girlfriend, i hope you don't mind
Stranger: it's ok
You: do you like threesome?
Stranger: my username is michaelung97
Stranger: with two ladies yes
You: hold on, i will search for you now
Stranger: ok
You: this search does not seem to find you, are you sure you made an account?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: wat's urs
You: ok, you try to look for me
You: hornybis69
Stranger: where do I go to find friends
You: there is a search engine there
You: enter the username there
You: hurry please, my girlfriend is waiting for me in the other room
Stranger: where?
You: sorry, have to go, she is so horny
You: keep trying to add me, we will talk later
Stranger: do u see the request
You: oh, here it is
You: yes i see it
You: we will talk later
Stranger: ok
Stranger: u confirmes it?
Stranger: confirmed
You: i will confirm as soon as i finish here
Stranger: ok
You: bye
Stranger: bye
You have disconnected.
Го натерав овој напалениов да се регистрира на fuckbook и којзнае на кого пратил таму
--- надополнето: Sep 20, 2011 11:54 PM ---
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi
You: asl
Stranger: 19 m usa
Stranger: you
You: 30 f mk
Stranger: cool
Stranger: horny?
You: very horny... mmm and i love young meat
Stranger: you wanna see a pic of me?
You: i would love to
Stranger: its dirty
You: is that really you?
Stranger: yes?
You: you look older than 19
Stranger: thank you?
Stranger: idk if thats a compliment or what?
You: do you think it is?
Stranger: i dont know haha
Stranger: do you like?
You: yeah, it could be very nice to photoshop that picture. maybe with a huge black guy behind you lol
You: hahahah
Stranger: haha
You: that's what usually happens when you post your pic on the internet, especially to strangers
You have disconnected.
Хахаха се упеца ептен овој. Млад и глуп. Ќе се чуди кога ќе гледа милион фотошопирани слики од него по интернет. Ајде само уште да се најде некој фотошоп јунак да стави огромен црнец позади него на сликата