12-01 05:35:51 Fleet command Expedition Result [1:165:16]
Your expedition ran into the stronghold of a celebrity that was deserted ages ago. In the strongholds hangar they found some ships. The technicians are trying to get some of them to fly again.
The following ships are now part of the fleet:
Espionage Probe 34
Large Cargo 1
Entry from the machines officers logbook: Sadly we do not have enough capacity to bring all those nice ships home.
Entry from the communications officers logbook: It feels great to be the first ones traveling through an unexplored sector.
Немој со вакви работи, Тончи. Нејќам пак да се заразам!Новата верзија 0,78 е навистина забавна.
Има експедиции..
Си насобраф еспионаж проубс со експедииве![]()