I need neither your pity, nor your scorn. Self-gratification is the cause worth following. Sacrificing oneself for the "common good" is masochism and self-destruction at its worst. A Sith knows that the thing of greatest importance in his life is himself. The primal, unchained, raw power of the Sith is like a wildfire, yes. But a wildfire that scourges an ailing forest, leaving room for new trees to grow. Stronger, healthier, rising from the ashes of their forefathers... The way of the Sith is to constanly test themselves against each other, to weed out the weak and strengthen the strong. The Sith way is not the Jedi way of complacence, pacifism and indifference. The Sith descend like a dark ocean of rage upon their enemies and sweep them away with the power of their unleashed fury. Give in to the Dark side. Fuel your anger, feed your hate, until they make you what you were born to be. A true Sith Lord, free, strong and masterful.Toreador напиша:Struck down in shame? I pity those who hold no value over the purity of life, endless expansion and creation. Of course, there is death, but death is but a power of nature. The other end on a scale of balance in the galaxy. The Sith are abominations. Pathetic creatures relying on primal wicked powers. What use is power if one does not use it in the right way? Or it is only a desire for self-statisfaction? If so, my pity is even greater to the Sith. Yet again, I belive in redemption. They are like a wildfire. Uncontroled and untamed. We are able to calm the fire, and make it a warm candlelight that brings hope in times of darkness.