Love brings pain in the long run, love, as hate, brings deep emotions, if not achieved through seren contemplation and through the living force, love will ultimately bring confused, mixed feelings thus leading astray from the path of the true force. Love can be achieved to another being only through the force, for the force, by the force and only on a very high level of understanding. Otherwise, no, it is not true love. Love the Force first, then love as love is.Toreador напиша:Vnuce, fuck your barbaric arse :bip:
Another question Jedi Watchman Garfield. When a Jedi feels love, what should he do? In my opinion, there is a greatness that thrives in each and one of us, like I have said before, that comes from inside of us, not from the Force. Is that the same greatness that would help us achieve tranquility and serenity in the heart of a Jedi?
ЈО, олабај.^Poor Knight напиша:Do you find the ways of the NJO wrong then, because the subject of emotions is not only taught from the way of the OJD?
I si, da znaes.Sith_Lord напиша:
I do repent for I'm an arse, donkey's arse!