Facebook - официјална тема (новости, прашања, проблеми)

Mr. Mojo Risin'

Porka de Majorka
Член од
14 септември 2008
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цел месец не можеш да се логираш?
Ненене сакам да кажам месец дена не можам да си го сменам името никако :(

ми излегува ова

Name Change Limit Reached
Sorry! You've updated your name the maximum number of times allowed and your name can't be changed again. To list another name you go by, such as a maiden name, please use the Alternate Name field below.
Член од
12 април 2010
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Ненене сакам да кажам месец дена не можам да си го сменам името никако :(

ми излегува ова

Name Change Limit Reached
Sorry! You've updated your name the maximum number of times allowed and your name can't be changed again. To list another name you go by, such as a maiden name, please use the Alternate Name field below.

па и кај мене така...мора да си одберам име од тие што сум ги ставал на времето, не можеш да ставиш друго име, само во алтернативно :)


Урбан индијанец.
Член од
8 јули 2008
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Facebook quietly switches on facial recognition tech by default

Tag, you're it. Zuckerberg amps up data-farming mission creep
By Kelly FiveashGet more from this author
Posted in Applications, 7th June 2011 13:56 GMT

Facebook has rolled out its facial recognition technology to countries outside of the US, but has switched the feature on by default without telling its users first.
UK-based security expert Graham Cluely noted earlier today that Facebook had slotted the tech into the social network.

The Mark Zuckerberg-run company started using its facial recognition software in December last year for its Stateside users in a move to automatically provide tags for the photos uploaded by Facebook users.
The tech works by scanning newly uploaded pics and then identifies faces from previously tagged photos already stored in Zuckerberg's internet silo.
When the software was introduced in the US late last year, Facebook pointed out that users could disable the function.
"If for any reason you don't want your name to be suggested, you will be able to disable suggested tags in your Privacy Settings," the company wrote on its blog post last December.
But now that the tech has reached other shores, Facebook clearly didn't feel the need to alert its international stalkerbase that its facial recognition software had been switched on by default within the social network.
The "Suggest photos of me to friends" feature in question is located in the company's privacy settings. Facebookers need to click on "customise settings" before being able to access the function and disable it, if they so wish.
"Unfortunately, once again, Facebook seems to be sharing personal information by default. Many people feel distinctly uncomfortable about a site like Facebook learning what they look like, and using that information without their permission," said Cluley.
"Most Facebook users still don't know how to set their privacy options safely, finding the whole system confusing. It's even harder though to keep control when Facebook changes the settings without your knowledge."
He said Facebook shouldn't require its users to constantly check their privacy settings to see what the company has changed since their last visit to the site.
"The onus should not be on Facebook users having to 'opt-out' of the facial recognition feature, but instead on users having to 'opt-in'," he said.
"Yet again, it feels like Facebook is eroding the online privacy of its users by stealth."
The Register asked Facebook to comment on this story, but at time of writing it had not got back to us. ®



/b/ House /b/
Член од
13 декември 2007
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Facebook quietly switches on facial recognition tech by default

Tag, you're it. Zuckerberg amps up data-farming mission creep
By Kelly FiveashGet more from this author
Posted in Applications, 7th June 2011 13:56 GMT

Facebook has rolled out its facial recognition technology to countries outside of the US, but has switched the feature on by default without telling its users first.
UK-based security expert Graham Cluely noted earlier today that Facebook had slotted the tech into the social network.

The Mark Zuckerberg-run company started using its facial recognition software in December last year for its Stateside users in a move to automatically provide tags for the photos uploaded by Facebook users.
The tech works by scanning newly uploaded pics and then identifies faces from previously tagged photos already stored in Zuckerberg's internet silo.
When the software was introduced in the US late last year, Facebook pointed out that users could disable the function.
"If for any reason you don't want your name to be suggested, you will be able to disable suggested tags in your Privacy Settings," the company wrote on its blog post last December.
But now that the tech has reached other shores, Facebook clearly didn't feel the need to alert its international stalkerbase that its facial recognition software had been switched on by default within the social network.
The "Suggest photos of me to friends" feature in question is located in the company's privacy settings. Facebookers need to click on "customise settings" before being able to access the function and disable it, if they so wish.
"Unfortunately, once again, Facebook seems to be sharing personal information by default. Many people feel distinctly uncomfortable about a site like Facebook learning what they look like, and using that information without their permission," said Cluley.
"Most Facebook users still don't know how to set their privacy options safely, finding the whole system confusing. It's even harder though to keep control when Facebook changes the settings without your knowledge."
He said Facebook shouldn't require its users to constantly check their privacy settings to see what the company has changed since their last visit to the site.
"The onus should not be on Facebook users having to 'opt-out' of the facial recognition feature, but instead on users having to 'opt-in'," he said.
"Yet again, it feels like Facebook is eroding the online privacy of its users by stealth."
The Register asked Facebook to comment on this story, but at time of writing it had not got back to us. ®

чекај не ми е најјасно баш сеа... го имам ли ја ова on по default? како да го disable?


чекај не ми е најјасно баш сеа... го имам ли ја ова on по default? како да го disable?
Во Privacy Settings;
Suggest photos of me to friends
When photos look like me, suggest my name
и може да го исклучиш.


...никад не запира...
Член од
11 јануари 2009
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имам проблем со постирање на линкови (youtube) на ѕид.... кај вас се е во ред ???

кога ќе стиснам сподели ова ми се појавува :

Message Failed

This message contains blocked content that has previously been flagged as abusive or spammy.
Let us know if you think this is an error.


И јас ја добивам истата порака, не знам што е проблемов. Прво мислев дека сменив понав стално да користам https, ама гледам и други имале проблем со тоа.


имам проблем со постирање на линкови (youtube) на ѕид.... кај вас се е во ред ???

кога ќе стиснам сподели ова ми се појавува :

Message Failed

This message contains blocked content that has previously been flagged as abusive or spammy.
Let us know if you think this is an error.
Тоа ќе ти се појавува се` додека спамираш. И кај другар ми исто се појавуваше.
Член од
12 април 2010
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епа мои пријателчиња......јас не користам јутјуб...и мене така ми правеше...има еден прекрасен сервис..........
пробајте го, јас сум презадоволен
проблемот е што сега за facebook се што ќе се објави или пренасочи на друго место преку линк е така, го смета како закана...спамирање нема врска.....


spammy - изгледа како некој те пријавил за спамирање. :)
Изгледа не сфати кога се појавува поракава. Се појавува кога пробуваш да посетиш YouTube линк, YT е пријавен како спам содржина или така некако и не може да се посети сајтот. Се друго работи добро... Али ќе треба да се чека Фејсбук да средат.

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