American truck simulator

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Денес, понеделник, 17 септември 2018, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.32 на American Truck Simulator и на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Новата верзија со себеси носи отстранување и редизајнирање на некои од приколките, воведување на опцијата за автоматско активирање на кочницата за паркирање кога камионот не работи, малку освежен изглед на менито и корисничкиот интерфејс, редизајнирање на некои места и патишта, додавање на новите патишта US-550 во сојузната американска држава Њу Мексико, US-95 и US-191 во сојузната американска држава Аризона, како и автобуските премини во Клифтон во Аризона и I-580 во Карсон во сојузната американска држава Невада, а главниот новитет е воведувањето на опцијата за купување на приколки за камионите.

Истовремено, воведена е` забрана за приколи долги 16 метри или повеќе во сојузната американска држава Калифорнија.

Сега играчите можат да купуваат приколки за своите камиони и да ги дизајнираат истите по свој вкус, а се воведуваат и двојни приколки во Euro Truck Simulator 2.

ATS and ETS2 Update 1.32

Monday, September 17, 2018

It's on! We have taken quite a while with the open beta - testing and tuning the new version was a very extensive task, as this is one of the biggest game updates we have ever produced. The reactions from the volunteer testers are very enthusiastic, and we are eager for the player-base to enjoy all the new features as well now.

The amount of open beta feedback was so huge, thanks a lot to all the participants! We may not have been able to respond to all of the messages individually, but rest assured that we read everything and all your opinions, suggestions and bug reports are noted. The power of the community is fantastic!


• Trailer ownership (read more)
• Major UI changes (Main menu, Company Management screens, Dealerships, etc.)
• Job filters redesign
• Some of the old trailers discarded and redesigned
• Power/airlines on AI trucks added (optional)
• Rendering speedups
• Option for automatic parking brake - disabled by default

ATS only:

• New roads added: US-550 (NM), US-95 (AZ), US-191 (AZ), Clifton city (AZ) and I-580 Carson city bypass (NV)
• Remade and redesigned few places (e.g. I5-I80 interchange)
• Long 53ft trailers (40+ feet from kingpin to rear axle) forbidden in California

ETS2 only:

• Scania 2016 added to AI traffic
• B-double type trailers added
• Updated part of Germany map (read more)
• Lighting improvements (sync with ATS)
• The speed limit in France dropped to 80 KPH on some roads


Completely redesigned trailer-cargo logic (cargo data, trailer data, economy, etc.). Most mods will need some work to catch up!

To enjoy the 1.32 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

On the other hand, if you are a heavy mod user and believe that the mods in your mix are still not up to date for 1.32, you may consider switching to 1.31 branch on Steam to continue playing the game with all the mods, while the mod authors catch up to the new features in the game.

For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days.

Enjoy! And keep your eyes open for the rest of today, we still have great news for you! ;)

Published by Carthoo at 9/17/2018 01:05:00 PM
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Вчера, четврток, 4 октомври 2018, SCS Software го пушти го продажба најновото продолжение за American Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator: Oregon.

Новото продолжение на American Truck Simulator со себеси носи над 5.000 милји = над 8.000 километри патишта и 14 нови градови низ новододадената сојузна американска држава Орегон, меѓу кои спаѓаат Салем - главниот град на Орегон, Портланд - најголемиот и најнаселениот град во Орегон и 26-ти најнаселен град во САД, и Јуџин - вториот најнаселен град во Орегон, 13 посебни големи места за пауза и одмор за камионите и нивните возачи, како и бројни помали места за пауза и одмор, над 700 нови 3D модели на објекти и предмети во играта, 25 уникатни клучки со оригинален дизајн, 17 нови локални компании и индустрии, познати места од Орегон како планината Худ, Торов бунар, Кратерско Езеро, долината на Искривената Река, Јакинската осветлувачка куќа, мостот на Младинскиот Залив, како и бројни други новитети.

Продолжението ја содржи и песната After Party од американската пејачка Џесика Лин - и самата обожавателка на камиони.

Oregon Celebration!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

American Truck Simulator: Oregon is published!

We thank our great community: our fans, supporters, and sim-game players for their inspiration, thoughts, and wishes.

We still have a little surprise up our sleeve for today. For all fans of both classic and modern American trucks, we are also unveiling Classic Stripes Paint Jobs DLC at the same time. It comes with a total of eight stylish designs that fit perfectly on all trucks and combine the cabin paint job and trailer design.

We wanted to provide you a yet better value when launching Oregon, so we have combined the new map DLC and the new style DLC into a discounted bundle. You may consider checking out Oregon in Style bundle first before clicking that purchase button on the Oregon Steam Store page.

Published by Meddy at 10/04/2018 04:08:00 PM

Oregon: Final Countdown

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Today is the day! We are impatiently counting the hours and minutes until the launch of the latest American Truck Simulator Oregon map expansion.

Our plan is to release the DLC this afternoon - around 14:00 UTC

To shorten the wait, we have a new Launch Day Celebration Video for your viewing pleasure. It is following the daily jobs of four friends driving their big rigs through Oregon, eventually uniting to celebrate the special day together.

We are proud to announce that it features a song by Jessica Lynn, a talented young American artist and songwriter. A while ago, we met Jessica at her evening performance at Nürburgring race circuit. Realizing that she is into trucks, too, together we got an idea to feature one of her original songs in our Oregon promo video...

Oregon DLC release is coming today, stay up to date also on your preferred communication channels:

Steam Developer Page
World of Trucks
SCS Software blog
Message Board

Published by SCS Software at 10/04/2018 12:44:00 PM

Oregon rising

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Our work on the Oregon map expansion DLC for American Truck Simulator is almost complete. The dev team is confident that they will reach the finish line in a couple of weeks. We are therefore ready to announce a little more specific info about the release.

We are proud to announce that the impatiently anticipated
DLC Oregon will be released in October 2018!

Here is the main feature list:

Over 5,000 miles of new in-game roads
• 14 major cities, including Portland, Salem, and Eugene
• 13 large custom rest/truck stops for parking and refueling
• Lots of smaller rest areas and motels around the roads
• 700+ completely new 3D assets
• 25 Unique, complex and realistic custom-built junctions and Interstate interchanges
• 17 new local company docks and industries
• Well-known landmarks both natural and man-made - Mt. Hood, Thor's Well, Crater Lake, Crooked River Valley, Yaquina Head Lighthouse, Youngs Bay Bridge ...
• Oregon-bound achievements to unlock

To keep you engaged and entertained, we plan to keep revealing more pictures and insights from Oregon's development right until the release. Don't forget to watch our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram so you do not miss anything. You may also consider the advice below to get a notification straight from Steam the moment the DLC is available! We keep updating the project's Steam page too, to make sure the pictures there are the best we can pick.

Published by Meddy at 9/12/2018 05:56:00 PM

Portland, Oregon

Monday, August 27, 2018

There is no way to leave out Portland if you want to portray Oregon properly. It’s the biggest city in the state, the core of a populated region and a very important transport hub. There is a big harbor there and lots of industry. All that should be reflected in American Truck Simulator, not just in appearance, but also in the game's economy.

We knew that this would not be an easy task right from the early research stages of the Oregon project. The city crosses the Willamette River, and even its nickname "Bridge City" hinted that we would have to deal with several bridges and difficult-to-optimize topology of the area with a lot of reflective water splitting it in half. Indeed, several critical bridges form the very backbone of the transport network. So there is a lot of candidate geometry to render and to strain the 3D card.

Our team has spent a lot of effort and time to build our take on Portland. It has really been quite tough to optimize the layout and design to achieve an acceptable framerate. We are quite happy with the result, we believe that it is very representative of the city as seen by a truck driver passing through it, giving the right impression we have been aiming for.

More screenshots on Oregon's Coming Soon Steam store page here.

Published by Meddy at 8/27/2018 03:19:00 PM
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Во вторникот, 11 декември 2018, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.33 на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси носи новитети од типот на опцијата за купување на долги двојни приколки - достапни во сојузната американска држава Невада, автопатот OR-140 во сојузната американска држава Орегон, воведување на споредни патишта во близината на места со ограничен пристап, подобрување на амортизацијата, кочниците и лагерите, како и некои други помали новитети.

American Truck Simulator Update 1.33

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

We are happy to release American Truck Simulator Update 1.33 out of open beta! Thanks to everyone who helped us verify the stability of the new features. We kept testing the ATS update a bit longer to make sure that there were no surprises with the new detours feature, and fortunately it looks like the reactions to it are all positive. We'll keep tweaking the feature in upcoming updates, and of course we owe it also to players of Euro Truck Simulator 2 - once we create the relevant new graphics content depicting the blocked roads.

As both our flagship sims are running on the same codebase, American Truck's update benefited from the extended Experimental and Open Beta programs we have tried ahead of Euro Truck 2's new update. We are very likely to repeat the process again for most of the upcoming updates.

Even when we are not currently in open beta, we'd like to invite you to provide your feedback, input, wishes, and critique on our forums. We keep monitoring the message boards pretty much every day. The old school forums often work better for a discussion thread taking place across several days or weeks, compared to the typical quick fire and forget exchanges on newer generation social media.

Enjoy all the new additions and happy trucking. By the way, which changelog video do you like more? ;-)

To enjoy the 1.33 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be updated automatically on Steam.


• Buyable turnpike double trailers (Nevada only)
• Detours
• Added OR-140 road (Oregon DLC required)
• Steam cloud based profiles
• Reusable truck and trailer configuration templates
• Physics improvements (suspension, damping, braking, cogs)
• Rain drops behavior on glass improved
• Music shuffling
• Country/ state name localization settings
• g_disable_beacons (0/1/2) - for people that have issue with blinking lights
• Various customization options


• Due to the number of changes, most mods will need some work to catch up!

Published by Carthoo at 12/11/2018 09:54:00 AM
Член од
10 април 2018
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е добро, никој не игра ова. да плаќаа по тура ај да играш, ами вака да зјаиш у екран за џабе.
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24 април 2008
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Денес, петок, 8 февруари 2019, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.34 на American Truck Simulator и на Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Новата верзија со себеси ја носи опцијата за купување на приколка наменета за транспорт на дрва, редизајн на градот Тонопа во сојузната американска држава Невада, додавање на уште еден сегмент на автопатот OR-140 и поправање на временските зони за играчите на продолжението American Truck Simulator: Oregon, како и мали поправки на мапата.

ATS and ETS2 Update 1.34

Friday, February 8, 2019

After the content-loaded updates from previous months, 1.34 is a relatively small maintenance update serving primarily to introduce new content prepared by our vehicle department. The next big things planned need more time in development, and we anticipate 1.35 to be a lot juicier. Still, we believe these new additions will please players of both of our games. The limited scope of this update is also the reason why there wasn't an Open Beta. So what do we have for you?

First and foremost, this update brings a very long awaited truck into Euro Truck Simulator 2 - The Man TGX Euro 6! It comes with 3 cabin and 6 chassis variants, all the way up to the 8x4 and thanks to the unique MAN design, all three cabins are compatible with the heavy-duty chassis!

The road to implementing the new truck into ETS2 was actually very bumpy. Work on this model started several years ago based on limited references we had for the Efficient Line 2 edition. We aimed to release it with all chassis variants but spent over a year chasing various leads and sources to get them right. We are excited to have finally completed it now after obtaining important missing reference blueprints. In the future, it will be complemented by an up to date current production model, The Efficient Line 3.

ATS receives one of the highly demanded additions to the game - buyable log trailers! Our traffic report sources for Oregon shows a large convoy inbound for the wood transport companies, with a high chance of traffic jams on the forest roads, so be careful out there. As an alternative route, we can recommend OR-140, which is now prolonged all the way to Nevada. And if you're still worried about driving in Oregon, we recommend visiting a Tonopah city, which has been completely refreshed.

To enjoy the 1.34 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days.


ATS only:

• Buyable Log trailer
• Tonopah city refreshed
• Another segment of OR-140 (Oregon DLC required)
• Timezone areas fixed - Malheur county, OR (Oregon DLC required)
• Numerous little map fixes and world polish added

ETS2 only:

• MAN TGX Euro 6
• Timezone areas fixed - Kaliningrad area, RU (Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC required)
• Many little map fixes and world polish added


• As with any update, due to the changes, a number of mods may need some work to catch up!

Published by Carthoo at 2/08/2019 11:13:00 AM
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Во пресрет на утрешното пуштање во продажба на најновото продолжение American Truck Simulator: Washington, денес, понеделник, 10 јуни 2019, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.35 на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси ги носи автопатите OR-58 во сојузната американска држава Орегон, CA-299 во сојузната американска држава Калифорнија, како и уште еден сегмент од автопатот OR-140 во сојузната американска држава Орегон, подобрување на сообраќајната сигнализација во сојузната американска држава Аризона, како и подобрување на светлосната сигнализација во сите сојузни американски држави.

Новата верзија 1.35 на American Truck Simulator со себеси исто така носи и нови типови на приколки, воведување на опција за купување на гаража преку Интернет, GPS гласовен асистент, итна служба за полнење на гориво, како и бројни други новитети во пресрет на утрешното пуштање во продажба на најновото продолжение American Truck Simulator: Washington.

American Truck Simulator Update 1.35

Monday, June 10, 2019

We've completed the testing cycle and American Truck Simulator Update 1.35 is now live!

First off, let us thank all of you who helped us with your bug reports, opinions and general feedback during the Experimental and Public Beta phases. The changelog is really huge and testing it would have been much harder without you. Its size is also the reason for why we won't describe all the details here again (please read the Public Beta article).

Most of you have already noticed that since a few days ago, a GPS voice navigation function was added to the Public Beta build of American Truck Simulator. For the initial phase, you can choose from 9 different language options (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Turkish and Mandarin Chinese). As with most of the new features, you can expect more options and improvements in the future. And while we have already amassed a considerable amount of feedback from the 1.35 update for Euro Truck Simulator 2, don't be shy to add your own feedback on our forum - the more the merrier!

Now here's a short recap video to help you navigate through all the changes and new features before Washington arrives tomorrow! Are you ready to truck on?!

To enjoy the 1.35 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

Some mods, however, may not have caught up yet - this update can effectively break them; remember that you can always stay on 1.34 or an even older branch. Follow these instructions to access and select them: Steam client → LIBRARY → right click on American Truck Simulator → Properties → Betas tab → select the version you want.

Also, check our modding wiki to get details pertaining to mods for the game.



New roads: OR-58 (Oregon DLC), CA-299 and another segment of OR-140
Arizona signage improvements
Traffic lights improvements (all states)


Purchased container trailers
Purchased B-double trailers (all types)
Purchased chip van trailers
• Specialized boat trailer
• Browse purchased trailers & accessories
Saddle-mounted truck transport (KW T680)
• STAA doubles in traffic
• Adjust purchased trailers without service visit (extendable trailer, sliding tandem)
• Copy truck/trailer configuration across fleet
• Wiper settings improved


• GPS Voice navigation
• Use your own purchased trailers in External Contracts (WoTR)
• Online garage purchase
• Emergency refuelling service
• Input improvements (Steam controller support, Tobii eye tracker support, controller hotplug support, better FF on Linux)
Razer Chroma support (RGB)
• New options: truck stability, truck suspension, dual localization of names in map
• Faster job generation for hired drivers
• Lots of new drivers to hire
• Experimental DX11 support


• Curve item (new editor item)
• Walker/mover item improvement
• Multiple LODs for models
• Modded trucks support (in-game function)
• Traffic data improvement
• Vehicle data improvement (COG, wipers, transmission names, bracers sound)
• Randomized cargo model (eg. container color)

Published by Carthoo at 6/10/2019 06:19:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Денес, вторник, 11 јуни 2019, SCS Software го пушти во продажба најновото продолжение на American Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator: Washington.

Новото продолжение на American Truck Simulator со себеси носи нови 3.800 милји = над 6.100 километри патишта, 16 нови градови, меѓу кои спаѓаат и пристанишните градови Сиетл, Такома и Еверет, повеќе од 20 познати мостови од сојузната американска држава Вашингтон, браната Гранд Кули, динамични сообраќајни знаци за ограничување на брзината и ЛЕД сообраќајни знаци, како и бројни други новитети.

Washington Released!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

We are excited to announce the official release of our newest map expansion, Washington for American Truck Simulator!

We also have more surprises under the hood today, with the release of the Forest Machinery DLC.

This brand new trailer pack offers new and unique trailers for drivers to deliver to throughout Oregon's and Washington's logging industries and includes:

Towed Forest Machinery:

• Forwarder
• Log Harvester
• Log Loader
• Log Stacker
• Mulcher
• Stumper

Specialized Trailers:

• Tub Grinder
• Knuckleboom Loader

Truck Accessories:

• Headache Racks (2 versions for each cabin type)
• Hanging Chainsaw toy

With the release of these new add-ons, we have created a 'West Coast Bundle' which includes The base game of American Truck Simulator, Oregon and our latest releases, Washington and The Forest Machinery DLC. This special bundle offers great value on these products when purchased together.

Published by Alex at 6/11/2019 07:01:00 PM

Washington Announcement

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

We have loved sharing with you our progress on Washington, and with the final touches being made to the map, we are now ready to confirm a date...

We are excited to announce that the Washington map expansion for American Truck Simulator will be released on the 11th of June, 2019.

We hope that this short trailer will give you a small glimpse on what you will be able to experience for yourself very soon.

And as you can see for yourself, Washington will be rich in content for drivers to explore...

• 3800 miles of dense road network
• 16 brand new cities (Vancouver, Longview, Aberdeen, Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Port Angeles, Bellingham, Omak, Wenatchee, Yakima, Kennewick, Grand Coulee, Spokane, Colville)
• More than 20 landmark bridges
• 10 original truckstops
• Keystone-Port Townsend Ferry
• Everett swing bridge
• Grand Coulee Dam
• Washington's iconic mountains (Mount St. Helens and Mt. Rainier)
• Challenging logging cliff road
• Dynamic speed limits and LED signs
• Large and realistic ports (Seattle, Tacoma, Everett)
• Many unique junctions
• Distinct company docks for new cargoes: yacht builders, vast farms, material storages...
• Washington-specific achievements to unlock

With the upcoming release of this map expansion, you will see news, reviews, images, and videos appearing online this coming weekend. With a plan to lift the embargo, the media as well as trusted friends of SCS Software will be able to openly start showing their footage from the map.

Additionally, on Thursday the 6th and Saturday the 8th of June we will be hosting a special Washington stream (on both our Twitch and Steam) featuring gameplay of the new map expansion and special guests who were involved in the making of Washington. They will be guiding you through this new state, hosting giveaways, talking with you in the chats and much more, so make sure to tune in from 4pm UTC on Thursday and 5pm UTC on Saturday!

Published by Alex at 6/04/2019 04:58:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Вчера, четврток, 7 ноември 2019, SCS Software го пушти во продажба најновото продолжение на American Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator: Utah.

Новото продолжение на American Truck Simulator со себеси носи нови 3.500 милји = над 5.600 километри патишта низ сојузната американска држава Јута, 10 нови поголеми градови, меѓу кои спаѓаат и Солт Лејк Сити, Сент Џорџ и Моаб, нови каменоломи и рудници, вклучувајќи го и големиот отворен коп Кенекот во кањонот Бингам, познати места и пејсажи, како што се Големото Солено Езеро, Долината на спомениците, кањонот на реката Вирџин, како и бројни други новитети.

На пуштањето во продажба на American Truck Simulator: Utah му претходеше исфрлувањето на најновата верзија 1.36 на American Truck Simulator, која со себеси ги носи поддршката за играње во DirectX 11, преработка на мапата и на градовите Санта Круз во сојузната американска држава Калифорнија и Флагстаф во сојузната американска држава Аризона, подобрување на брзинските ограничувања во сојузната американска држава Калифорнија, подобрување на брзинските ограничувања и сообраќајните знаци во сојузните американски држави Орегон и Њу Мексико, прикажување на возачите, камионите и приколките на мапата, како и бројни други новитети.

Utah release

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The day has come - and so has Utah! Preparations for the release party are in full speed, as well as for the events that will follow the release.

Utah map expansion will be released today at around 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET)

Free Weekend for American Truck Simulator from 7.11. 18:00 to 11.11. 18:00 UTC

To commemorate the 4th map expansion (5th should we count Arizona), with kind cooperation with Valve, we're having a FREE Weekend (7.11. 18:00 UTC to 11.11. 18:00 UTC)! Which means that ANYONE can download American Truck Simulator on Steam and play it throughout the weekend with everything you get when you buy the base game. The Free Weekend will start at the same moment as Utah's release.

Getting into Utah soon will get you a nice little gift too - a Bee cabin toy to accompany you on your travels!

We'll give you the guide shortly, but we're going to leave a few days to those curious souls willing to find a way to get the Bee by themselves!

Published by Carthoo at 11/07/2019 04:42:00 PM

Utah: Release Date Announcement

Friday, November 1, 2019

With the final touches being made to the upcoming map expansion we are excited to announce the release date of the latest map addition to American Truck Simulator.

Utah map expansion will be published on the 7th of November 2019

We hope that this trailer will give you a tantalizing glimpse of what you will be able to explore for yourself very soon.

And as you can see, Utah will be rich in content for drivers to explore. Main features include:

• 3.500 miles of road network
• 10 major cities (Salt Lake City, St. George, Moab)
• New quarries and mines including the largest open excavation Kennecott Copper Mine
• Expanded oil industry (oil mining sites, oil storage sites)
• Improved agriculture production chain (country stores, feed mills)
• Famous landmark sites: Great Salt Lake, Monument Valley, Virgin River Canyon
• Over 260 recognizable natural and man-made landmarks
• 12 well-known truck stops
• New and improved process of landscape creation
• Utah achievements to unlock

Included with the release of Utah will be 2 new and challenging Special Transport DLC missions. With loads starting from Vernal to Salt Lake City (Kennecott Copper Mine) and from Provo to Price (Oil Industry), can you complete the task of delivering these challenging loads?

From the famous red rocks all the way to the Great Salt Lake, we can't wait for you haul and explore this beautiful state. Make sure to add Utah to your wishlist on Steam and be the first to be notified of its release on November 7th!

Published by Alex at 11/01/2019 05:17:00 PM

American Truck Simulator Update 1.36

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

You saw what's coming (that's right - Utah is almost here!) and you know what needs to come before - American Truck Simulator Update 1.36 is here!

And before we get to the details, we'd like to thank every single one of you for all your help - with your bug reports, opinions and general feedback during the Public Beta. While the changelog isn't as big as the previous one, the system changes are huge and the impacts unpredictable in some parts of our game so your help was vital in catching all the major issues.

The most important change is the upgrade to DirectX 11, which allows us to drop DirectX 9 completely and the limitations it presented. Public Beta feedback shows that most of our players have enjoyed a nice FPS increase. Since our game's minimum requirements for Windows already support DX11, we do hope you'll all enjoy the improved performance.

Besides that, you'll get three new trailers, some map improvements and rebuilds, plus a nice number of new features, including a long-requested feature for drivers, trucks and trailers to be visible on the manager map!

For those wishing to see a more detailed changelog, please read the Public Beta article, or check out our changelog video!

To enjoy Update 1.36, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

Some mods, however, may not have been updated yet - this update can effectively break them; remember that you can always stay on 1.35 or an even older branch. Follow these instructions to access and select them: Steam client → LIBRARY → right-click on American Truck Simulator → Properties → Betas tab → select the version you want.

Also, check our modding wiki to get details pertaining to mods for the game.



• Santa Cruz (CA) revamped
• Flagstaff (AZ) revamped
• California speed limit improvements
• Oregon and New Mexico speed limit and general sign improvements
• New Special Transport routes (Utah DLC)


• Grain hopper trailer (ownable)
• Bulk feed trailer (ownable)
• Frac-tank trailer


• Avoid pins for GPS navigation
• New AI vehicles + all police paint jobs corrected
• Drivers / Trucks / Trailer visible on manager map
• DirectX 11 full support (DirectX 9 removed)
• Chinese and other non-Latin character input (IME)
• Anti-aliasing improvements (SMAA, electric-wires)
• New loading screens


• Sun profile changes (HDR)
• License plate changes for AI (data-driven types, background texture data)
• Dashboard display UI elements (digital gauges, fuel consumption bar)
• Map editor history (undo/redo)
• Continuous selection of nodes

Published by Carthoo at 11/05/2019 11:16:00 AM
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Денес, понеделник, 20 април 2020, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.37 на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси носи нови звуци за возилата и општо за целата околина на играта, воведување на можност за спуштање и кревање на прозорците во камионите, можност за купување на нова приколка за храна, нов слободен внатрешен поглед низ гаражите, задолжителна техничка инспекција на возилата по пат и нови казни за прекршувања, како и бројни други новитети.

American Truck Simulator 1.37 Release

Monday, April 20, 2020

After much testing, feedback, fixing and fine tuning, we are excited to announce the arrival of update 1.37 for American Truck Simulator!

We'd like to thank every single one of you for all your help with your bug reports, opinions and general feedback during the Open Beta. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the new features included within this update.

The main feature included with this update is the implementation of our new sound engine based on the powerful and flexible FMOD library; which radically redefines the way we mix vehicle and environment sounds. This update includes new sounds for most of the AIs (including trains) and the inclusion of a true Doppler effect for passing vehicles. This also brings an array of new sound options for users accessed from the main menu, that allows you to tweak many more individual sounds to your liking.

While there is still a lot of tweaking to do and more sounds to arrive, this is only the first phase. We will continue to improve on feedback and implement changes throughout the year to come.

As a benefit from the new sound mixing approach, we are happy to bring you truck windows that you can open! You can now enjoy the continuum of sound levels between a well-insulated cabin with windows closed and the roaring traffic coming from the outside when you roll the windows all the way down. Give it a try especially when you hit the rush hour on the road or at a big junction.

Another addition that arrives with this update is our "walk-around feature." Our game world is generally not designed for exploration on foot, but we figure that fans of trucks may welcome a new closer perspective to view their favorite machines and appreciate how impressive they look. Getting up close may also be of use when you need to tune up your rig and match the color of your rims with the cabin's paint just right. So here we are with a little bonus feature of 1.37, an alternate way to control the camera in the game's service and vehicle browser. We had to redesign the "garage" scene a little to make more space and way for the cameras, hopefully, you will appreciate it.

Hungry for more? Then get ready for some food tanks! And we mean literally food tanks because, with this update, a new type of trailer comes available to buy. Also, when we speak about trailers - bulk feed and hopper trailers can now be customized with multiple paint jobs (including the Classic Stripes and Halloween Paint Job packs).

Owners of the Steering Creations Pack DLC, will also find new content in the form of new steering wheels for their rig. Be sure to check them all out, as they offer a wide variety of colors and types to match any rig alike!

And last but not least, we're excited to announce the upcoming arrival of the official support for ASUS Aura for American Truck Simulator. Products supported include ASUS keyboards, mouses, RGB mousemats and more.This brings a new level of immersion to your trucking experience with the inclusion of RGB support. You can expect to see a blog post with more details on the integration and the features that come with it in the near future.

• Food tank trailer (ownable)
• Paintjobs for bulk feed and hopper trailers (including the content of Classic Stripes Paint Jobs Pack and Halloween Paint Jobs Pack DLCs)

• FMOD implementation with all existing sounds and few improvements
• Openable windows on all trucks
• AI movement and sound behavior improved (featuring FMOD)
• Walking camera in truck or trailer configuration screen (plus new garage scene)
• Added technical inspection of vehicles on mandatory weigh stations (illegal trailer, damaged vehicle).
• Added progressive fines.
• Colour Feedback support for ASUS ROG Strix

• Eye-tracking pause key function fixed
• Automatic eye-tracking pause while the game is paused/in UI
• Settings hotkey visibility in UI

• Ingame sounds completely reimplemented for FMOD
• Engine power range data (instead of boost value)
• Exhaust gas temp gauge animation
• AI data tweak (engine power instead of torque and gearbox, vehicle_mass override for trailers)

Published by Alex at 4/20/2020 05:00:00 PM
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Денес, вторник, 28 април 2020, SCS Software го поднови возниот парк на American Truck Simulator со моделот Mack Anthem.

Новодојденецот во возниот парк на American Truck Simulator доаѓа во повеќе различни изданија со 12 шасии, 6 мотори, 14 трансмисии, 3 возачки кабини, како и бројни додатоци за подобрување на дизајнот и спецификациите на легендарната американска камионџиска легенда стара речиси 120 години.

The Mack Anthem® has arrived!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

It's time to discover an American legend. The all-new Mack Anthem® for American Truck Simulator is now available to purchase from your local in-game dealership with a variety of customization options.

As one of the most significant new trucks in Mack’s 117-year history, the Anthem combines the latest innovations with more than a century's experience in truck-building. The Mack Anthem's bold and rugged exterior makes it stand out on the road like no other truck and has been designed with the driver in mind.

Its virtual implementation in our game includes a wide array of configurations including 12 chassis variants, 6 engine variations, 14 transmissions, 3 different cabin types and a large variety of tuning accessories; You can be sure that the Anthem will be ready for any job long or short, big or small.

Bringing this legendary truck to the virtual roads of American Truck Simulator are 3 senior designers; each one of them dedicated to a different part of creating the vehicle. A designer for the interior model, exterior model, and one for the variety of paint jobs that can be applied. Thanks to the team at Mack Trucks, we were provided with very detailed data which allowed us to create a 1:1 high-quality model of this iconic truck. Their generosity and collaboration have allowed this project to progress to where it is today.

The Mack Anthem® arrives as a free DLC add on for every owner of American Truck Simulator. Find the latest update on your Steam Client (which may require a restart for some users) to receive this new addition to your library.

Be sure to share your first journey with Mack Trucks (Twitter, Instagram) and us (Twitter, Instagram) using the hashtag #MackAnthemInATS. Our friends at Mack Trucks have sent us some very cool items from their merchandise shop and we'll be randomly picking some very lucky winners who'll receive them!

The MACK trademarks and designs are registered rights of the AB Volvo Group and are used pursuant to a license.

Published by Alex at 4/28/2020 08:00:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Денес, четврток, 16 јули 2020, SCS Software го пушти во продажба најновото продолжение на American Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator: Idaho.

Новото продолжение на American Truck Simulator со себеси носи над 3.300 милји = над 5.300 километри патишта низ сојузната американска држава Ајдахо, 11 нови градови, меѓу кои спаѓаат и главниот град Боис, езерскиот град Кор де Лејн, Ајдахо Фолс, проширени фарми и пилани, националниот споменик Месечински Кратери, кањони, долини, препознатливи базалтски карпи, како и бројни други новитети.

Idaho Release

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The day has come and so has Idaho! Preparations for a release party are in top gear! We are also preparing for a special release stream with special guests. So when exactly is Idaho releasing?

Idaho for American Truck Simulator has been released!

So what exactly does Idaho have to offer? This new expansion features:

• Over 3,300 miles of new roads to discover and explore
• 11 new cities - drive through downtown Boise, Coeur d'Alene set on a gorgeous lake or Idaho Falls with a lovely touristic center
• A brand new viewpoint feature that gives you a new perspective of the world
• Expanded fan-favorite industries such as farming, timber harvesting or wood processing
• Visit the famous Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve
• Over 40 recognizable spots from the Historical Highway Marker program
• State-specific geographical landmarks such as canyons, valleys or basalt rock formations
• Many familiar truck stops and rest areas that truckers will know from the real world
• Finely-tuned road layouts and true-to-life signage
• Idaho-specific achievements to unlock

And that shouldn't be the only reason to explore the State for yourself! As an added bonus we will also have a World of Trucks event for all new visitors to Idaho with unique rewards to be earned as you visit each city and deliver jobs. Learn more about the rules in our yesterday blog post and take part in #CruisingIdaho at We'd love to see your photos across our Social Media channels using the hashtag!

We expect to have this event available to players for an extended period of time, probably way beyond the point of reaching the 30 million miles community goal. We don't want to motivate you to rush through the DLC in a hurry to make sure you manage to obtain the personal achievement. We simply want to reward early adopters of the DLC for spending quality time with the new content.

We will also be hosting a special Idaho release live-stream across Steam & Twitch starting at 15:00 CEST. Don't miss out on this broadcast as we talk with members of the map and research teams involved in the creation of Idaho and a special guest appearance from Pavel Šebor CEO of SCS Software! We will be answering questions from the community, talking in-depth about the DLC and of course, releasing Idaho LIVE on stream!

With the release of Idaho, we will also be making a new special Steam discount bundle available. Introducing the Pacific Northwest bundle which includes the American Truck Simulator base game as well as Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Forest Machinery DLCs, and the Classic Stripes Paint Jobs Pack. The way Steam bundles work, it's both a perfect bundle for any new drivers who are keen to make a start in their new truckin' career, as well as a way for the loyal fans to obtain the new DLC at a nice discount if you already own the previous DLCs.

We hope you enjoy exploring what Idaho has to offer, we will see you on the roads!

Published by Alex at 7/16/2020 12:14:00 PM

Idaho: Release Date Announcement

Friday, July 10, 2020

With the final touches being made to the Idaho DLC, we are excited to announce a release date for this spudtacular addition to American Truck Simulator.

Idaho will be released on the 16th of July 2020!

We are excited to be able to let drivers explore Idaho for themselves very soon. We hope this short video trailer will keep you content until next week.

If that wasn't enough to get you excited, we also have a gallery of some of the best screenshots from Idaho that have been featured in our previous blog posts along with a few new exclusive photos too. Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments!

With Idaho just around the corner, we wanted to also bring something that drivers in American Truck Simulator can take part in. So you all can expect a very nice World of Trucks in-game event coming live with the release of this map expansion! But more info about that later next week!

We can't wait for you to visit Idaho! If you haven't already, make sure to add Idaho to your Steam wishlist! We thank you for your support and we look forward to welcoming you across the state border very soon.

Published by Alex at 7/10/2020 05:00:00 PM
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На пуштањето во продажба на American Truck Simulator: Idaho му претходеше исфрлувањето на најновата верзија 1.38 на American Truck Simulator, која со себеси носи надградба на патничката и транспортната инфраструктура низ Лас Вегас, додавање на новите државни автопати US-191 и UT-56, редизајнирање на националното обележје Шипрок и додавање на дел од автопатот US-491, преработка на бензинските пумпи, поправки на мапата, редизајнирање на патничкиот водич и палетата за бирање на бои за камионите, подобрување на визуелните текстури и детали, како и бројни други новитети.

American Truck Simulator 1.38 Release

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

With Idaho's release just around the corner and with lots of testing, feedback, fixing and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the arrival of update the 1.38 for American Truck Simulator!

We'd like to thank all those who took part in your bug reports, opinions, and general feedback. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update. So, what can you expect to find in the 1.38 update ATS? Lets us give you a quick recap of the most significant changes.

First off, the city of Las Vegas has received a major revamp, which includes new road networks, updates to existing interstate junctions, more detailed scenery, and the inclusion of newer vegetation, terrain textures, and much more!

You can find a more in-depth blog post on the subject which showcases many of the changes found in and around the city. But the best way to see it all is to see the city for yourself! So be sure to make that trip to Nevada and let us know what you think through our social media channels.

Las Vegas isn't the only part of the American Truck Simulator world to receive an update in 1.38, one of the more noticeable changes are to Truckstops. One of the first changes you will notice at Truckstops in ATS is that fuel stations now have lanes with appropriate width for trucks to pull up and refuel in. We have also implemented (where possible) guidance lines to help drivers line up their trucks to avoid damaging their vehicles upon entry and exit. Plus there is a completely new truck stop placed on the US-111 road now!

We are also excited to introduce the inclusion of a computer graphics technique for efficiently approximating ambient occlusion effects in real-time. Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, better known in its shorter form SSAO, creates shadows in the areas where objects connect, to give it a more natural and believable look in terms of lighting and shadows.

Less powerful GPUs may struggle to keep up at full quality, and with 400% or similarly high scaling selected, even mid-range machines would feel the impact on fps. If you are not happy with framerate after this update, please open the advanced graphics options in the game and try to find the right combination of scaling and SSAO quality for you. With a weaker GPU, it may be advisable to switch off SSAO completely.

This new feature can be better explained by one of our senior programmers, be sure to read a more in-depth post about the topic at our Under the Hood blog post here.

We are also excited to introduce a long-requested update to the RGB Color Picker which drivers use to paint their trucks when purchasing or tuning their truck. You now have the option to input specific color inputs (HSV, RGB, and HEX).

We know that many drivers like to match their truck colors the same across their whole fleet, so we hope this feature is useful to you.

There is much more packed into this update! If you would like a more in-depth read of other features included in this update, take a read of our previous blogpost for the 1.38 Open Beta.

• Las Vegas city revamped (I-515/I-11 interstate bypass + the whole city switched to the template road system)
• US-191 road implemented
• UT-56 road implemented + reskin of a little stretch of US-93 around Panaca settlement
• CA-111 - new truckstop added
• El Centro revamped
• New company in Logan, UT (Plaster & Sons)
• Reworked all truck stop gas pumps to be more realistic. More realistic dimensions and the logic of how they work
• NM Shiprock redesigned + piece of US-491
• Various map fixes

• Automatic transmission improved (shifting points, adaptive modes)
• Las Vegas: New ambulance and fire trucks
• Fixed steering deadzone

• Visual improvement - procedural ambient occlusion generation (SSAO)
• Route Advisor redesigned
• Navigation ETA to the next waypoint in route advisor and in world map
• Tobii eye-tracking presets
• RGB color picker redesigned
- Added RGB, HSV and HEX inputs
- User defined color presets

• Update to FMOD 2.01.01
• Fixed the retarder sound when the engine is off
• AI - exclusion of gear-shifts for trains and electric vehicles

Published by Alex at 7/14/2020 09:22:00 AM
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24 април 2008
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Денес, четврток, 5 ноември 2020, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.39 на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси носи преработка на ниските и нископодните приколки, подновени пејсажи на сојузните американски држави Вашингтон и Јута, редизајн на почетното мени при стартувањето на играта, ажурирање на звучните ефекти и поправање на одредени грешки и недостатоци во играта.

ATS 1.39 Update Release

Thursday, November 5, 2020

With lots of testing, feedback, fixing, and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the arrival of update the 1.39 for American Truck Simulator!

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.39 open beta and made bug reports and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update. So, what can you expect to find in the 1.39 update ATS?

Lets us give you a quick recap of the most significant changes.


One of the first things you may notice when you launch American Truck Simulator with the 1.39 is a redesign of the current launchpad. The main reason why we are introducing this change is to pave the way for future additions; which will introduce new features to our games, that will be accessed through the launchpad.

Until then, however, you can see that the design has changed quite significantly. The profile selected at the top now affects all other options and managers found on the launchpad. This applies not only to the Mod Manager but especially to the new addition which we have placed here, Game Options.

This allows you to change your game settings without even having to load the game. So if you're just looking to tweak your game before streaming on Twitch or adjusting a few options before heading into your truck, it can all be done from the launchpad screen.


As we previously announced in a recent blog, new Lowboy Trailers will be arriving to American Truck Simulator. These trailers have been reworked from the ground up, offering drivers the option to purchase them and use them in an array of different jobs including Special Transport, Forest Machinery, and the Heavy Cargo DLC's.

Owners of these trailers will benefit from a wide array of options to customize them in the upgrade shop, such as color, trailer accessories, beacons, chassis options, lengths, articulated axles, and more!

You will also be able to spot them being hauled around by other truckers on the road, so make sure to give them plenty of space if you pass by one.


The release of Idaho for American Truck Simulator saw the introduction of a brand new feature that has not been placed in any other previous map release. Viewpoints allow drivers to activate a special in-game "cutscene" with a short showcase of a near location or place of interest such as an industry.

After Idaho's release, it was evident from the community's response that this was a popular feature and one that many of you would like to see expanded upon. While we continue to improve this new addition, we are excited to announce that viewpoints will be arriving in Washington and Utah. Each state will receive 10 new cut-scenes to discover, which can be found nearby famous landmarks, national parks, and industries.

That is not all, however, as viewpoints will now feature a few new functionalities for drivers. You will now have the new options to either skip the viewpoint or replay it if you wish to watch it again. Viewpoints will now also show as undiscovered grey '?' icons on your map until you have visited them for the first time. Also, there are more improvements for this cool new feature still in development, as we've gathered them through the amazing and most valuable feedback from our #BestCommunityEver!


1.39 also features various bug fixes, improvements, and an update to sounds. This includes, but is not limited to, improved interior cab sound mixing, Western Star 49X truck bug fixes, and improvements, and other changes in preparation for new and upcoming content.

One of the changes you can find is the addition of the Turbo sound slider in the game's Options screen. When we introduced a separate channel for turbo sound some years back, it was hailed as a crucial enhancement to the simulation. We did our best to tune it properly based on actual in-cabin recordings. Indeed, many players commented very positively on it. However, over the years we have also been receiving feedback that the whistling sound may be too difficult to bear for some players. The new slider continues the trend of giving you more control over your simulation experience. We hope you enjoy this new addition plus a few other sound tweaks which come with it.

While a majority of the changes in 1.39 are not seen visually in this version, we look forward to bringing you more content and changes in the near future.

• New Viewpoints in Washington and Utah DLCs

• Launchpad Re-design

• Lowboy trailers (ownable, including articulated ones)

• Viewpoint improvements (replayability, skip, map status, fade-out)
• Sound updates and improvements (turbo slider, sound positioning, cabin spatial mixing, sound distribution to accessories)
• Trailer browser & lister shows all valid cargo variants
• Experimental transmission input shaft emulation and clutch brake support (g_clutch_brake)

Published by Alex at 11/05/2020 10:07:00 AM
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Денес, четврток, 12 ноември 2020, SCS Software го пушти во продажба најновото продолжение на American Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator: Colorado.

Новото продолжение на American Truck Simulator со себеси ги носи Карпестите планини, главниот град Денвер заедно со карго терминалот на неговиот аеродром за испорака и превземање на пратки, Колорадо Спрингс, споменикот на Четирите агли на четиримеѓето помеѓу сојузните американски држави Колорадо, Јута, Њу Мексико и Аризона, автопатот I-70 кој поминува низ кањонот Гленвуд, челичниот мост Црвена Карпа, како и бројни други новитети.

Colorado Release

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The big day is here! Preparations to release Colorado for American Truck Simulator is in top gear. We are also preparing for a special release stream with special guests. So when exactly is Colorado releasing?

Colorado for American Truck Simulator has been released!

So what exactly does our Colorado DLC have to offer for truckers? These are just a few of the things we think you will love!

• Drive from the great plains, through the Rocky Mountains to bustling cities and historical towns.
• Haul cargo on the Million Dollar Highway
• Discover Colorado's important industries like wind power factories or gold mines
• Deliver freight to and from the inside of a large cargo aircraft in Denver International Airport
• Admire representation of cities like Denver, Colorado Springs, and many others
• Visit landmarks like the Four Corners Monument and get a bird's-eye view of it with the viewpoint feature
• Unlock Colorado-specific Steam achievements
• And much more!

And that shouldn't be the only reason to explore Colorado for yourself! As an added bonus we will also have a World of Trucks event for all new visitors to Colorado with unique rewards to be earned as you visit each city and deliver jobs. Learn more about the rules in yesterday's blog post and take part in #CruisingColorado at We'd love to see your photos across our Social Media channels using the hashtag!

We expect to have this event available to players for an extended period of time, probably way beyond the point of reaching the 60 million miles which is the current community goal. We don't want to motivate you to rush through the DLC in a hurry to make sure you manage to obtain the personal achievement. We simply want to reward early adopters of the DLC for spending quality time with the new content.

We will also be hosting a special Colorado release live-stream across official Steam & Twitch channels starting at 16:00 CET. Don't miss out on this broadcast as we talk with members of the map and research teams involved in the creation of Colorado and a special guest appearance from Pavel Šebor CEO of SCS Software! We will be answering questions from the community, talking in-depth about the DLC, and of course, releasing Colorado LIVE on stream!

We hope you enjoy exploring what Colorado has to offer, we will see you on the roads!

Published by Alex at 11/12/2020 11:13:00 AM

Colorado Release Date Annoucement

Friday, November 6, 2020

With the final touches being made to the Colorado DLC, we are excited to announce a release date for this colorful addition to American Truck Simulator.

Colorado will be released on the 12th of November 2020!

And if that announcement date hasn't got you excited enough, then we are sure that this video trailer showcasing Colorado will!

That is not all however, prior to Colorado's release, we will be hosting a very special release live-stream on the 12th of November, starting at around 16:00 CET. This stream will feature a variety of special guests involved in the creation of this DLC along with the possibility of a few extra surprises too. You can watch along live on the day at our official Twitch channel or on our Steam store page, don't miss out!

We also plan to bring a special World of Trucks in-game event with the release of this map expansion. Keep an eye out here on our blog for more information on how you can take part and how you can earn in-game rewards, next week.

The release of Colorado isn't the only BIG news, however! We are happy to share that owners of the Special Transport DLC will have 3 new routes to take on in our upcoming map expansion. These new routes are:

Denver Airport to Grand Junction
Sterling to Colorado Springs
Denver Train Depot to Gold Mine near Colorado Springs

Each journey will come with its own challenges. So make sure to adhere to the GPS advisor and speed limit which have been set out for you before your departure, as there is no room for mistakes!

If your excitement for Colorado is BIGGER than these loads, make sure to add it to your Steam Wishlist. And while you are at it, take a screenshot and it send it to us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #ReadyForColorado. If you do, you could WIN a copy of Colorado that unlocks early access 3 hours before launch!

We thank you for your continued support and we can't wait for you to drive the roads of Colorado for yourself.

Published by Alex at 11/06/2020 05:13:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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Денес, вторник, 23 март 2021, SCS Software ја исфрли најновата верзија 1.40 на American Truck Simulator.

Новата верзија со себеси носи ново осветлување и подобрена графика и визуелизација, надградба на сообраќајните знаци низ целата мапа, нови знаци за услужни објекти во сојузните американски држави Колорадо, Ајдахо, Јута и Вашингтон, нови 4x2, 8x4 и 8x6 шасии, нови брендови од областа на брзата храна во некои места надвор од Колорадо, нови видиковци во сојузните американски држави Њу Мексико и Орегон, нови додатоци и надградби на моделот Western Star 49X, воведување на опција за директно текстуално пребарување на градови и компании од менито за бирање на пратки за испорака, како и подобрување на менито за подесување на возилото.

American Truck Simulator: 1.40 Release

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

With lots of testing, feedback, fixing, and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the highly anticipated arrival of update 1.40 for American Truck Simulator!

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.40 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update. So, what can you expect to find in the 1.40 update for ATS?

Lets us give you a quick recap of the most significant changes.

New Visual Lighting System

One of the biggest changes you'll notice when you first hop into your truck cab is the implementation of our new visual lighting system.

To prepare for this new lighting system, our teams had to make a lot of changes not only to our graphic renderer, its code, and other functionalities, but also to existing in-game world objects; including a majority of the in-game assets, textures, and materials to better work with the new physical model of the new light system. If you've missed our special and in-depth article on this topic, you can make yourself a big cup of tea/coffee and read it here.

We are very excited for you to be able to experience and immerse yourself in driving in the new light. The result is the culmination of a ton of hours by our programmers and visual effect artists and many other teams involved in the creation process of this new system. And even after this tremendous amount of work already spent in this area we are still not completely done. You can expect further changes and improvements to be done in the future. So while the open beta is done, we are still open and more than happy to get your feedback and opinions about this new graphics upgrade for our games.

Extended Chassis Update

Our vehicle team has worked hard to bring you a range of long and short chassis types, allowing you to customize your truck for the job at hand. This update will feature 4x2, 8x4, and 8x6 chassis types which are used for a range of different trailers.

4x2s, also known as single-axle trucks, are frequently used for local distribution deliveries by supermarkets and by logistic companies for hauling doubles. 8x4 and 8x6 chassis are the big guns of the heavy-haul industry and can handle just about any load you decide to take on. All of these new options bring more variety to you - the driver! We hope you enjoy this awesome addition to 1.40!

Here's a full list of all the new extended chassis options now available in 1.40:

• Freightliner Cascadia: Day cab 4x2
• Mack Anthem: Day cab 4x2
• International LoneStar: Day cab & Sleepers 8x4
• Peterbilt 389: Day cab & Sleepers 8x4 & 8x6
• Volvo VNL: Day cab 4x2, Day cab & Sleepers 8x4
• Peterbilt 579: Day cab 4x2
• Kenworth W900: Day cab & Sleepers 8x4 & 8x6
• Kenworth T680: Day cab 4x2
• Western Star 49X: Day cab & Sleepers 8x4 & 8x6

Western Star 49X Update

The Western Star 49X has received 2 additional sleeper cabin options and a grand total of 36 chassis variants, comprising of different lengths and fuel tank options on 6x2, 6x4, 8x4, and 8x6 axle configurations. Also as a surprise bonus, this includes 5 lengths for both the Set-Back and Set-Forward axle configurations! So whether you are on a job long or small, you will have the option to customize your 49X perfectly for the task at hand.

However, that isn't all! The Western Star 49X now also has an array of new parts to customize your truck including new bumpers, quarter fenders, mud flaps, hood mirrors, sun visors, grille guards, and different interior colors. We will also be bringing 3 new gearboxes in this update, the DT12-V (in direct-drive and overdrive configurations) and the DT12-VX. We hope this pleases drivers who prefer a more realistic option for their gearbox.

New Mexico & Oregon DLC Viewpoints

Back in October last year, American Truck Simulator saw the arrival of viewpoints to the states of Washington, Colorado, and Utah after their popular debut in Idaho! Today we are happy to share with you that 1.40 sees the introduction of new viewpoints to the states of New Mexico & Oregon.

For newer players of our titles, Viewpoints are certain spots found across the map, where drivers can activate a special in-game cutscene with a short showcase of a near location or place of interest. These can be found displayed as a grey question mark on your GPS, so be sure to stop and discover them on your journeys.

You also have the option to skip the viewpoint or replay it if you wish to watch it again. From populated cities to historic monuments, each viewpoint highlights a point of interest or industry, so make sure to discover them all!



• New visual lighting system

• An overall update to road signage
• New service signs added to CO, ID, UT, and WA
• New fast food brands introduced to several other locations outside of CO
• New viewpoints in New Mexico & Oregon DLC's

• New 4x2, 8x4, and 8x6 chassis
• Western Star 49X update including sleeper variants, set-back configurations, and new customizations

• Full-text city/company search in the job selection screen
• Improved vehicle adjustment menu (F4)

Published by Alex at 3/23/2021 10:29:00 AM
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