American truck simulator

Ваша оценка за American truck simulator

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Заменик министер без титула
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15 февруари 2013
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Јас сакам, но паричникот вели дека не мојТ. :D
Јбг ондак на пиратка ке ја гураш :D

Али едвај чекам да излезе па да ја вртам вртам :D


Заменик министер без титула
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15 февруари 2013
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И, на кого му се падна паричето ?

Кај мене, паричето му се падна на татко ми.
На господ му се падна :D

А ти вртиш ли еуро трак?
Член од
24 април 2008
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На господ му се падна :D

А ти вртиш ли еуро трак?
Секогаш кога излегува нова верзија, ама бидејќи во последно време нема многу новости, се поретко ја играм.

Треба да најдам некој добар мод за вртење.


Заменик министер без титула
Член од
15 февруари 2013
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Секогаш кога излегува нова верзија, ама бидејќи во последно време нема многу новости, се поретко ја играм.

Треба да најдам некој добар мод за вртење.
Да не знаеш случајно како да ја апдејтнам мапата за понов пач? Имам горова мапа ама има црвени текстури...

Се утепав барајќи ама не можам да најдам...
Член од
24 април 2008
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Да не знаеш случајно како да ја апдејтнам мапата за понов пач? Имам горова мапа ама има црвени текстури...

Се утепав барајќи ама не можам да најдам...
Не знам, само еднаш имам играно модификувана мапа и не сум имал проблем.
Член од
24 април 2008
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Уште неизлезена во продажба, American Truck Simulator веќе ги доби првите DLC додатоци со кои играта ќе се збогати со дополнителни 2 сојузни американски држави - и истите тие додатоци ќе бидат бесплатни за сите играчи на играта.

Дополнителните 2 сојузни американски држави кои ќе ја красат American Truck Simulator, исто како сојузната американска држава Калифорнија, се две сојузни американски држави од југозападот на САД - Невада и Аризона.

Според SCS Software, Невада требала да биде достапна со оригиналното прво издание на American Truck Simulator на денот кога играта ќе излезе во продажба - 3 февруари 2016, но поради технички недостатоци, SCS Software одлучиле Невада да не биде достапна со оригиналното прво издание на играта. Но бидејќи во меѓувреме SCS Software успеале да ги надминат техничките недостатоци, DLC додатокот Nevada сепак ќе биде бесплатно достапен за симнување, инсталирање и користење за сите играчи на American Truck Simulator на истиот ден кога играта ќе излезе во продажба - 3 февруари 2016.

DLC додатокот Arizona од друга страна, сеуште е во развојна фаза и нема да биде достапен за симнување, инсталирање и играње на 3 февруари 2016, но SCS Software потврдуваат дека кога DLC додатокот ќе биде завршен, истиот ќе биде бесплатно достапен за симнување, инсталирање и играње за сите играчи на American Truck Simulator.

Некои продавници во кои ќе се продава American Truck Simulator ќе имаат посебни и поскапи изданија на играта кои ќе доаѓаат со реквизити и сувенири, но играта ќе остане истата, односно нема да доаѓа со некои додатоци кои нема да бидат достапни за останатите играчи на American Truck Simulator.

SCS Software исто така потврдуваат дека препорачаната цена на American Truck Simulator ќе биде 20 американски долари во САД и Северна Америка, 20 британски фунти во Велика Британија, односно 20 евра во останатите држави членки на ЕУ.

American Truck Simulator Map DLC Clarifications

January 15, 2016

It's time to respond to the avalanche of questions coming our way concerning our plans for the initial edition of American Truck Simulator and its post-release future.

The day one release will contain the state of California. That was always the plan.

We are happy to confirm that on February 3rd, we will also have the state of Nevada fully ready for release. We were still not sure about Nevada's finish-line when the game box packaging design was being finalized, so the boxes sitting on retail shelves will put the spotlight on California, but there is actually more coming your way right out of the gate. In short, DLC Nevada will be a free game update for everyone, no matter where or when you will have bought the game, available immediately on official release date.

It is also public knowledge by now that we are hard at work on the state of Arizona. On the packaging of the retail box, there is actually an explicit statement that DLC Arizona will unlock for owners of this game edition when it's eventually finished. We are delighted to confirm that Arizona DLC will also be a free game update for everybody. You will just have to wait for it a little bit longer, this part of the world is still under development.

You do not really have to worry about the particular channel where to purchase the game, whether it's on Steam, in any other digital store, or in a bricks-and-mortar shop, the playable content will be the same for everybody.

Actually, we should also mention that next to this base release, several retail publishers have decided to also offer a richer (and more expensive) edition of the game on release, calling it Collector's Edition. These bigger cardboard boxes are surely nicer, they contain a cool selection of additional merchandise items, so it would be for example a very cool birthday gift with extra value. But when it comes to the game itself, the installation media is the same, and the same set of DLCs will be unlocked for those buying this special edition of the game as will for people with the regular edition of the game.

Recommended price of the game is going to be $20/€20, though it is to be expected that for alternate currencies, some local market specifics and the need to display a nice round figure may cause slight variations.

We surely do not plan to stop working on American Truck Simulator world with Arizona. However, please be aware that the road ahead of us is long, and it will take us years to cover the continent. We will continue to add features to the game with regular free updates, but most further map expansion DLCs, if not all, will be paid. We have had to pick a business model allowing us to build more than ten times the amount of content compared to what we are launching with. If you are looking forward to drive coast to coast, you will not be able to do that now, and it will cost you more eventually than the price of the initial purchase.

It would be great to get the chance to reach the East Coast, it would be fabulous to be able to push north towards at least 60 degs latitude and south towards the Equatorial. But ultimately, it is up to you, our fans, if this happen - you will vote with your wallets. We expect to get the right guidance from you on future growth of our team to handle the new opportunities and challenges.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Posted by SCS Software at 1/15/2016 02:46:00 PM
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Заменик министер без титула
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15 февруари 2013
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Одлично таман јас ќе ја купам истиот ден :D
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24 април 2008
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Новитети за камионите кои ќе се возат во American Truck Simulator и мали новитети во Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Truck Licensing Situation Update

Monday, January 25, 2016

We still owe you clarification on the initial set of trucks shipping as part of the first release of American Truck Simulator. We have been postponing this post until the last minute, as the situation could - and still can - always change (and for the better only now), but we need to be clear at last on where we are.

Over the past year, we have been publishing quite a lot of screenshots and videos showing several in-development truck models. Our fans have quite sharp eyes and take note of all the details, so people are naturally speculating on what's coming based on those shots.

Until recently, we were planning to include at least four trucks at launch, and our screenshots shown over time reflected this optimism. Unfortunately, finalizing the licensing talks and getting all the vehicles past the approval clearance is taking longer than anticipated, and you may have noticed some of those trucks no longer showing in the most recent batches of pictures from the game.

The result is that out of the gate, the game will ship with just two trucks.

Thanks to kind support of PACCAR group, we are happy to confirm the presence of Kenworth T 680 and Peterbilt 579 as part of the launch line-up.

Kenworth T 680 licensed courtesy of PACCAR

Peterbilt 579 licensed courtesy of PACCAR

After the game is released and gets into media spotlight, we will have a very important tool in our licensing talks arsenal - a successful game (fingers crossed) aimed at the relevant market. Licensing talks are often resembling the "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" problem. To obtain a license in a highly specialized field, you just don't walk into a store and get it over the counter. Unlike car manufacturers who have extensive experience with being featured in racing games, for most truck manufacturers this is all unexplored territory. We always need to find a way inside the company to reach the decision makers at marketing/licensing department, and getting our voice noticed is not easy. Just getting the chance to get out point across is often all it takes, and with American Truck Simulator out in playable form and in the hands of customers, it gives us a crucial talking point.

When the game is out on the market already at last, when we can prove its impact on trucking fans at large, we hope for more of the truck manufacturers to pay attention, to realize that it's beneficial for them to participate, and perhaps even push us to hurry so that they are not left behind the pack. We have been through this experience with the launch of Euro Truck Simulator 2, when vocal support of our fans managed to bring the game to the attention to European truck manufacturers missing in the initial version of the game.

We have progressed very well on several additional vehicles, and in the weeks after release, we are confident that will get the clearance to start adding them to the game. We will be adding them for free of course as part of regular game updates, just as is the case with the ETS2.

Kenworth W900 will appear in ATS soon courtesy of PACCAR

Peterbilt 389 will appear in ATS soon courtesy of PACCAR

Now comes the time for an explicit disclaimer - any vehicles and truck brands you will see pictured below this point in text are here only for illustrative purposes, and do not constitute any guarantee that they will be appearing in the game in any particular timeframe. We have implemented them as an experiment when trying to get the door opened. As you can see some of them are already in advanced enough stage to be technically prepared for integration into the game world, yet more are semi-finished and not yet ready for integration with the game engine.

A beautiful truck spotted somewhere north of Los Angeles

A valiant truck driven across a landmark Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

A Maya render of another cool but only semi-finished truck

Meanwhile, we are still hard at work improving Euro Truck Simulator 2. As we are showing a ton of North American vehicles today, we did not want our European fans to feel betrayed. So we thought that a teaser image of a new truck being readied for introduction to ETS2 will cheer them up today.

Renault Range T spotted somewhere in south of France

Posted by SCS Software at 1/25/2016 01:32:00 PM

Споредба на местата кои ќе бидат достапни во American Truck Simulator со нивните виртуелни копии.

Real World Inspirations

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The virtual world of American Truck Simulator is necessarily depending on artistic license when depicting reality. The scale is much different; when a hundred-mile stretch of real road must be passed in a matter of a few minutes in our game, there is simply not enough room to cram all the real-world bends, intersections, and landmarks into it.

But we try hard to have many recognizable places and details into ATS, to make the world exploration more fun, to make the impression believable.

Here is a few comparison pictures (with real location photos courtesy of Google Maps, thank you for all the help Google!) of some places in the game that represent our approach. We do not want to overhype this aspect though, what you see are carefully selected highlights. The game can of course only manage to take inspiration from a tiny subset of all the available landmarks, we are understandably not covering all of Los Angeles or Las Vegas street by street.

Please check out our American Truck Simulator facebook page if you want to see several more world comparison pictures.

Posted by SCS Software at 1/20/2016 11:12:00 AM
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24 април 2008
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Сите заинтересирани за информации од прва рака за American Truck Simulator, ќе имаат таква можност во недела, 31 јануари 2016, во 20:00 часот, кога генералниот директор на SCS Software, Павел Шебор, ќе одржи Интернет конференција за одговарање на прашања на Twitch каналот Squirrel.

На помалку од недела дена од пуштањето во продажба, најавувачкиот трејлер за American Truck Simulator.

Official Launch Trailer for American Truck Simulator

Thursday, January 28, 2016

We are all living in the world of video, and American Truck Simulator is not an exception for sure. Behold our take at an emotional game launch trailer!

You can expect a ton of fan footage from American Truck Simulator on the Internet in no time after the release of course to help you decide if the game is worth buying. Actually videos and streams will start appearing as of this weekend already - we have begun providing press keys to games media (here is our presskit link). Between the official games industry media coverage and the fan-created stuff, there should be many previews, reviews and honest opinions available to you by mid next week. Here is one already on Rock Paper Shotgun.

Quite a lot of famous Internet personalities on YouTube and twitch scene are also getting press keys from us, so we will see what happens. We are definitely looking forward to learning what the old-guard guys think about our game - the people who have been coming back to Euro Truck Simulator 2 for years, like Keralis, Squirrel, Wujek Bohun, or GeekDomo, people with genuine interest in and knowledge of driving sims, people with strong credit and integrity respected by their fans, people who cannot be suspected of being our secret marketing shills.

One particular event is worth pointing out - after streaming ATS for three days starting this Friday already on his twitch channel, Paul a.k.a. Squirrel will be doing a Q&A session with SCS Software's CEO Pavel Šebor as part of his Sunday Night Trucking stream, starting at 7 pm UK Time, January 31.

Posted by SCS Software at 1/28/2016 04:35:00 PM
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24 април 2008
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American Truck Simulator review

Andy Kelly Jan 29, 2016


What is it?
A truck driving and business management sim.
Expect to pay £20
Developer SCS Software
Publisher In-house
Reviewed on GeForce GTX 970, Intel i7-950, 16GB RAM
Multiplayer None

View at Amazon

I’m driving down a long, remote desert road in the dead of night. There’s no other traffic and I can’t see anything except the glow of my headlights and the cracked, dusty asphalt ahead. I’m hypnotised by the road, which seems to go on forever. My attention drifts. ‘In the Air Tonight’ by Phil Collins plays on the classic rock radio station I’m tuned to. Then, suddenly, something appears directly in front of me. A shape on the road.

I panic, my heart racing. In a long instant I think: is it a car? An animal? I slam on the brakes and skid to a lurching halt. Then I see it. A tumbleweed rolling lazily across the road in front of me, lit up by the glow of my lights. I laugh at myself and continue towards Los Angeles. I’ve got 30 tons of fertiliser to deliver, and time’s running out.

This is what passes for an anecdote in American Truck Simulator, a game so slow and uneventful that the sudden appearance of tumbleweed is genuinely thrilling. These little moments—military jets streaking across the sky, strange sculptures by the side of the road, trains rumbling past—feel almost like rewards. A brief glimmer of excitement in a long drive across vast swathes of largely empty nothingness.

Like its predecessor, Euro Truck Simulator, it’s a game that is mysteriously compelling despite its mundane subject matter. It’s a fundamentally good game, with weighty, nuanced handling, a deep simulation, and higher production values than most sims. This results in something both very playable and oddly hypnotic. Driving from place to place, obeying the traffic laws, watching the scenery roll by, listening to the radio... it’s incredibly relaxing.

There are two main ways to play. One is working as a freelance gun for hire, taking on delivery jobs where your truck and fuel expenses are provided by your employer. This is the easiest, most accessible way to play, and as you level up you can spend XP to unlock more lucrative jobs including longer hauls and fragile or dangerous cargo. These earn you money that can be spent unlocking the other side of the game: running your own business.

Once you earn enough money to buy your own truck—or take out a bank loan if you’re impatient—you can start your own company. You choose which city you’re based in and can customise and upgrade your truck. Eventually you hire drivers and create your very own haulage network. It’s a fairly involved business management sim, but entirely optional. There’s satisfaction in owning a truck and being your own boss, but I prefer being a contractor so I don’t have to worry about buying fuel or crashing my truck and spiralling into debt when the repair bills come in.

At launch, American Truck Simulator comes with two states: California and Nevada. More will be added over time, but it is slightly disappointing that you can’t yet drive from coast to coast. Still, it’s a huge space, and you can visit cities including San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas—and a number of small towns between. Set on the sun-scorched west coast, the scenery is mostly dusty and desert-like, but they’ve captured the look and feel of both states nicely. I prefer the overcast, rain-soaked motorways of Europe myself, but the new setting is detailed and well-made.

Anyone who played Euro Truck Simulator 2 may find the game a little too familiar in places. The interface and structure are pretty much identical, and it feels like they’ve picked up the old game and dropped it into the new location. Even different colours or visual flourishes on the interface would have been welcome, just to remind you that it is indeed a new work.

As a result, if you were already burned out on ETS, the new setting might not be enough to reignite your passion. It’s a very similar experience overall. The trucks—of which there are only two available at launch—don’t really feel that different to their European counterparts. It’s more like an iteration than a fully-blown sequel.

But if SCS are as tireless and passionate with ongoing updates as they are with Euro Truck Simulator 2, ATS will only get better as it grows. America is a vast, varied country with a lot of different scenery, and more states to drive through will make for more interesting journeys. For now, this is a polished, strangely enjoyable simulator that you can easily lose hours to. But if you want to travel further afield, you might want to wait until there are more places to go to.


American Truck Simulator


80% - 89%: A great game with exceptional moments or features and touches of brilliance. e.g. Arma 3, Cities: Skylines, Elite: Dangerous

A great start, but American Truck Simulator will really begin to take shape when more states and trucks are added.


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31 јануари 2010
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Иста како ЕТС2 само друга мапа. Малку ретардирано шо секој стејт ќе биде длц и ќе се плаќа по некое евро. 5-6 ваљда. Можда ќе прават 2-3 стејта (или држави, една да не остане) у еден длц па за 2-3 години да ја има цела Северна Америка. И те како ќе станат милионери луѓето. Секоја чес на изведбата.

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