Хеленизмот - Европска измислица од 18 век



Којзнае каде ги снема Линкесттида и рисот.

Тие по етимологија означуваат БЕЛО.

Црковно-Македонскиот јазик го имал зборот ЛУЧ, ЛАЧ што значел ЗРАК СВЕТЛИНА, СОНЧЕВ СЈАЈ.

А се знае кои биле и се поклоници на СОНЦЕТО-СВЕТЛИНАТА.


Се надевам дека нема да биде избришано следново,бидејќи има индиректно-директна врска со КОКИНО:

By Thomas H. Maugh II
May 30, 2008

Radiocarbon dating of cremated bodies excavated from Britain’s Stonehenge have solved part of the ancient mystery surrounding the 5,000-year-old site: It was a burial ground for what may have been the country’s first royal dynasty.

The new dates indicate burials began at least 500 years before the first massive stones were erected at the site and continued after it was completed, British archaeologists said today.

The pattern and relatively small number of the graves suggest all were members of a single family.

The findings provide the first substantive evidence that a line of kings ruled at least the lower portion of the British island during this early period, exerting enough power to mobilize the manpower necessary to move the massive stones from as far as 150 miles away and maintaining that power for at least five centuries, said archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson of the University of Sheffield, leader of the current excavations at the site.

“It was clearly a special place at that time,” he said. “One has to assume that anyone buried there had some good credentials.”

Parker Pearson presented the new data today at a teleconference organized by the National Geographic Society. It will also appear in the June issue of National Geographic and in the television special “Stonehenge Decoded,” to be shown Sunday.

Stonehenge, on Salisbury Plain southwest of London, consists of concentric circles of massive stones – some weighing as much as 50 tons – surrounded by an earthen bank and a ditch.

Член од
27 април 2006
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Evreite od Sirija i Palestina govorat za elinski bozestva i elinski oficijalen jazik. Mozebi Pasko bi mozel da kopka tamu, da ne ima i po nekoja makedonska tabla?:toe:
Евреите од Сирија и Палестина исто така говорат и за античките градови кај нив на пр. Пела, Македон итн.
Збрка со терминологија која ја воведе Дројзен, тоа е проблемот пријателе.
Член од
22 јули 2008
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Многу е збунувачки тој термин Хеленистички, па сите народи што живееле тогаш не биле хелени.

Во музеите под овој термин се опфатени македонски артефакти, терминот можеби не прави забуна кај луѓе кои се историчари, но брави забуна кај обичниот човек кога ќе влезе во музеј.

И тука настанува мешаницата која ја започна неупатениот филхелен Дројзен....


Еве во како е уредено тоа во Метрополите музеј, се е поделено на Грчко и римско, бар таков впечаток се добив јас. Треба рецензија на светската историја.


Ами како не биле сите под влијание на гејладците.

Зарем во Индија ќе им текнело да цртаат и практикуваат КАМАСУТРА да не биле грнињата со гејските цртежи?
Додуша,тие во Индија сексот го практикувале со жени-генеки.


Член од
5 февруари 2007
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Се е поделено на Римско/Грчко/Персиско т.е. Света Римска Империја/Византија/Турци,Сараценци т.е. Католици/Православни/Муслимани т.е. Запад/Источна Европа/Блиски Исток.

Така им е лесно на мутавите од Запад/Исток/Блиски исток, кај што оваа поделба им е многу едноставна и не представува никаков проблем иако и самите се свесни дека не е правилна поделбата.


Член од
5 февруари 2007
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Којзнае каде ги снема Линкесттида и рисот.

Тие по етимологија означуваат БЕЛО.

Црковно-Македонскиот јазик го имал зборот ЛУЧ, ЛАЧ што значел ЗРАК СВЕТЛИНА, СОНЧЕВ СЈАЈ.

А се знае кои биле и се поклоници на СОНЦЕТО-СВЕТЛИНАТА.
Ова има смисла ако се зема во предвид дека „gleaming eyes or its ability to see in the dark“ (по наше кажано МАЧКИНИ ОЧИ).

Рисот и Светлината држат вода.


Држат вода и тоа како,затоа што lakSmaNa И lakSmI е ЛУКС,СВЕТЛИНА,добар знак,просперитет,белина.


Ту бре,ја затвориле темата за нашите предци.
First Indication For Embalming In "Roman" Macedonia

ScienceDaily (July 31, 2008) — A Swiss-Greek research team co-lead by Dr. Frank Rühli from the Institute of Anatomy, University of Zurich, found evidence of embalming in Roman Greek times. By means of physico-chemical and histological methods, it was possible to show that various resins, oils and spices were used during the embalming of a female, approximately 55 years old, in AEGEAN MACEDONIA (from 1913 y."Northern Greece").

By means of physico-chemical and histological methods, it was possible to show that various resins, oils and spices were used during embalming of a ca. 55 year old female in Northern Greece. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Zurich)

This is the first ever multidisciplinary-based indication for artificial mummification in MACEDONIA (FUCK the Greece) at 300 AD.

The remains of a ca. 55-year old female (ca. 300 AD, most likely of high-social status; actual location: Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Greece, shows the preservation of various soft-tissues, hair and part of a gold-embroidered silk cloth. This unique find allows for multidisciplinary research on these tissues. In addition to macroscopic and anthropological analyses, electron microscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry examinations were also performed. These showed the presence of various embalming substances including myrrh, fats and resins, but could not demonstrate clearly a conservatory influence of the surrounding lead coffin from Roman period. The findings significantly increase knowledge about the use of tissue-preserving, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidative substances in the mortuary practices of Roman Greece.

"This is, thanks to the mummy research at the University of Zurich, another significant increase in knowledge for society as well as historical research," explains Dr. Rühli, head of the Swiss Mummy Project. The actual work was done in collaboration with a Greek colleague from the Demokritus University of Thrace, with infrastructural support from the University of Zurich (Institute of Legal Medicine and Microscopy Centre).

Christina Papageorgopoulou, MA, study initiator and assistant at the Institute of Anatomy University of Zurich, explains: "Never before such embalming substances have been shown for this time period in Greece." Up to now, only written historic sources suggested that selected people were embalmed in Roman Greece. The application of most modern analytic natural science methods allowed an enormous gain in knowledge particularly in the field of archaeology, and points towards possible future collaborations of social and natural scientists. "This transdisciplinary approach is particularly of interest in mummy science and is a main focus of our own research unit," states Dr. Rühli.

Swiss Mummy Project

The aim of the Swiss Mummy Project is to gain information about life and death, as well as after-death alterations (e.g. embalming procedures) of historic mummies, by using mainly non-invasive examination methods (non-destructive for tissues).The work of the Swiss Mummy Project is funded a.o. by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Research Fund, University of Zurich.



Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
Член од
2 јуни 2007
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Lion Feuchtwanger. Friede. Ein burleskes spiel (1915).

„Все греки - свиньи „:je:


Egyptians, Not Greeks Were True Fathers Of Medicine
ScienceDaily (May 9, 2007) — Scientists examining documents dating back 3,500 years say they have found proof that the origins of modern medicine lie in ancient Egypt and not with Hippocrates and the Greeks.

The research team from the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology at The University of Manchester discovered the evidence in medical papyri written in 1,500BC -- 1,000 years before Hippocrates was born. "Classical scholars have always considered the ancient Greeks, particularly Hippocrates, as being the fathers of medicine but our findings suggest that the ancient Egyptians were practising a credible form of pharmacy and medicine much earlier," said Dr Jackie Campbell.

"When we compared the ancient remedies against modern pharmaceutical protocols and standards, we found the prescriptions in the ancient documents not only compared with pharmaceutical preparations of today but that many of the remedies had therapeutic merit."

The medical documents, which were first discovered in the mid-19th century, showed that ancient Egyptian physicians treated wounds with honey, resins and metals known to be antimicrobial.

The team also discovered prescriptions for laxatives of castor oil and colocynth and bulk laxatives of figs and bran. Other references show that colic was treated with hyoscyamus, which is still used today, and that cumin and coriander were used as intestinal carminatives.

Further evidence showed that musculo-skeletal disorders were treated with rubefacients to stimulate blood flow and poultices to warm and soothe. They used celery and saffron for rheumatism, which are currently topics of pharmaceutical research, and pomegranate was used to eradicate tapeworms, a remedy that remained in clinical use until 50 years ago.

"Many of the ancient remedies we discovered survived into the 20th century and, indeed, some remain in use today, albeit that the active component is now produced synthetically," said Dr Campbell. "Other ingredients endure and acacia is still used in cough remedies while aloes forms a basis to soothe and heal skin conditions."

Fellow researcher Dr Ryan Metcalfe is now developing genetic techniques to investigate the medicinal plants of ancient Egypt. He has designed his research to determine which modern species the ancient botanical samples are most related to.

"This may allow us to determine a likely point of origin for the plant while providing additional evidence for the trade routes, purposeful cultivation, trade centres or places of treatment," said Dr Metcalfe.
"The work is inextricably linked to state-of-the-art chemical analyses used by my colleague Judith Seath, who specialises in the essential oils and resins used by the ancient Egyptians."

Professor Rosalie David, Director of the KNH Centre, said: "These results are very significant and show that the ancient Egyptians were practising a credible form of pharmacy long before the Greeks.

"Our research is continuing on a genetic, chemical and comparative basis to compare the medicinal plants of ancient Egypt with modern species and to investigate similarities between the traditional remedies of North Africa with the remedies used by their ancestors of 1,500 BC."


Член од
5 февруари 2007
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Па да погледнеме реално...
Египјаните со мумифицирање ги вадиле органите од покојниот... со тоа се докажува дека имале комплетна слика на анатомијата на човекот. Понатаму, при мумифицирање, мозокот бил ваден преку носот, што е дополнителен доказ дека знаеле што се прави.
Значи апсурдно е да се мисли дека египјаните не знаеле за медицина а ја познавале анатомијата на човекот толку многу, што им било еден вид секојдневие. :smir:
Член од
6 април 2006
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Mozebi zatoa i bile mnogu pochituvani od Helenite, kako eden od najstarite ne-Helenski narodi.:toe:

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