Формула 1 - сезона 2023

Кој ќе биде шампион во Формула 1 за 2023?

  • Макс Ферстапен

  • Серџо Перез

  • Чарлс Леклер

  • Карлос Саинц

  • Луис Хамилтон

  • Џорџ Расел

  • Естебан Окон

  • Пјер Гасли

  • Ландо Норис

  • Оскар Пјастри

  • Валтери Ботас

  • Џоу Гуанју

  • Ленс Строл

  • Фенрадо Алонсо

  • Кевин Магнусен

  • Нико Хулкенберг

  • Ник Де Врис

  • Јуки Цунода

  • Алекс Албон

  • Логан Сарџент

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Член од
6 ноември 2014
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Огромна желба ми е да го донесат РБ следна сезона Ландо од Мекларен, пошо овие дно пробија и ко што читав има опција да го раскине договорот ако не се конкурентни.


Член од
20 јули 2011
Поени од реакции
Огромна желба ми е да го донесат РБ следна сезона Ландо од Мекларен, пошо овие дно пробија и ко што читав има опција да го раскине договорот ако не се конкурентни.
Тешко тоа да се деси. РедБул имаат перфектна постава моментално, еден одличен возач и еден уште подобар. Ќе ги остават неколку трки да се претркуваат и после кога Макс ќе се одлепи ке биде тоа тоа.

А Алонсо пак нема среќа и оваа година. Џабе му е втор болид на гридот, кога разликата меѓу Астон Мартин и Ред Бул е буквално 5 класи. Незнам дали има договор и за следната сезона, но не верувам тоа да смени многу. РедБул се и ќе се, тоа што беа Мерцедес години наназад.
Член од
17 октомври 2011
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Татко му на Макс е многу канцероген лик морам да признаам. Вчера на крај на трка неколку пати го дадоа во кадар таков намрштен, и освен ако нема добиено тогаш сигурно е разочаран што Макс не зема p1. И лани мислам во една трка влезе во некоја расправија со Марко као зошто не го пуштиле Макс пред Чеко. Тогаш Макс се бореше со Леклер ако не се лажам, ама сеедно, ставот му е многу лош. Гомно чоек.

Прегледај го приврзокот 372358
Mакс е еден од малкуте што успеале во животот со ваков сјебан човек за родител, го има тепано пред останати деца дур возел картинг и се натреварувал, па грешел, го има оставано на бензиска да кисне сам да си иде дома, ако не се лажам неговиот дедо у такви моменти многу му се наоѓал па можда и има клучна улога зашто Макс не станал некое сјебано дете покрај таков родител и е ова што е денес, голем шампион.

Па и тука на темава имаше ставено некој подкаст со дечко што порано се натпреварувал у картинг со Макс ако не се лажам и он имаше зборено како го шамарал пред нив, и он истото го кажа со ваквите случаји имаш или-или, поголеми се шансите да излезеш некој сјебан човек и ова ќе ти се одрази многу лошо ама ете кај Макс обратното се деси. Ко да си го лечи комплексот од сопствениот неуспех во животот ко ф1 возач преку Макс.

У право е комитата од погоре, тежок канцероген човек е овој.
Типот ги лечи сопствените комплекси и ги сонува своите неостварени соништа преку синот. Таквите родители се дефинитивно најлоши.
Член од
28 август 2009
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Кој лажел, Макс? Ако алудираш на него не верувам дека лажел, тимското радио на ф1тв што го даваа се слушаше чуден звук од болидот еден вид на чкрипење не знам како да го објаснам.
Инаку worst case сценарио мислам дека ќе се деси Розберг - Хамилтон верзија. Ќе тераат другарство уште малку па ќе ја спукаат и ќе си вози Чеко за себе. Ова само ако покаже перформанси, ако вози како до лани, ќе си остане втор возач.
Да, за Макс. Ама некако чудни ми беа изјавите, Чеко вика нема зошто да форсираме ризик е, овие 3 пати му даваат одговор да продолжи да стиска. Свесни беа дека ако попушти и ако дојде поблиску позади него ќе имаа драми.

Ако Макс не се одлепи у нареди 4/5 трки на 30/40 бода, тогаш може да има некоја борба. Ако продолжи да е 1 а Чеко да се бори за 2ро/3то, тогаш и сам треба да е свесен кој е фаворитот у тимот. Али чисто сумљам, Макс е пребрз.


Член од
21 јануари 2014
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Превод на англиски:
**Ferrari, there is a...fundamental problem: understanding and developments to revive the SF-23**

In Saudi Arabia, Red Bull had no challengers. Checo Perez did not miss the opportunity to take an easy victory while Max Verstappen, despite starting on the eighth row due to a failure in qualifying, had only the scrum of the first lap between him and the podium. Fernando Alonso started better than Perez but soon – beyond the penalties – the order of things was restored thanks to the entry of the safety car, although not necessary in that particular case but still something rather expected in Jeddah. Ferrari disappointing, only fourth force, with even the 'rejected' Mercedes W14 to stay in front of him.

Ferrari doubts: Aston Martin and Mercedes more consistent, the SF-23 in the race takes 4-5 times the gap of Saturday

The RB19 has pulverized the competition also in Arabia, reiterating that currently between the car of the reigning champion team and the others it is not just a matter of details. "It impresses the ability to generate a lot of load at all speeds and in all types of curves, technical and otherwise. When we finish rotating, they are already accelerating. We must compromise an area of the track in favor of balance, we are obliged. They can run without major compromises." confided an opposing engineer. Clearly the step forward compared to the already winning RB18 has been substantial and no one seems really able to worry, at least in the short term.

Ferrari thought it was closer than in Bahrain because the low risk of tyre degradation put it in a better position to express itself. In Arabia, drivers could push rather quietly, without worrying about tyre saving, with the performance of the cars coming out more clearly. Then there was a smoother asphalt that suggested less limiting conditions to balance the SF-23. Unfortunately, for the Maranello team the gap surprisingly widened (even for the team members itself) bringing further questions, with the SF-23 being simply slow. The technicians have come to terms with reality, brutally discovering through the unjudged judgment of the track that the car is much slower than expected – despite the power recovered – in two circuits with opposite configurations. At the moment I am not yet able to give definitive answers to the many problems present in the race.

The SF-23 for now manages to be reasonably competitive only in qualifying conditions, when the softer compounds compensate with the greater grip – and a shoulder that moves more – the lack of downforce. For better or worse, the excellent Aston Martin and Mercedes are quite consistent over the weekend, while it is extremely difficult to understand how it is possible that on Sunday the Red car accuses a gap four or five times greater than on Saturday.

It's a fundamental problem: understanding of the basic package and some targeted developments to revive the SF-23. Will they be enough?

Historically, Pirelli construction needs a lot of downforce (aerodynamic and mechanical) to exploit the window of use without triggering slippage and thermal degradation. Red Bull and Aston have no problem pushing on the tyres, nor did the Ferrari F1-75, at least before the car ran to higher heights (post DT39). The rather late regulatory changes ended up changing some aerodynamic settings towards the unknown. Several technical directors have complained that these changes have reshuffled the cards too much, because they were approved when the 2023 cars were already at a very advanced stage of definition. It is something that has certainly ended up facilitating Red Bull, they had predicted it from Mercedes, which today has an advantage that is difficult to dissipate, even considering the penalty of development hours due to the overrun of the budget cap, not so significant, even if from Milton Keynes they want us to believe the opposite.

Despite a certain delay on the 675 project, Ferrari was convinced that it was much better. As mentioned, the car not only does not generate the expected load percentage but the problem is that it does so inconsistently. The data show how badly the car performs in support, between 150 and 190 km / h, when at those speeds the load generated is above 900 kg. The technicians took the first two rounds to conduct experiments and recalibrate the simulation and tunnel data. Even the innovations made to the fund in Arabia were designed for this purpose, so much so that they were set aside for the rest of the weekend and "will be useful for a possible future use". According to Sainz, "the car now behaves exactly like in a wind tunnel.", which would be a really good point. "We know where the problem is in the tunnel, what the weak point is. We also know how to further develop the machine but we need time to produce the updates. This could completely change our season." He finished a decisive and positive Spanish rider.

It would seem something closely linked to the bottom and heights from the ground, which affect the (malfunction) of the tires. In Maranello, they confirm, not surprisingly, that in the next appointments there will be news to the fund. In addition, while most of the rival teams unloaded their wings, Jeddah's configuration was against the trend and more charged than Sakhir, which allowed a good response in the slow but paying duty in the straight for about 3-4 km/h compared to the Bahraini wing. The Ferrari SF-23 seems to remain sadly the victim of a too rigid post-TD39 setting, which penalizes above all the use of harder tires, composed with a shoulder that flexes less, with Leclerc and Sainz were not able to convincingly improve their pace, even with empty tanks. The next two months will show if the new rules have really destroyed the basic concept of the Red, in addition to the zeropods, now already rejected without major appeals by Mercedes.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Од тоа што поприлично го зборат, Мерцедес очигледно си пукаа во колено минатата година што ги бараа промените. Ај што ништо не им донесе туку и ги уназади, а ги уназади и Ферари и не оставија да гледаме доминација на РБ. Очигледно само концептот на РБ/Астон фунционира најдобро после ТД39 и сега ситр други ќе треба да го менуваат кон тој. А секако за тоа мислам 2-3 сезони ќе мора да поминат.
Последно уредено:
Член од
6 ноември 2014
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Од тоа што поприлично го зборат, Мерцедес очигледно си пукаа во колено минатата година што ги бараа промените. Ај што ништо не им донесе туку и ги уназади, а ги уназади и Ферари и не оставија да гледаме доминација на РБ. Очигледно само концептот на РБ/Астон фунционира најдобро после ТД39 и сега ситр други ќе треба да го менуваат кон тој. А секако за тоа мислам 2-3 сезони ќе мора да поминат.
Астон го направи тоа за 1 година. Верувам дека Мерцедес нема да тера веќе инат со контроверзниов дизајн и у момент кога ќе направи реплика на Редбулов ќе бидат повторно конкурентни. Ферари дур не се средат организациски, и со реплика на Редбулот/Астонот нема да се конкурентни за титула.


Player hater
Член од
15 јануари 2009
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Превод на англиски:
**Ferrari, there is a...fundamental problem: understanding and developments to revive the SF-23**

In Saudi Arabia, Red Bull had no challengers. Checo Perez did not miss the opportunity to take an easy victory while Max Verstappen, despite starting on the eighth row due to a failure in qualifying, had only the scrum of the first lap between him and the podium. Fernando Alonso started better than Perez but soon – beyond the penalties – the order of things was restored thanks to the entry of the safety car, although not necessary in that particular case but still something rather expected in Jeddah. Ferrari disappointing, only fourth force, with even the 'rejected' Mercedes W14 to stay in front of him.

Ferrari doubts: Aston Martin and Mercedes more consistent, the SF-23 in the race takes 4-5 times the gap of Saturday

The RB19 has pulverized the competition also in Arabia, reiterating that currently between the car of the reigning champion team and the others it is not just a matter of details. "It impresses the ability to generate a lot of load at all speeds and in all types of curves, technical and otherwise. When we finish rotating, they are already accelerating. We must compromise an area of the track in favor of balance, we are obliged. They can run without major compromises." confided an opposing engineer. Clearly the step forward compared to the already winning RB18 has been substantial and no one seems really able to worry, at least in the short term.

Ferrari thought it was closer than in Bahrain because the low risk of tyre degradation put it in a better position to express itself. In Arabia, drivers could push rather quietly, without worrying about tyre saving, with the performance of the cars coming out more clearly. Then there was a smoother asphalt that suggested less limiting conditions to balance the SF-23. Unfortunately, for the Maranello team the gap surprisingly widened (even for the team members itself) bringing further questions, with the SF-23 being simply slow. The technicians have come to terms with reality, brutally discovering through the unjudged judgment of the track that the car is much slower than expected – despite the power recovered – in two circuits with opposite configurations. At the moment I am not yet able to give definitive answers to the many problems present in the race.

The SF-23 for now manages to be reasonably competitive only in qualifying conditions, when the softer compounds compensate with the greater grip – and a shoulder that moves more – the lack of downforce. For better or worse, the excellent Aston Martin and Mercedes are quite consistent over the weekend, while it is extremely difficult to understand how it is possible that on Sunday the Red car accuses a gap four or five times greater than on Saturday.

It's a fundamental problem: understanding of the basic package and some targeted developments to revive the SF-23. Will they be enough?

Historically, Pirelli construction needs a lot of downforce (aerodynamic and mechanical) to exploit the window of use without triggering slippage and thermal degradation. Red Bull and Aston have no problem pushing on the tyres, nor did the Ferrari F1-75, at least before the car ran to higher heights (post DT39). The rather late regulatory changes ended up changing some aerodynamic settings towards the unknown. Several technical directors have complained that these changes have reshuffled the cards too much, because they were approved when the 2023 cars were already at a very advanced stage of definition. It is something that has certainly ended up facilitating Red Bull, they had predicted it from Mercedes, which today has an advantage that is difficult to dissipate, even considering the penalty of development hours due to the overrun of the budget cap, not so significant, even if from Milton Keynes they want us to believe the opposite.

Despite a certain delay on the 675 project, Ferrari was convinced that it was much better. As mentioned, the car not only does not generate the expected load percentage but the problem is that it does so inconsistently. The data show how badly the car performs in support, between 150 and 190 km / h, when at those speeds the load generated is above 900 kg. The technicians took the first two rounds to conduct experiments and recalibrate the simulation and tunnel data. Even the innovations made to the fund in Arabia were designed for this purpose, so much so that they were set aside for the rest of the weekend and "will be useful for a possible future use". According to Sainz, "the car now behaves exactly like in a wind tunnel.", which would be a really good point. "We know where the problem is in the tunnel, what the weak point is. We also know how to further develop the machine but we need time to produce the updates. This could completely change our season." He finished a decisive and positive Spanish rider.

It would seem something closely linked to the bottom and heights from the ground, which affect the (malfunction) of the tires. In Maranello, they confirm, not surprisingly, that in the next appointments there will be news to the fund. In addition, while most of the rival teams unloaded their wings, Jeddah's configuration was against the trend and more charged than Sakhir, which allowed a good response in the slow but paying duty in the straight for about 3-4 km/h compared to the Bahraini wing. The Ferrari SF-23 seems to remain sadly the victim of a too rigid post-TD39 setting, which penalizes above all the use of harder tires, composed with a shoulder that flexes less, with Leclerc and Sainz were not able to convincingly improve their pace, even with empty tanks. The next two months will show if the new rules have really destroyed the basic concept of the Red, in addition to the zeropods, now already rejected without major appeals by Mercedes.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Од тоа што поприлично го зборат, Мерцедес очигледно си пукаа во колено минатата година што ги бараа промените. Ај што ништо не им донесе туку и ги уназади, а ги уназади и Ферари и не оставија да гледаме доминација на РБ. Очигледно само концептот на РБ/Астон фунционира најдобро после ТД39 и сега ситр други ќе треба да го менуваат кон тој. А секако за тоа мислам 2-3 сезони ќе мора да поминат.
Добро ако е така , ако го идентификувале проблемот ферари и работат да го решат , ама скептик сум ….

Coca Cola

Член од
4 јануари 2009
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Neka im gi daat titulite na red bul i ic da ne praat trosok.. i dogodina ke e vaka. prv pat se slucuva ovaa sezona da zaspijam dur gledam... porano televizori krsevme.

zimi 2021 so se jadea maks i hamilton
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