Фан клуб на "Ferrari"

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28 јануари 2009
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Ајде шуми мајстореееееее
Неможеш да не поштуваш ваков човек значи сеа од него не се очекува многу али мислам дека ке направи боом како и да е д леџент ис бек


unlike any other...
Член од
15 февруари 2007
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Шумахер се појави на тестирање

Ке видиме што ке испадне од целата збрка, и дали ке може човекот да се снајди во Ф1 со нови правила. Мазните гуми, керс системот, кратење на 2 цилиндри од машината се само дел од големите промени кои што се случиа во Ф1 по неговото заминување.

Башка на сето тоа и забраната за тестирање, која се надевам дека ке ја тргнат па колку толку човекот ке може да се привикне на новиот болид. Како и да е на првата трка немојте да очекувате којзнае што.
Член од
19 мај 2008
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Се гледа дека Фелипе е свесен за позицијата во која се наоѓа, но најважно од се е тоа што гледа позитивно на работите. Инаку најинтересен е делот кога новинарот го прашува каков совет би му дал на Михаел Шумахер. Како и да е мислам дека ќе биде потполно спремен за стартот на следната сезона.
Член од
8 октомври 2008
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Ќе му биде тешко на Шумахер, но мислам дека одлично ќе се снајде, можеби и ќе победи на некоја трка, којзнае. :)


unlike any other...
Член од
15 февруари 2007
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Ќе му биде тешко на Шумахер, но мислам дека одлично ќе се снајде, можеби и ќе победи на некоја трка, којзнае. :)
Тешко, лесно, Шуми ке зема милионче од трка.

Екстра милионче ке добие за секоја победена трка. Така да Шуми 100% ке ја заврши Ф1 сезонава со 9 милиони повеќе на контото.
Член од
31 јануари 2007
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Само оваа трка или за цела сезона???
Член од
8 октомври 2008
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Официјално ке се знае што ке се прави со Шуми до крајот на неделата. Така да, не е се решено.
Seven-time Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher has abandoned his comeback with Ferrari because of a neck injury.
The 40-year-old, who retired at the end of 2006, was set to deputise for the injured Felipe Massa at the European Grand Prix in Valencia on 23 August.
"Unfortunately we did not manage to get a grip on the pain in the neck which occurred after the private F1-day in Mugello," Schumacher told his website.
Veteran Ferrari test driver Luca Badoer will now stand in for Massa.
Schumacher aggravated a neck injury, suffered in a bike accident in February, whilst trying out a 2007 F1 car as he set about making his comeback.

But the 40-year-old German revealed: "The consequences of the injuries caused by the bike accident, fractures in the area of head and neck, unfortunately have turned out to be still too severe.
"That is why my neck cannot stand the extreme stresses caused by F1 yet. These are the clear results of the examinations we did on the course of the past two weeks and the final examination on Monday afternoon.
"As there were no improvements after the day in Mugello, I decided at short notice on Sunday to do that thorough examination on Monday."
A strong neck is crucial to F1 drivers who face punishing G-forces, and Schumacher contacted Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo and team boss Stefano Domenicali on Monday evening to tell them he had lost his fitness battle.
"I'm very sorry about the problem that will stop Michael returning to racing," Montezemolo said.
"His return would surely have done Formula 1 good and I'm certain we'd have seen him fighting for victory again.
"I want to thank him in the name of Ferrari and all the fans for the attachment to the team he has shown in these circumstances."
With little time to find a replacement for Massa, who is recovering at home in Brazil, from the serious head injuries he suffered during qualifying for the Hungarian GP, Ferrari have named Badoer as Kimi Raikkonen's team-mate in Valencia.
After a decade as a test driver for the team the 38-year-old Italian is himself returning to racing after a long absence.
But Badoer, who tuned his racing abilities by karting with Schumacher in Italy last week, does not bring the German's level of experience and abilities.
He started 49 races for Scuderia Italia, Minardi and Forti between 1993 and 1999 without scoring a point.
His last competitive drive saw him qualify last and retire early from the 1999 Japanese Grand Prix.
Schumacher won five world championships with Ferrari and had been working as a consultant for the Italian team before his decision to come out of retirement to stand in for Massa.
The German, who claimed his other two drivers' crowns with Benetton, has started 249 grands prix, winning a record 91 of them.

His return was eagerly anticipated but, despite trying everything 'medically or therapeutically' possible, he has had to admit defeat.
"I am disappointed to the core," he said. "I am awfully sorry for the guys of Ferrari and for all the fans which crossed fingers for me.
"I can only repeat that I tried everything that was within my power. All I can do now is to keep my fingers crossed for the whole team for the coming races."
And, while the rest of the F1 drivers were enjoying their mid-season break, Schumacher had embarked on a rigorous training regime, resulting in him losing more than six pounds in weight before calling off his return.
"It's hugely disappointing," said David Croft, Radio 5 live's F1 commentator. "The F1 world was very much looking forward to seeing Michael Schumacher locking horns with Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button, Kimi Raikkonen and Fernando Alonso.
"But it's hardly surprising. The g-forces that your neck muscles particularly are exposed to in a modern-day F1 car can take their toll and give you severe punishment during the course of a race.
"If you are not 100% fit, there's no way you can think about driving one of these cars."

Готово е, нема враќање. :toe:


unlike any other...
Член од
15 февруари 2007
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Тука е Бадоер, можеби ќе го освои првиот поен во кариерата оваа сезона, не го отпишувај прерано. :icon_lol:
Се шпекулира дека е можно и Mark Hene да го замени Маса, наместо Бадоер, ке видиме, а како што коментира Еди Џордан, Ферари ке го ангажира Алонзо за наредната сезона - Кими ке добие шут карта? па ке ги гледаме Маса и Алонсо?

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