1897 Fighter
- Член од
- 29 декември 2007
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Како напаѓач во оваа формација треба да биде играч од типот на Амаури. Играч кој најпрво ќе биде одличен шутер и одличен играч со глава. Не дека Дел Пиеро нема да се снајди на таа позиција, ама сметам дека Дел Пиеро многу повеќе би придонел на позицијата на која што играше Џовинко вечерва, отколку кога би играл сам во нападот.Па Alex би можел да игра и како шпиц, е дур тогаш ќе биде многу јако, Алекс,Диего и Џио, мислам дека можат да се уклопат тројцата, не мора цело време Амаури да игра, има многу утакмици верувам дека сите ќе добијат шанса, Амаури тешко проработува (психички е слаб) ама чим проработе нема сопирање.
Buffon - 6: Aside from picking the ball out of the net once from Pazzini, Buffon did not have a single noteworthy save to make.
Grygera - 6.5: Steady down the right hand side was the Czech Republic man. Had very little to do defensively.
Cannavaro - 6.5: Marked Cassano and Pazzini expertly, although he may be a little disappointed for losing concentration and allowing the latter to grab a consolation. Loses half a mark for this.
Chiellini - 8: Gobbled up both Cassano and Pazzini, and was just as impressive down the other end. Scored Juventus' second, and was close to heading home another effort.
Grosso - 7: Did not gallop forward as much as he usually does, perhaps under instructions from Ferrara. Still, almost scored with a stunning long range effort and assisted Trezeguet's goal.
Felipe Melo - 8.5: For a player who supposedly wasn't fully fit, this was some performance by the Brazilian powerhouse, who made the centre of the pitch his own. Melo's best performance since joining Juve.
Sissoko - 7.5: Is well on his way to acquiring full fitness. Alongside Felipe Melo, Sissoko made sure that the Samp midfield were up against two physical monsters.
Camoranesi - 8: Has perhaps been Juve's most consistent player this season, and he was again in top form tonight. Scored the third, made the fourth, and created numerous problems for Samp.
Diego - 7.5: The central cog of Juve's attacking three, and when he is flowing he is a class act. Assisted the opener, and was deeply involved in one of the others. Linked up nicely with Giovinco too.
Giovinco - 8.5: Unstoppable down the left, creating chance after chance for his team-mates all night, including a brilliant assist for Camoranesi's goal. Juve and Italy fans will now hope that he gets a regular run in the team.
Amauri - 9: Back to his best tonight. Scored two goals - the second in trademark fashion, created Chiellini's goal, and was a thorn in Samp's side all night.