Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле...


Persona non grata
Член од
30 јануари 2011
Поени од реакции
If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall, so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you



Член од
20 октомври 2012
Поени од реакции
I know you've suffered,
But I don't want you to hide,
It's cold and loveless,
I won't let you be denied

I'll make you feel pure,
Trust me,
You can be sure

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask,
I want to exorcise the demons from your past,
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart...




Hey you! out there on the road
Always doing what you're told, can you help me
Hey you! out there beyond the wall
Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me
Hey you! don't tell me there's no hope at all
Together we stand, divided we fall.


Te dua zemer ter bota le ta di
pa ty jeta s'ka kuptim
Me fal te lutem eja kthehu ti
te dua zemer une po vuaj per tyyy :love:
Член од
26 август 2013
Поени од реакции
E... uo... e....
sei un piccolo fiore per me
e l'odore che hai
mi ricorda qualcosa
va bè...
non sono fedele mai
forse lo so



I soak up every little bit to sharpen my bones
All grown up still trying to find my way home
I never been cleaned or cloned my hearts never been owned
I'm lonely, but everyone is lonely so I know at least I'm not alone
This road is filled with potholes
But I don't need to tell you something you already know
We're both sinking in the same boat, I wanted you to stay afloat
I did what I could, but you had to learn to swim on your own
You lost your glow and the glitter and the gold
I couldn't stay alive inside your chokehold-hold-hold on
I really gotta go, cause I'm not falling into your hold

I soak up every little bit to harden my skin
No matter how I stand still pulled by the wind
When intention goes limp, wipe the face off my grin
And, love me in the name and kill the people being good friends
A liars lips are the best fingerprints, you can think it isn't there but
I can taste it when we, kiss, trace and paper wrists
I try to draw the line and I missed
But one day I'll be able to look back at this and make some kind of sense of it
I'm not another shin to kick, one foot in the grave both hands in the gym
It took a while to figure we couldn't coexist but I'm not falling into your abyss!!!


Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Well, excuse me, guess I've mistaken you for somebody else,
Somebody who gave a damn...


Заменик министер без титула
Член од
15 февруари 2013
Поени од реакции
До сите оние кои од темава си правеа хит на денот си постирале работи кои не треба мислењата се избришани. Во иднина ве замолувам да не постирате само видео од тоа што можеби ве мрзи текстот да го пишувате бидејќи на темата јасно пишува Стихови од песни што би ги посветиле. Затоа во иднина постирајте видео + текст.
Ви благодарам.


Заменик министер без титула
Член од
15 февруари 2013
Поени од реакции
Да можам бар да се разбудам
во свет на љубовта без стари долгови
и тие сеништа
во чекор што ме демнеат

Да можам бар да те прегрнам
да не се сеќавам на студој есенски
оние патила
што токму нас не следеа...

Да можам бар да те разбудам
со кафе утринско, во кревет заедно
па да те бакнувам
тоа го нема одамна...

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
За едно далечно, одамна заборавено време...

There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember where or when or how
And I banished every memory you and I had ever made
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
If I kiss you like this
And if you whisper like that
It was lost long ago
But it's all coming back to me
If you want me like this
And if you need me like that
It was dead long ago
But it's all coming back to me
It's so hard to resist
And it's all coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now
But it's all coming back
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count up all the chances
That were lost to us forever

But you were history with the slamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then

When you touch me like this
And when you hold me like that
It was gone with the wind
But it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
Then we see what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall
But it's all coming back to me now

If you forgive me all this
If I forgive you all that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
All coming back to me
The flesh and the fantasies
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all coming back to me now
Член од
6 февруари 2010
Поени од реакции
U krajnjem kutu svoje dnevne sobe
gdje ne moze doprjeti nepozvani pogled
na dnu svojih prepunih vitrina
krijes slatku fasciklu s natpisom "intima"
Medj' slikama tebi dragih lica
gdje cuvas svoje spomene i pisma
sve u formi poezije, stiha
nalazi se i moja ljubav tiha

To su pjesme nikad objavljene
napisane zbog voljene zene
al' datumi na njima su stari
vec odavno nema novih stvari
Jer umjesto poetskih visina
iz mene izlazi samo tuga i gorcina
i misao sto se reci ne sm'je
ko te kara nek' ti pise pjesme

Htio bih da budem gospodin
i izbjegnem reakcije bijesne
ali recu kao pravi primitivac
ko te kara nek' ti pise pjesme

Znam da slusas moje nove ploce
sa njima se branim od samoce
i ubacim nesto da strecne
ko te kara nek' ti pise pjesme


Член од
4 декември 2009
Поени од реакции
This offer would be standing
All you've got to do is call
Don't be afraid to knock on the door

If you should fall upon hard times
If you should lose your way
There is a place
Here in this house
That you can stay...


Kajgana Shop

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