да се подзамислиш околу куферите. Заради вакви размислувања во однос на одредени меѓународни сојузи, останавме најдолу на скалата по фди вкупно и по жител, со најнизок стандард, изолирани од светот и со криминал до гуша.
Иако ова зависи и од македонските институции да привлечат инвестиции како и од структурните и разноразни реформи, сепак:
27 August 2018 - By joining NATO, Montenegro received not only the protection of 28 other member states, but a large number of foreign investment...
The economic performance of a nation strongly depends on its ability to provide long-term security and stability. These prerequisites not only promote domestic economic activity, but they also increase the trust of a country’s investors and foreign partners, as well as foster a country’s...
The NATO “economic effect” can better be understood by looking at the following simple, but effective cycle, which results in tangible deliverables to the average citizen: economic growth, job creation, life expectancy, increased foreign direct investment, expenditures in education, healthcare, regional integration, and equal income distribution. Statistical analysis of a new member state makes it possible to conclude that the NATO effect generated short and long-term positive outcomes, which include an immediate increase in economic growth, marked inflow of foreign direct investment; a large decrease in unemployment; life expectancy increases; the doubling of the amount of exports and imports since 2004, and a deficit recovered to equilibrium.
More specifically, after joining NATO in 2004, economic activity in Estonia and Latvia, both post-Soviet states, increased significantly. By 2005, GDP in Estonia jumped from 6.5% to 9.5%, and in Latvia from 8.7% to 10.6%. In Estonia, foreign investment more than tripled from $965.8 million to $3.1 billion after NATO accession. Similarly, such trends started going upwards in Albania, Bulgaria, Latvia, and Lithuania as well. Along with FDI, development assistance has been long recognized as a tool for lifting a nation out of poverty and ensuring its long-term economic prosperity, by making investments in sectors ranging from education to the military. Since 2000, development assistance has been on the rise in NATO partner or aspirant nations.
Economic statistics from NATO's first three Central European members appear to confirm what many have argued: NATO membership confers not only security benefits but economic ones as well. Statistics show that the level of new foreign investment going into Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic...
Analysts say the amount of foreign investment going into Hungary and the Czech Republic, which along with Poland joined NATO in 1999, continues to rise. In Poland, overall foreign investment has declined in the past two years, but the proportion of money going to support new, or "green-field," projects has risen.
She said that since 1999, the amount of foreign investment going to the Czech Republic and Hungary each year is roughly double what it was before NATO expansion. In Poland, direct foreign investment remains one of the few bright spots in an otherwise lackluster economy. Gronenberg said investors are responding to the reduced risk.
While the European Council has once again delayed the commencement of accession talks on EU membership for North Macedonia (as well as Albania), economists at the Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies (wiiw) claim in a new report that NATO accession – which looks set to happen...
“Our model indicates that NATO membership is much more important for FDI inflows than EU membership, in the years immediately before accession.
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